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  First off -- look at those PS Vita boxes. Beautiful right? I recently bought some box protectors for them. So now they're fully protected for some long-term box collecting reverence. 

  Anyway, it's been far too long so let's do another question and answer! Whatever you wanna throw at me, write it below. A week from now I'll film all your answers. Like the last video, it'll probably be a bit long so I'll timestamp where your answered question actually is. Easy right? I thought so. Anyway, write below all your burning curiosities! 




If the money didn't matter where would you choose to live and what would you do for a dream job if you had to stop youtube?


What was you *super secret* job prior to becoming a full time youtuber?


Ryan, your passion for games and specifically PlayStation got me into collecting more so than I had previously! Always appreciate your videos. My question: What PlayStation franchises/games would you want to see revived this generation? Resistance, Jak and Daxter, etc.


Where’s the first place you are going to go on vacation once Covid calms down? Also, what game do you think is underrated that most people skipped that I definitely should play?


Hey dude how's it going. With all these remakes being made Crash bandicoot, Spyro, Mafia & among other games do u Think Rockstar will do it or get another joint company to remake their old games like Gta vice city (which IMO is the best Gta from the Radio stations to the characters & other things it would be awesome to see vice city with today's graphics) I'm pretty sure I read in 2019 I think the head of take two (or one of the higher ups) said in a interview they was gonna make I think 83 games over the next 5 years or something along those lines so I get a feeling remakes of old games like Vice city, Bully, Gta3 & others might get remakes. Do u think game companies will be less scared now pushing back games multiply times after the shitstorm that was cyberpunk 2077 I think they would rather take the heat for pushing back games then getting blasted like Cyberpunk 2077 did


If you could rank the PlayStation consoles and handhelds (with favourite games per system), can you make that in a future video?


Cool to have another QnA! I’ll keep it straightforward. What are some of the most valuable collector’s items you have? What are some of your favorites? Any more thoughts on Tesla? What do you think is a realistic timeframe for EVs to be commonplace? You had a lot of great insight in the last QnA. Any thoughts on the new Mars rover Perseverance? Maybe that wasn’t as straightforward as I intended. (Don’t feel pressured to answer everything.) Thanks, man!


What was the first YouTube milestone you hit where you realized your channel could be something above the ordinary and at what point did pursuing this full-time become an achievable goal for you?


Is there any new games you are looking forward to this year ? Do you think you would ever ship merch to Canada ? Also do you have a favourite colour ? Mine is every shade of blue!


Do you pour the milk first or cereal Who's your favorite superhero Why did you choose PlayStation over Xbox Do you have a girlfriend Do you shop at the PlayStation gear store If you could be in any game what would it be If you can have any superpower what would it be Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years


Favorite PS2 memory? Under appreciated games you wish got more attention of any console generation? Favorite Nintendo games?


Do you play any Games as a Services or Live Games like Destiny or The Division? If not, are there any out there you would like to get deeply into if you had the time?


Hi. My questions: how many friends of PSN do you know personally? Do you still befriend the very first one?


Hey man hope all is well! My question is do you have any personal goals or targets that you want to try and hit this year, YouTube related or not? I remember a while ago you said you had plans of moving into a new property, I imagine covid has had an impact on that, any updates regarding those plans?


Hey Ryan hope you are doing well during the beer flu are you and your family and friends are staying safe also have you ever been to a Buffalo Bills or Bisons or Sabers game or even when the Yankees were playing the Blue Jays last year and possibly this year because of ya know the beer flu I sent to recall you are a Yankees and Lakers fan I was sure about football or hockey anyway keep up the good work ft Melissa and tell her I say hi also any update on your childhood friend who I'm blanking on his name when will he guest star again


Short question on my end, do you have any recommendations for some slightly unknown PS Vita Games? Just got into collecting for that system and can't really decide what I want to buy first. :)


Question: Where did you get the box protectors and do they make box protectors for all hardware packaging?


If you could, what Playstation video game character would you most like to be?


I can answer one 😅 because u can play basically play all the Xbox games on PC. Plus PS has just been around Alot longer so we fans r loyal to the console 😊 I've only had the first Xbox because my brother gave it to me 😅but have always gotten the new PS that came out plus Sony just has better exclusive that r always basically up for GOTY or the other awards 😇


Hey Ryan! How do u deal with your backlog of games? You've talked before about not having time to play due to being so busy so how do u decide what games to dedicate your free time to? I have a huge back log myself and with trophy hunting on top it takes even longer to finish games. Also is there any chance we could see a return to some lets plays or Ryan On Gaming videos in the future?


Last QA I mentioned that Naughty Dog should make an Indiana Jones game but Uncharted style. Bethesda is working on an Indiana game currently. What do you suspect the type of gameplay/story could be? Do you have a UK or Asia PSN acct? If so, do you know of any trustworthy sites to get their currency PSN cards? Lastly, who’d you have a crush on with on Saved By The Bell? Lisa, Kelly or Jesse? Haha! Thanks for the great weekly PS content.


Will a poor review for a video game put you off from buying it, or do you decide off promotional material/gameplay regardless of reviews?


How do you balance doing youtube, social life, and playing video games?