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Dateline: Turin — Houbara bustards vs Qatari royal sheiks . . . American terrorism panic, GOP woofers & their deep faith in Curtis LeMay carpetbombers  . . .  Mosul, Al-Raqqah parallels . . . distinguishing between different Kurdish power-factions . . . weird alliance between Barzani & Erdogan . . . Trying to make sense of Mosul . . . Siege of Turin . . . Nigeria massacre of Shia cult . . .

Direct linkto mp3: http://exiledonline.com/wnradio/WN%20Podcast11.mp3



Jessie Cherbak

Iraqi politics vs. The Godfather: Barzani vs Barzini


Epideictic rhetoric, how Aristotelian of you. Anyhow, people use crises and events like San Bernadino to make the points and take the actions they wanted to all along. For some reason, we have this lingering assumption that a big event, such as an attack, fundamentally changes things. It doesn't, at least not like they want it to. It merely intensifies trends which were already there. Bellicose nationalists get even more bellicose, for example. It is very rare that you ever see someone suggest an action after a crisis or an attack that they didn't want to do long before it happened.


Dr Abdussamad Umar Jibia kindly provides us with some insight into the minds of seriously deluded salafists with his open letter about shiites in Nigeria. Notice how he calls out the "original" shiites for being sneaky jewish converts trying to ruin the muslim ummah, and labels the Nigerian shi'a as "something much worse that Boko Haram". <a href="https://www.naij.com/438590-naij-com-author-about-the-rise-of-shia-islam-in-nigeria.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.naij.com/438590-naij-com-author-about-the-rise-of-shia-islam-in-nigeria.html</a> I love how the lengths of the episodes keep swelling (yet the quality is better than ever), but I hope the War Nerd song will be back next time, had to start of with the first 30 seconds from last week.


Awesome episode! Gettign into details on the nuances of the conflicts in Syria/Iraq is what's missing, most of the time. Love this kind of stuff. Going for 90 minutes is so much better - nothing is rushed. Btw, interesting things are happening around Bashiqa! Turkish soldiers were among the ones under attack in the recent IS offensive/raid north of Mosul: <a href="http://ekurd.net/islamists-attack-turkish-troops-iraq-2015-12-17" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://ekurd.net/islamists-attack-turkish-troops-iraq-2015-12-17</a>


Nice episode Explaining that the Barzani clan is a major player and to the right. However there are democratic movements in Iraqi Kurdistan and they do have elections and people do vote for many different parties and the split between left and right parties is about 50%, and the Barzani clan does not control every party and not even all right wing parties ALSO! Other people are waking up to the realization that there are many different Kurdish groups here is an article that came out a day or so after your podcast and I doubt it was written with anything you said in this podcast, the article seems like a big job and took probably some time to write, but you of course might have had an impact overall on what you have said over the years, just not specifically this last podcast <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/us-isis-syrian-kurds_5655e7a3e4b072e9d1c1641b" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/us-isis-syrian-kurds_5655e7a3e4b072e9d1c1641b</a> By the way the Talibani clan needs to change its name, no way, no how will it ever get support with a name like that