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This week has been relatively quiet as we eagerly await the PS4's last major exclusive, Ghost of Tsushima. But then we heard that Sony is apparently doubling PS5 manufacturing in order to meet holiday demand! That certainly is encouraging, and based off of how many people are so eager to pre-order, we've gotta talk about all these new Amazon listings and people believing the price/release date rumor. Also, we're getting some hands-on DualSense coverage today from Geoff Keighley! Thanks Geoff! (He's a swell guy, can we stop clowning him for the Doritos (TM) and Mountain Dew (TM) stuff?)




Loving Ghost of Tsushima, so beautiful. Easily one of my favorite first party titles for this generation. With Sekiro and Tsushima doing well, hopefully From Software gets confident enough to back Aquire for a new Tenchu game.