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Luna was not the first with a lust for knowledge, nor was her master Kerioth.

Long ago there were others who discovered the existence of The Ancient and set out in his search, the vast majority did not achieve much else apart from finding a few ancient relics, practically illegible engravings and some other mention in books already forgotten.

But there were those who thanks to their willpower and insistence, came to find the very entrance to the Void, the kingdom where The Ancient is confined.

Young Selena was completely in love with animals, she loved each and every one of them, and she really enjoyed reading about the different creatures and species.

She spent hours and hours studying them and their customs, despite never having seen most of them.

Unfortunately, hers was an unrequited love, the animals didn't like her at all, in fact, they couldn't even bear her presence, they felt something in her, a desire for domination that made them distrust and even lose control when she was around.

This was hugely frustrating for Selena, but that rejection only made her want to learn even more about them, she studied what they liked and how to treat them, she tried again and again but there was no way.

Little by little, Selena lost her patience and began to use increasingly aggressive techniques, deceiving them to attract them, setting traps, by that time anything was valid in order to be able to spend some time with them.

Then she wanted more, to teach them, train them ... to subdue them and use them.

As time went by, Selena got bored with the animals in her area, and it was when she found an ancient book that talked about the strange creatures that lived in the void, that she marked them as her personal goal, she became completely obsessed with finding them and controlling them.

After years of searching, she finally found it, the Void Entrance ... and once she crossed that portal, nothing else was heard of that young animal lover.




I'd love a version with a bit more... cloth^^

Daniela Weiss

Will we get the dragons? Pls tell me we geht them =)


Thanks Matthias! We used all the cloth we had for the acolytes and for Kerioth, it has also gone up a lot in price '^_^, next month being Winter Season an all everyone will have to wear warmer clothing


Yup! "Cute" little dragons are included ^_^ We're studying the best way to print the flying one but they will be both printable separately ;)