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  Per one of my previous posts here, I discussed a failed video idea that I will be uploading here. This tweet reveals the topic of that very bad idea. For some reason it seemed like a brilliant idea to buy a boat load of Hannah Montana. I'll save the rest for when I actually upload it. Only reason why I haven't done it yet is I'd like to film a sort of post-mortem discussion about the video. There's only about five minutes of actual footage anyway from the original idea.

  And much like I mentioned during the Cuphead Platinum run - the amount of footage I have is borderline ridiculous. So the editing on that video is taking much longer than I bullishly expected. But the good news is Patreon will probably get a true extended cut before I decide to trim it down for YouTube. That, and I'm saving every clip where I swear. (Those definitely won't make it to YouTube). What you'll see is genuine frustration and how I can all around have a potty mouth. Which I openly did years ago on the channel before realizing 'hey, maybe don't do that'. Ah well! 

  Hope you're all doing well. Only a few more weeks for PlayStation 5's price and release date announcement! 




I thought I remembered some more swearing in those earlier Let’s Plays 🤔


Definitely! I'm still like that in person but you have to clean up for YouTube haha.