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And THAT is the end of me thumbnailing/sketching this shit out oh my GOD. I'm more or less ready to start actually getting these pages all nice and complete- barring some layout/panel changes i make in the midst of that bc there are indeed some poses i think i could do better on and i am absolutely aware of how bad some of this word bubble layout is, trust. But it's better to have something to stand on before i start decorating the walls, y'dig?

Not to toot my own horn (esp when the shit isn't even DONE done) but 16/17 pages from the initial 4/5 is quite a leap and i'd dare say i'm proud of myself. Finishing all this out will likely go smoother than actually planning/figuring out posing tbh.

Time shall tell!




not only does this make me horny but the characters are just so endearing i love their interactions as well as their personalities. Shane and Shep (shep more) is fr goals for me when around friends im super close with like that (^///^)


Expressions are TOP NOTCH. This is delicious!

Charm Charm

shane do this to me great pages so far!

Hr. Seehund

I feel that Shane & Shep are the definition of an unstoppable vs. an unmovable object.