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   Okay first off, look at that BEAUTIFUL cat up there. Glorious right? You agree? Great. Anyway it's time for another Q&A! If you've got some burning questions, I might have some answers. Submit them in the comments section of this post or write them in at: MysticRyan@Gmail.com 

  As usual, you can submit whatever you'd like. Be it games, the games business, personal interests & hobbies, oddball scenarios, whatever really. In about 1-2 weeks I'll film the answers and post it up here. And for now we'll stick with the quarterly schedule, the last one we did was in December. So after this one the next would be in June. So don't forget to submit for this one! Alrighty, I'm out. PEACE. 

- Ryan 



Adam Razak

Hey, Ryan! If PlayStation gave you carte blanche to make whatever film adaptation of their IP's you wanted, which one would it be, why, and how would you do it? Personally, I would turn Sly Cooper into a hand-drawn animated heist film, because I've dreamt of that film becoming a reality since the PS2 days. Love the channel and you continue to put out some of the very best PlayStation content out there.


With PlayStation being more willing to post their games on PC, (GoW, Uncharted, DG, HZD) do you think it would be possible for PlayStation to release smaller games on other platforms? Personally I believe Dreams would be a perfect game on Nintendo Switch. Speaking of Switch, which Gen 9 Starter are you going to pick? Springatito gang


Hey Ryan, Do you prefer to play PS5 games in performance mode or whatever mode offers the highest graphical fidelity? I’m curious because choosing between fidelity and performance is a new decision to make for console players. Love the videos and keep up the great work!


With this console generation being the era of “studio/publisher acquisition” I have two questions: 1: Is there a studio/publisher that if Microsoft were to acquire that would make you really think about just committing to mainly being an Xbox gamer? 2: What is the one studio/publisher (wildest dreams or realistically) that Sony could acquire that would effectively end this?


Hey Ryan. When you move out of your current apartment do you intend to upgrade anything on your "setup", for an example Tv/Monitor? Really like how you make sure to bring the best playstation related news for the friday show and how much love you put while making the rest of the videos, especially your documentaries, they are so very well organised and presented!


Hey Ryan! Lately Colin Moriarty had spoken on his podcast about wanting you on, but said that you ignored his advances. Was this intentional? Are you open to being on it in the future? Love your content man, keep up the great work!


Hey Ryan. Do you happen to have a favorite childhood gaming memory? Mine will always be playing Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire with my dad as a kid on the Nintendo 64 with him beating the hard bosses and playing through parts that scared me as a kid. As always, thanks for the great Playstation content


Hey dude my question for you is, was there someone who inspired you to be a YouTuber or was it something else. Also awesome content love your documentary videos and the news on Friday is dope.


I'm sure by now you've heard the debate about if there are more wheels or doors in the world? I was wondering what your take on this is, maybe change it up and think in the world of all video games are there more doors or wheels? I was originally team #doors but now I'm on the fence cause there is a lot of wheels out there as well.


G'day Ryan, love your content been a Patron for 2 years now and been loving the extra content and supporting you. Couple of questions. 1. When you mention being into finaces, do you have any podcasts or other sources that help you or gain info from. P.S What podcasts in general are you into? 2. What happened to the old vlogs/food reviews on Patreon as they aren't avaliable anymore? Loved re watching these for a laugh. #bringbackshoevlog2016


Hi Ryan, i had a few questions regarding the soulsborne games from Fromsoftware, namely: - What is your opinion on them? (Anything they do right/wrong in your opinion? ) - I know you played Demon Souls, but did you go/suffer through any of the other installments in the franchise? - If you did play Sekiro. how did you find it? Am looking to pick that one up next! (Elden Ring noob here😅) As i already said earlier, love your content and keep em coming!


Hi Ryan, Since I’m new to your channel sorry if I ask questions that has been asked before, but here are mine: - which game did you ever regret buying? - which unannounced game would you like to see in PSVR2? - if you were about to work for a PlayStation studio as let’s say ‘vlogger / communication-staff / promotion-team’ which studio would you work for? - Would you advocate for easy mode in every game so that’s approachable for every audience? Thanks in advance, love your content and keep up the good work!


Whats up Ryan, Curious about the YouTube business side of things. Do "evergreen" videos do as well as people say they do? Wondering if you consider the immense effort of those (compared to shorter videos) to be worth it from a long-term business channel growth perspective. Have you noticed if these types of videos are driving the growth of your channel? Or, is it the bread-and-butter weekly Tuesday and LTPS videos that's responsible for the channel's engagement and success? Keep up the great work man and thanks for doing these Q&A's.


Hey Ryan, thanks for all the great content. There’s a lot of departments that contribute to making video games: narrative, sound design, level design, UI, etc. What interests you the most and if one of those things is lacking stands out the most to you? Sending best wishes from WNY/Buffalo area


If there was one piece of gaming history you could buy why and what would it be?


1. What trends or kinds of games do you miss from previous console eras? Personally I really miss those 7/10 B/AA tier PS2/3 era games you just don't get quite as much of these days, it feels like it's either AAA or indie and there's not quite as much interesting stuff in the middle as there used to be. 2. Do you think this is the last console generation that will offer physical games? Or will the rise of game collecting & Limited Run type companies keep physical alive?


Sup. 😈 Anyway, hope you're doing well nowadays, world is still pretty intense, but your vids make my day pretty okay, so that's great! You probably hear this way too much, but keep up the good work man! 1. Do you think PlayStation will have some interest in the Steam Deck? We've seen earlier on how PS games run on it and it has some alright performance atm. When certain PS games do eventually go onto the PC port, do you think they'll spend some time making it more playable for the Deck besides porting it for PC? 2. Has Melissa ever been interested in a game you've played before? She probably sees you playing so much that she's gotta be looking at whatever you're playing at some point. But I'm sure you and Melissa will spend some quality time w/ Stray :D