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The rooftop was in chaos as clone faced off against clone. Shizuka was weakly struggling against her doppelganger. Nano and her double fought incredibly efficiently. Hakari and Karane were more focused on each other than their own doppelgangers. And Rentaro? Last time either he or his clone has been seen one of them was running around and asking for duct tape. It has since been hours since they were last spotted.

The cause of this battle was the combination of the Makes-An-Exact-Duplicate-Of-You-That-Is-Indistinguishable-From-The-Original drug and the Makes-You-Want-To-Fight-Your-Clone-In-Order-To-Prove-Who-The-Original-Is drug, which were created by a little mad scientist of a chemist named Yakuzen Kusuri. She wasn't immune to her own drugs, and at the moment she was facing off against her own doppelganger.

A short and childish red-haired scientist, the form a result of a failed Immortality Drug, was facing another short and childish red-haired scientist, the form a result of a failed Immortality Drug. The both of them were slowly drawing wooden toy swords out of sheaths, posing dramatically so they could look like the Kagurabachi or whatever his name was.

The two quickly slashed each other, attacking with a speed that they imagined to be blinding though was truthfully rather slow. The air was still after the strike, or at least that was how they imagined it, and all was silent before the both of them staggered to the ground.

"You're good aye," Kusuri said under her breath.

"You as well aye," Kusuri said under her breath.

It may not have been an effective attack, but it was cool.

But this was getting the duo nowhere. They had tried all of the coolest moves from manga they could think of, and none of them were effective at taking the other down. There was seemingly nothing left that the two could do to each other, and that meant Kusuri only had one plan left...

"GRANNY! Help! I can't defeat my doppelganger!" Kusuri went to get the aid of her grandma, who didn't look a day older than her thanks to drugs. "I need your help!"

"I'd love to help you dear," Yaku said. "But unfortunately I'm in a predicament myself yes..."
Sitting properly on her knees, Yaku faced her own exact doppelganger. The air was still yet tense between them, the two hesitating to make a single move.

"Then what should I do? My doppelganger is undefeatable!"

"Kusuri..." Yaku gave her granddaughter a pat on the head. "You're the most brilliant girl I know, and the greatest drug maker in the family. If anyone is able to overcome something like this, it would be you."

Kusuri looked back at her own duplicate, feeling the hatred she had come back to her once more. What she saw before her was a danger to the people she loved, someone that could easily melt them all to piles of goop, someone that could hurt the only people that were willing to accept her. She knew all of these feelings were just fabrications made by the Makes-You-Want-To-Fight-Your-Clone-In-Order-To-Prove-Who-The-Original-Is drug, she developed the drug herself after all, but there was probably some bit of truth in them. She didn't want her place in this family to be taken away, and she was willing to fight herself for this purpose.

"Got it!" Kusuri pulled out a drug from her lab coat. "I'll hit her with the If-This-Gets-Splashed-On-You-Your-Skin-Will-Burn-With-Unimaginable-Pain drug! That will stop her!"

The next segment of this story had to be cut for legal reasons.

After the two washed off the burning sensation with buckets of Negation drug, the two went to face each other once more. That drug may have failed them, but they had hundreds of drugs under their disposal. At least one of them should be able to finish the job.

Kusuri grabbed a vial from inside her lab coat and chugged down the drug within. The Human-Magnetization drug turned the human body into a giant magnet, and attracted all forms of metal towards them. Small metals like paper clips and safety needles and the Shizukas' poor cell phones were now stuck to their skin. Their heads were the north pole and their legs were the south pole, and like two magnets the two found themselves strongly attracted to each other.

The north pole was attracted to the south pole and the south pole was attracted to the north pole. In an instant Kusuri found her head in her opponent's crotch and her own crotch against her opponent's head. The sudden impact was shocking but the Kusuris expected such a reaction. They were the same as each other after all, they likely had access to the same drugs, and they could finally use this drug for its explicit implications.
Skirts were no longer needed. Diapers were tossed aside. In a single quick motion their mouths were all over each other's pussies, making them flail and struggle about in shock. Kusuri was willing to do anything to take down this doppelganger at this point, and the readers were likely expecting the sexfight to start at this point. If it meant she had to take down her opponent sexually, she was most certainly willing to do just that.

Up and down with the speed of the Vice Principal, their tongues completely wrecked their pussies. If they weren't magnetized to each other they'd be bouncing around with pleasure, their bodies filled with the sensation Hakari feels 24/7. Their pussies were throbbing, more and more with every touch, making it harder and harder to hold it in.

Kusuri finally felt something release, and judging by the feeling she felt against her tongue her doppelganger burst as well. It was a surprisingly relaxing feeling, and the taste in her mouth was saltier than expected, and it did smell a bit off...

Kusuri was used to wearing diapers, and chances were her doppelganger was the same...

It took about ten minutes for such a drug to wear off, and that was a horrible ten minutes for the two. They had somehow managed to get each other to stop and hold in the rest of their pee for a little while, but the taste still lingered in their mouths. If she wasn't used to ingesting dangerous chemicals she might have found the experience even worse.

"Yep yep," Kusuri said with a sick face. "Not going to do something like that again aye."

"Yep yep," Kusuri said with a sick face. "And now we have to suffer three nights of constipation aye."

Kusuri didn't give up then. She splashed another vial in her doppelganger's direction, a bit of the drug ending up in her mouth. The drug took effect near immediately, and all that was left was a bundle of clothes and a tiny Kusuri.

"Got you!" The still big (relatively) Kusuri laughed as she picked up her doppelganger, stuffing the small nude frame into her pussy. "Should've used the Makes-You-Small drug sooner aye!"

She giggled and squealed as her doppelganger thrashed about within her, seemingly trapped inside her small hole. Yet that smiling didn't last long. She could feel her doppelganger expanding within her, clearly the result of such a small dosage. Before this story could take a bloody direction Kusuri tossed her doppelganger right out of her, who proceeded to grow back to normal size.

"You fiend!" The nude Kusuri grabbed her own vial of the drug from her pile of clothes, splashing it over her doppelganger. "Here's your own medicine fed back to you!"

The now shrunken Kusuri was stuffed into the pussy of her doppelganger, forced to experience the fate she gave her doppelganger. The (relatively) big Kusuri enjoyed the feeling of her doppelganger inside her, making her forget about the potential to regrow. But it happened just as quickly as last time, which forced her to throw her doppelganger out.

"That was gross!" Kusuri yelled at her doppelganger. "Why did you even try that aye!?"

"You did it first!" Kusuri yelled right back. "You shouldn't do that sort of thing in the first place aye!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you more!"

The two stuck their tongues out at each other as they put their clothes back on. Their diapers and skirts were gone to the wind, but they mostly had everything back with them. The most important part was the lab coat after all. They needed to make sure they had their drugs, it was their only weapon in this war.

But what drug should they use? The Makes-You-Laugh-Uncontrollably drug would barely have an effect on this battle. The Become-A-Baby drug would just make this battle far more infantile. The Reborn-As-A-New-You drug... would that even make a difference? It took some time, but eventually the two found drugs they wanted to use.

The Hair Manipulation drug allowed a person to control their hair with extreme precision when consumed. It may increase your chance of growing bald, but she'd just have to drink her Hair Growth drug afterwards to make up for it. Kusuri smiled wickedly as she ingested the drug, thinking about the ways she'd use her hair like ropes and tentacles to bind her opponent...

So it turned out such techniques weren't as effective when your hair didn't touch past your shoulders. Kusuri momentarily thought about using the Hair Growth drug to help her, but after what happened last time not even she was crazy enough to try it.

If Kusuri was in her original form, her hair would certainly be long enough for this to work. And so, she chugged down a vial of the Neutralization drug. It was a drug made to cancel out other drugs, but it didn't affect the Makes-An-Exact-Duplicate-Of-You-That-Is-Indistinguishable-From-The-Original drug, nor the Makes-You-Want-To-Fight-Your-Clone-In-Order-To-Prove-Who-The-Original-Is drug. Using it quickly after ingesting the Makes-You-Small drug or the Become-A-Baby drug could also be potentially dangerous... but at least it affected the Immortality drug. Well it wouldn't affect the near perfected version her grandmother had, but it certainly affected Kusuri.

In a few moments the two were taller, bustier, and most importantly had longer hair. They needed glasses now to see clearly, and had a far more mature charm to them. The Kusuris were now in their original forms, and with hair of this length the tentacle play Hahari dreamed of would finally come true

It turned out Hair Manipulation drug could also be eliminated by Neutralization drug...
After another dosage of the Hair Manipulation drug the two attacked each other. Long and tightly bound strands of hair wrapped around their entire bodies, squeezing their breasts and kneading their butts and stimulating their clits and all they could think of. Their arms were tied behind their backs, leaving the two forced to suffer under the intense stimulation they subjected themselves under.

"Do you really think you can stop me like this aye aye?" Kusuri smirked, though her shivering and blushing made her arousal obvious. "I invented this drug, I know how to take it!"

"You realize that as the original I'M the one who invented it aye aye!" Kusuri tried to act tough, but her blushing and drooling made her true feelings clear. "And you make my voice sound annoying, stop speaking like that!"

"Like what aye aye!? You sound worse yep yep! Who are you to speak like that to me yeppers nanoda m'kay!?"

"Shut up!"

Kusuri dragged her double towards her with her hair, making the two smash their breasts and pussies right into each other. Their hair wrapped around each other and began to crush them together, forcing nipple against nipple and clit against clit. They felt their pleasure building once again, more and more and more until...

They felt themselves burst once again, but once again it was more relaxing than they expected. It looked like they were leaking the wrong way again, but that's okay. They wore diapers just for this... right?

Suddenly their bladders grew rather uncomfortable. The two were pissing at the same time while their urethras were pressed right against each other, which meant no piss actually came out. Piss was forced to push against a competing stream of piss in order to release itself, putting the two in a stalemate. Neither Kusuri realized this was the cause though, making the both of them squirm even more as they tried their hardest to let it out.

"Why...?" Kusuri bit her lip and squirmed. "This isn't a side effect of one of the drugs... is it aye aye?"

"No..." Kusuri squirm as her eyes welled up with tears. "I'll do anything, just let me let it out!"

Despite the cause of this situation being the two being forced so hard together, the two Kusuris only crushed themselves together even more. It was likely unintentional, like curling up one's toes or tensing up in a harsh situation, but it only made things worse. Their nipples and clits were flattening each other, and the pleasure in their bodies didn't seem to stop growing. Even their struggling bladders only seemed to make them more aroused, making them want to burst with pleasure.

"Make it stop," Kusuri said weakly.

"Make it stop," Kusuri said weakly.


As they yelled their hair brought their mouths together, pulling them in for a sudden kiss. The kiss was warm and bright, somehow with a sense of chaotic joy and wonder to it. It was like a firework was lit within their lips, and as it exploded so did the pleasure within them.

The orgasm was incredible, with the arousal they felt within them bursting like an explosion. Their bodies shook and shivered, the hairs forced to separate the two as their entire bodies felt like they were no longer under their control. The only point of reference they could think of was when they spent some time in Hakari's body, yet somehow this seemed to exceed that. They screamed, barely able to contain themselves.

The two fell to the ground, and now that they were separate they pissed on themselves as they fell. The two were collapsed on the ground in puddles of their own piss, too weak to move.


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