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Link to mp3 herehttp://exiledonline.com/wnradio/War-Nerd-Episode-9.mp3

Dateline: Budapest McDonalds. . . Opium Wars in San Jose (or "stealing one's mom's Vicodins") . . . Trump lies about Civil War battle, angers war pedants . . . Mercenaries — UAE hires Colombians to fight in Yemen, as mercenaries increasingly become the norm . . . 21st C political economies make mercenary work sensible . . . "progress" in Yemen war . . . [technical difficulties . . . ] San Bernardino massacre as hybrid of workplace massacre + Islamist "terrorism" . . . 

At 51:23 — we discuss DUNE: 50th anniversary of Frank Herbert's novel . . . does it hold up? . . . Bay Area literary scene in 1965 . . . Herbert/Vance/Le Guin/Dick vs Updike/Mailer/Pynchon . . . novel vs David Lynch film . . . 




The old tradition of Sippenhaft- blaming the entire family for your crimes- see Lidice, etc...


If anyone sets up a gofundme or kickstarter or whatever for "The World of Perky Pat," I will contribute to it.


what is the origin of that guitar bit at the start of the podcast?

alejandro sosa

This, originally reported by AFP, makes no goddamned sense: <a href="http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/05/iraq-orders-turkey-to-immediately-withdraw-troops-sent-across-border," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/05/iraq-orders-turkey-to-immediately-withdraw-troops-sent-across-border,</a> It's not so much that Turkey would be willing to violate Iraq's sovereignty that beggars belief, because 'Iraqi sovereignty' is an oxymoron. Rather, it is this part that rings alarm bells: "Peshmerga forces from Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region are deployed in the area, and Turkey’s Anatolia news agency said the troops were there to train them." Now I know that the PKK, YPG, and the KDP often don't see eye to eye, but I cant square this up with everything going on in this war. What's this about?


Thanks for the link. Even when I was in Kurdistan, the KRG and Turkey were very tight. All new construction was by Turkish corporations. I think KRG has only gotten more tight with Turkey since then. The PKK/YPG is a whole different thing. I don't think they even get along very well with KRG.


I was really pleased to hear the discussion of PKD and Perky Pat's Layouts. I just finally got a friend to read "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" a couple of weeks ago, explaining that it is probably the best literary representation of that weird dream-state feeling that you get from being up for several days on an amphetamine binge that I've ever encountered. I kept trying to explain the book, and finally gave up, saying, "just read the damn book!" I'd never made the connection before between the quality of Three Stigmata, and PKD's discipline that he developed by having to churn out novels basically on spec.


"pynchon is unreadable garbage." Thank you! I remember trying to read The Crying of Lot 49 and getting very, very angry about characters with names like Oedipa Maas, Mucho Maas, Mike Fallopian, etc. One of my copies of a PKD novel had the very same back handed compliment comparing PKD and pynchon, and it absolutely pissed me off. Not sure which is worse, that, or WIlliam T. Vollman doing an afterword in newer editions of Journey to the End of the Night.


I find myself regularly returning to this episode... The Dune conversation is just awesome, guys,


I'm a huge fan Vance, and it makes me sad so many of my younger SF reading friends have no idea who he is.


Great episode. You guys should do one dedicated to Philip K Dick. Or to your favourite sci-fi novels in general. Now that I think of it, it would be great to have Eileen back on and do an episode on the best sci-fi movies. It might be straying a bit far from the topic of warfare, but I don't think it really matters. As a long time fan of the eXile and Dolan, I'd be willing to pay good money for it.


Just one small quibble: I'm surprised when discussing the best things about the Dune movie, you didn't mention Brad Dourif's terrific performance as the psychopathic mentat, Peter De Vries. It is only a small part of the movie, but it's just one of those cases where the casting and performance is so good, it's impossible to ever again imagine anybody else playing the part.


You're right! Sorry I left him out, especially because I've always been a Dourif fan. Dunno if you've ever seen it but he played Hazel Motes in John Houston's movie of Wise Blood. No one else ever could play Hazel Motes after that.


I have indeed seen Wise Blood! I wasn't aware of the Flannery O'Connor novel before I saw the movie. I tracked the DVD down specifically because Brad Dourif was in it. It's probably his definitive performance. Lamentable that he rarely got the chance to play a lead role again after that. That said, Dourif is one of those rare actors who has the capacity to elevate even B-grade dreck, merely by his appearance. Take Alien: Resurrection - an otherwise shitty movie that has a great, totally nuts cameo from Dourif - or Exorcist III - actually a pretty decent horror movie with a couple of really scary scenes, and again, a totally off the hook performance from Dourif. There's a lot I could say about Wise Blood, but it's probably beyond the scope of the comments section here. Suffice to say that I'll likely never again see a movie as searing, cynical and bleak in its depiction of faith and social and spiritual alienation as this one. It's uncomfortable, disturbing viewing, but a must-see for those who have the constitution for it.


Found this quote from the novel: “Later he saw Jesus move from tree to tree in the back of his mind, a wild ragged figure motioning him to turn around and come off into the dark where he might be walking on the water and not know it and then suddenly know it and drown.” - I think it's fair to say that I need to read this post haste.