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  Hi Patrons! Here is an exclusive (ridiculously long) rough cut of what I hope to be tomorrow's video. I'm still editing it right now but before I chop it up dramatically and 'clean' it up with proper transitions/titles/jokes - here is this monstrosity of footage where you get to see a lot more of my attempts and gameplay. 

  Some portions of this are indeed rough, with audio missing or direct cuts out of context, etc. But I'm aiming to cut this down by a vast amount for the final edit so hopefully you enjoy skimming through this. In hindsight it was an awful idea, this was way too much footage to sift through. But for those curious, go to the very end where I've cut up all of my genuine anger moments where I swear left and right like some sort of sailor who's lost his spinach. 


Cuphead Platinum Run [EXTENDED]

Hi Patreon supporters, I hope you enjoy this (very rough) extended cut of my Cuphead Platinum run. Here's a little behind the scenes discussion: This video was a massive pain to make, and it's one of those things where the more I kept filming it, the more I knew editing would be awful. Then when I started editing, the more I knew I couldn't back down from all the time spent on it. Eventually it amounted to hours of breaking down footage. Then we've got this, nearly two hours of what I considered the key highlights/transitions. But, you can't do a two hour YouTube video. Or at least I wouldn't. Most people won't watch it, and I am completely against multiple parts as that format hasn't worked all that well before. (And it's not really a format I do anyway). So, I'm left with trimming it down even more. The goal was to have the final video at a close runtime to the '30 Platinums in 30 Days' video. Admittedly, with the final count at 37 minutes - I wasn't too pleased with how it turned out. Final video had to skip too many discussions/transitional moments that were deemed unimportant. Most gameplay sequences needed to be sped up, and it just seemed like more of a very long montage. But alas, this is what I mustered up. Not sure if I'll approach another trophy video like this, where it's one game from start to finish. But for now, it was an interesting lesson of biting off more than you can chew! -Ryan



Almost 2 hours holy crap 😂 Some cutting down you've got to do!


Your reactions to beating some of those bosses had me just as excited as you were! All the WTFs at the end of video were hilarious. Hahahaha I’m sure all trophy hunters can relate. Congrats on the Platinum, can’t wait to see the next video. 👍🏾


Thank you! Absolutely had one too many frustrating moments.


That was brutal. Well done. Such a good game, I played on XB1 a while ago. This is a plat I can't see myself going for any time soon. I don't recall getting past the 2nd island last time.


Good job! That platinum was beyond difficult but I just achieved it a couple of days ago as well. For sure of of my most proud trophies