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After the dreadful incident with the artifact, each one of the crew was affected in a way ... Dorotea just loved Halloween so now she uses her newly adquired powers to fly around terrorizing everyone just for fun.

That being said, there are "some people" dreaming about her visiting them because of her ... peculiar dressing habits.



Matthew Williams

The modes are wonderful. Lots of character to them. There are so many great Patreons worthy of support but I gravitate towards the quirkier, more accessible model types. I’m new to Role-playing in general, but the Patreons that are managing to put out 5e content for their models are making it much easier to envision how to use them cohesively. Just a thought if you guys are RPGers yourselves. Keep up the good work!


Thank you Matthew! We know there are a lot of good options our there and appreciate you choose our content, it's huge for us ^_^ About rpg and 5e yeah, we are also pretty new here so we started with pirates and tentacles (it seemed like a good starting point haha) but we plan on getting you guys more involved and this weekend we'll release a poll here with different options so you can steer a little bit the direction of Bite the Bullet :D


very curious to see the rest of the November release!


Ey Erwin! We're releasing WIP and a full character and sceneries list for November release in Discord. But for those of you who aren't there we ara gonna also post it here tonight or tomorrow ^_^