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All at the behest of the Princess herself!* Seems like it's got the kingdom a pretty penny- as well as letting some of the citizens vent out some of their feelings c:

you know they would all do it for her.)


But uh yeah; here's the runner-up/#2 winner for that Hole-In-The-Wall poll thing i brought up earlier! Now let me say two things real quick:

1. I already have a good WIP for the other one/big winner! I just don't want to outright share it quite yet because i think the surprise factor could be fun :)!
2. It will likely not be as in-theme and complex as this one is; i had a whole universe and it's aesthetics to work with here, y'dig?

Regardless, i'm gonna have a lot of fun with the next one like i had with THIS one. Hope y'all enjoy!




mmm this was good stuff! great job


god this rules


[casually takes notes on that backsackin]


this is absolutely great!!!!!!