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Dateline: Turino—The War Nerd finally settles into Comms room—in Turin . . . a luggage miracle? . . . Newsflash: Putin "probably ordered" Litvinenko poisoning . . . "probably"? . . . US admits Russia airstrikes in Syria effective, but— . . . ISIS austerity wage cuts for jihadis . . . Iraq bloodbath . . . Obama authorizes military attacks on ISIL-K, looking back at original 2001 AUMF used as rationale for wars, torture, warrantless eavesdropping—opposed only by Barbara Lee, not Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders . . . 10,000 year old mass grave . . . Sri Lanka civil war between Tamil Tigers and Sinhalese [Continued] — why it matters, what happened, how it ended [hint: badly] . . . 

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Glad to hear about The War Nerd's luggage. :)


Good show as usual. Congratulations on passing the 3000$-mark! Also glad to hear about the luggage and that you've found a nice place to stay. Northern Italy, wow... Do some more on the local history? Italy between the 15th and 18th centuries was a very interesting time. Small nitpick- the city that Assad senior destroyed in -82 was Hama, just north of Homs. Hama is the one that has a rep for Islamism (the unfashionable Brotherhood kind, thouh, rather than Wahhabism). Has been somewhat quiet during the recent uprising - maybe thanks to previous crackdowns? Homs has a somewhat anonymous modern history, from what I've gathered. Interesting is that it was very much affected by the urbanisation of the Syrian bedouin, which I believe is one of the most important dynamics behind this current uprising. Also, I was told that when pronouncing the ghayn you're supposed to "think French". My Arabic teachers always told me to pronounce it like a French 'R' ;) By the way, does anyone else think that the cutting of IS salaries has anything to do with tensions between foreigners and locals? Now that "Jihad highway" is about to close, it's time for IS to sell out their mercenaries. Activists in Raqqah have made a huge deal out of these supposed tensions, focusing very much on ideas the locals have about the luxurious lives of the foreigners.


Dr Dolan, saw your tweet on Syria taking back Rabia. When I first heard it yesterday it was from NPR. Their emphasis was on the small neighborhood of Sheik Maskin, that it was only because of Russian air support (as if that's a bad thing) that Hezbollah played a big role, and that Russian airstrikes were hitting US-backed "rebels" (aka terrorists); intoning is all very bad of the Russians. But in a city outright controlled by Al-Nusra and ISIS for over 4yrs, what are US-backed "rebels" doing sleeping side by side with those terrorists?? It is 3:42mins long, 3mins is spent on Iran's support of Hezbollah. Never mentioned it is 6miles as the crow flies from where Turkey shot down the Russian plane (6.23miles is the runner's loop inside NYC's Central Park). Nor the fact that Rabia is a natural and traditional Alawite stronghold and that after the dust settles it is where the Alawites will naturally call home if given half a chance. CNN had the balls to call it Rabia, but omitted all the other details as well. FauxNews chose to cover it indirectly, that Russians were hunting the neighborhoods for someone who claimed killing the Russian airman as he was parachuting to the ground. Implying it is all very barbaric. But were it the other way around and it was USA doing the hunting, I would expect them to do exactly that and consider my tax dollars well spent in that endeavor. Didn't occurred me to check on the BBC's take on it. Surprised me it provided a bit more substance. Thanks for no nonsense alternative coverage, helps in creating a much better construct of reality.

nick dee

I checked ron paul podcast with lew rockwell. ron paul was talking about his common allies in congress aka the black caucus but you made it sound like if it was some kind of racist when said that they prefered to cut defense for food stamp. but if you check barbara lee herself <a href="http://lee.house.gov/news/press-releases/barbara-lee-votes-against-defense-appropriations-bill-calls-for-cuts-to-bloated" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://lee.house.gov/news/press-releases/barbara-lee-votes-against-defense-appropriations-bill-calls-for-cuts-to-bloated</a> this is exactly what she said! is barbara lees racist herself ? :) . ron paul interview link <a href="https://www.lewrockwell.com/assets/2015/01/420_Paul.mp3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.lewrockwell.com/assets/2015/01/420_Paul.mp3</a> around 8 minutes. If anyone want to check.


Listening to the part about warfare's origins, I remember in anthro discussing hunter/gatherer conflicts between tribes. We certainly talked about remains that had been found where wounds were inflicted that were obviously from man made weapons. These were ones from 1000s of years ago, long before agriculture.