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Hello Patrons! 

Here is the Hey Ram Watchalong. We watched the version that is available on Amazon Prime. Don't know if there are other versions out there but we're letting you know which one we watched just in case. 

If you watched this and enjoyed it, please can you let us know so we know to continue making these for you. Thanks! 


HEY RAM | Watchalong


ameera suhada

I enjoy all your reaction, feel happy everytime we can watching together. Jaby and achara let's watching chennai express, time to change mood for comedy and action 😆✌


Awesome. There are so many hidden layers in this movie that even today it is still being decoded. This is a recent one I came across https://www.cinemaexpress.com/photos/slideshows/2020/feb/22/20-years-of-hey-ram-decoding-45-stunning-frames-from-kamal-haasans-magnum-opus-that-are-more-than-922.html. It just takes a few minutes. PS Thy person who played Gandhi is Naseeruddin Shah.


This film is based on one of the most important events that happened just before the independence of Indian subcontinent from British rule. The event is known as Direct Action Day which helped in speeding up the creation of Pakistan. Thousands lost their lives and Gandhi was devastated after seeing the communal violence in its worst form. He visited the riot affected areas but was forced to leave by politicians back then. This infuriated many Right Wing groups for not standing up for his community which led to his assassination later next year. As a foreigner, I think you won't understand the importance of this event. Looking forward to watch it along with you guys.


That was a really interesting read! There were some things that I had noticed in there while watching and many things that I had not even thought about or realized. Especially all the parallels to the Ramayana and Hindu gods and goddesses. My knowledge of the Ramayana is rusty and rudimentary at best so it was really cool to have those connections made clear. Watching this movie really brought out the literature nerd in me. I used to love breaking down books and poetry in English class in highschool and the same with film. Hey Ram is so rich in symbolism and imagery that it’s impossible to get it all on first viewing. - AK


It definitely helps to know the context now. I think while watching it, we knew it was important and definitely horrific but we were confused about the details and context of it all. Thanks for educating us!

Aswad Chowdhury

Firstly, Achara - we definitely appreciate all the watchalongs. One of the main reasons I support you here is to watch these. I rented this important movie for £3 and watched it with the both of you. I would have done so otherwise - alone and intimidated. You both introduced me to this film. It is an essential film for all to watch, irrespective of background. Trying my best to express my view succinctly is tough here on Patreon! This should be a part of India's national curriculum. Whether one wants to see reality for what it is or not, we cannot avoid it. Violence in the form of religion continues to permeate our world in many different examples - unfortunately. One of the only ways we can learn from history is to educate ourselves continuously. Let us all withhold judgement on any topic, engage with those different from us and strive to first improve ourselves. Bravo to the entire cast and Kamal Haasan. especially. What a time to watch this film against the backdrop of what's happening in the US. Race, religion and any other differences - let's celebrate them. For those who hate, look into yourself - How does that hate benefit you? Read on history and politics. Speak to your grandparents and elders - hear their pain and how much they struggled. Trust reputable sources, always exercise your brain and approach material critically. I could write more but - thank you!

Aswad Chowdhury

Oh and some comments about the film. It was so interesting how it described the journey as Ram says of making murderers out of ordinary men. Partition was a brutal process. People lost their wealth, families etc. It was sad to see people use religion to divide and justify violence. I enjoyed how the film respectfully addressed that issue. One of the phrases that repeated throughout the film - "The real disciples of Lord Vishnu are those who can feel other's pain" - was used well in scenes, if I rememeber. The present day as black and white - my interpretation - it is to show that even though this is present day, one could easily interchange this with the past. Violence based on division through religion continues - as it does even today. So much to unpack from this film but this is just a few very brief ideas 10 minutes after watching the film. Thank you so much again - Achara and Jaby - please stay safe and take care! :)


The opening song sounds familiar because it is a Hindu song sung in a Muslim prayer style.