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Dateline: Budapest—With Trump talking about ethnic expulsions, a brief history of population transfers, ethnic cleansing, expulsions . . . The War Nerd writes to Amnesty International about their weird report accusing Kurdish YPG/J of ethnic cleansing; Amnesty wrote back to the War Nerd: "Amnesty International does not accuse the YPG of ethnic cleansing . . . " Biblical ethnic cleansing & Yahweh . . . Spain's expulsion of Jews (including Ames' family) . . . eastern Turkey & Armenia . . . Sudan, Congo . . . British Empire ran of population transfers . . . New Model Army . . . Meanwhile in Mosul . . . Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front" is a bummer . . .  

Link to mp3 here: http://exiledonline.com/wnradio/War%20Nerd%20Episode%2010.mp3




Trump is the Idi Amin of America, a raving incalculable madman that belongs on the political fringes and pisses off far too many people to ever last very long in power (though, maybe that is not his actual agenda). Like Brecher has written about previously it is often the "moderate" leaders that are the most dangerous ones because their mouths are not bigger than their brains which enables them to the same nasty stuff and get away with it. Now hardcore fascists, such as the likes of Rubio and Cruz, have in Trumps presence suddenly become the moderate alternatives silently climbing the polls. The fact that Trump has got all this support demonstrates just how many angry delusional white xenophobes there actually are in the US. One day when the american oligarch class lose patience with, or simply interest in, an ethnic or religious minority in the US, there are going to be pogroms and genocide.


Great podcast, which I'd like to forward to some older folk I know. But they wouldn't appreciate Mark's profanity (neither do I actually - it's unnecessary).


Excellent episode. Particularly enjoyed your thoughts on 'All Quiet and 'Journey - more novel(or any media) recommendations/reviews on related stuff would be awesome.


Mosul was never a "miracle" outside of US propaganda. Much has ben written about how IS(I) pretty much had a "below the ground"-presence in the city from 2004 onwards (see, for example, what Tamimi has written and said about their extortion networks in the city). The fall of Mosul was never a "blitzkrieg assault" by a couple of Toyotas, but the culmination of a long-term, Collins-style urban guerrilla campaign. It's not so much a story about what the Iraqi army did wrong, as a story about what IS did right. --- Also - about the supposed "lunacy" of Hitler's love of war ... It's not like the guy was alone -or exceptionally crazy, for that matter (and yes - he was 100% a west-front soldier). Remarques participation in WW1 ammounted to a total of one (!) month before he was sent to a hospital because of shrapnel. And he was never really a front-soldier. His version of the war, in other words, is a sort of civilian horror story, rather than that of a soldier. For this reason, it's a good thing to complement his stuff with some of what was actually written from the front - to make sense of hat actually happened, and why so many Europeans were eager to do it all again. One of the more interesting is of course Jüngers "Storm of Steel", simply because of his cold (Prussian soldier-) style and teh fact that he was an actual, hardcore front-soldier. Poor guy gets a bad rep for supposedly being a "fascist", but it's pretty obvious that he represented something way older than that. It's not like it should change your basic idea about the horrors of the trenches. Remarque is still "valid" (but Barthas - recently translated to English - is so much more interesting!) - but the idea about WW1 as a war without old-school warriors and "glory" is far from nuanced.


Hey hey Too much Trump Only the last 30 minutes are interesting About Spain Spain is going through an economic crisis so the healthcare has taken a hit HOWEVER one could get a Spanish citizenship and then move to any EU country which is your right as a member of the EU, and live in that country for 6 months and become a citizen there, so moving to a more successful country could be an option, for example the UK where you already know the language. About the Cons They never see them selves as wrong and there are always 50 excuses why they weren’t wrong on any issue For example the Iraq thing was going perfectly and the surge fixed all problems and if only the President who they call derogatory names had done more of the same then of course everything would have been fine. So in their minds the problems were created by President Obama and not them.