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"Oh look, it's the gay kid!"

"There's the pot calling the kettle black!"

At the Twins Esq. Private Boys' High School it was habit for these two to meet by the gates every morning. The short-haired redhead named Barry and the boy with long silver hair named Albin would be by the gates every morning of every school day, antagonizing each other near immediately. If one was unfamiliar with the two seeing them together might have been a bit odd. Barry was the head of the soccer team, a popular and outgoing guy, while Albin was much more of an introvert, spending most of his time in the library. It'd be an odd pairing in any other context, but the duo's relationship was well known throughout the school.

To put it plainly, the two didn't like each other.

"You know what they say about insulting others better than you," Barry said angrily. "And how it's all really just a reflection of yourself?"

"No I don't," Albin said, with a voice that wasn't as aggressive but still clearly angry. "Because that isn't an actual saying you dumbass."

"But it's true. You look like you suck dick on the regular yet you somehow want to accuse me of being gay!?"

"Don't make me laugh. The way you act around your soccer team looks like you'd show off your ass for them at any moment!"

"Why is your hair so long!? Who're you trying to look like a girl for!?"

"You take off your shirt too much! Not trying to show off to a guy, are you!?"

Every morning was punctuated by these two meeting and throwing insults at each other, which would eventually lead to the two of them provoking each other to fight. There wouldn't end up being any confrontation though, the two simply content to stomp away and leave things be. There had been some times in the past when the two had fought each other, but neither seemed to sustain damage before the fight was interrupted by faculty, in which the both of them were given the appropriate punishment. One more fight could lead to expulsion, and the two both wanted to stay in this school.

And after a start like this classes would begin for the both of them. Usually it was rather boring for both of them, the two being far beyond their grade level and ready to get into top universities in just a few months. This day was a bit different for them though, with the two hearing about a few interesting rumors in their classes. Apparently a girl had recently been spotted on the campus, a rare sight in this all boys school, and everyone called her the prettiest lady they had ever seen.

So when it was time for lunch the two went back out to the school gates. They had been stuck in this all male environment for so many years now, they had almost forgotten what a woman looked liked. Almost, not completely. Even if they did they'd never admit it, it sounded so gay after all, especially around...

"It's you..."
"It's you..."

Barry and Albin stood there, alone at the school gates.

"Clearly you haven't heard the rumors," Barry said. "If you knew a girl was spotted here you'd be running in the opposite direction."

"Oh I know about the rumors," Albin said. "And it sounds like you're only here to try and get your own rumors off your back, no matter how true they are."

"The day those rumors are true is the day you ever make out with a woman!"

"Don't deny it and admit how many men you've made out with!"

The rustling of some leaves stopped the argument between the two, and the shadow of a feminine figure brushed by their eyes. The two immediately chased after the figure, wondering if this was what the rumor spoke about.

Behind the school building, only seen by the two boys, was a girl so pretty she looked like she sparkled. The shines of her straight black hair looked like they contained rainbows. The shimmers of her light blue eyes looked like they held diamonds. Her skin was so smooth and shiny and perfect that it was like they were made of pearls. It was the type of beauty that just didn't seem to come from this world.

Albin and Barry, speechless, hesitating in approaching the stunning beauty. They glanced at each other, seeing the slight hint of worry on each other's faces. A voice in the back of their heads called it a bit cute, but neither dared to entertain the thought. They just looked back at the shining girl, who seemed to be staring at them in awe.

"Amazing." The mysterious girl's voice seemed to permeate through their skin, somewhat otherworldly in how it sounded. "The magical potential and soul synchronicity... I've already found two perfect candidates!"

Before the boys could question it the mysterious girl transformed into a burst of sparkles. The sparkles fell together to form what seemed to be a fox, albeit one about the size of a chihuahua and with black and white fur. The shine of the fur and the same sparkling eyes still indicated that this was the same person however.

"My name is Jiade," the fox said. "I am the 999th prince of the Diamond Kingdom and I would like to humbly request the two of you to become a magical boy fusion."

The two just looked at him, with no idea how to respond. Magical boy? That was like a magical girl, but as a boy, right? Albin never read or interacted with any sort of magical girl media, and Barry only barely knew about Sailor Moon, but the two were sure they knew what magical girls were all about. Magical girls were sparkly, pretty, probably the girliest kind of fighter out there. If a magical boy was anything similar, that'd be pretty gay...

Barry turned towards Albin.
"The fox is talking to you," he said.

Albin turned towards Barry.
"Don't ignore him," Barry said. "You're the one he wants."

"I think the two of you misunderstand," Jiade said. "I need the both of you, fused together!"

The two blushed and stammered upon the suggestion. Setting aside how ridiculous it all sounded, the thought of fusion disgusted them. Having to share a body with the gay loser, their gay thoughts likely running through their own head sickened them.

"Every soul has magical power," Jiade explained. "But the only way to release that power is through synchronization. If the power of your soul flows at a similar frequency to another's you have the capability of releasing an intense power! And I haven't seen such synchronized souls in millennia!"

"I did not understand a word of that," Barry said. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Sounds like the setting of a light novel," Albin said. "Says something when what's being said is less believable than the talking fox in front of you."

"You have to believe me," Jiade said desperately. "The Forces of Darkness are coming to this realm, and they will... ARE YOU LISTENING!?"

They were not listening, instead having an argument over whether or not this event proved one of them was actually straight. The argument confused Jiade. Soul synchronization was supposed to be the result of similar personalities and a great bond. Was that the case here?

"Well the best teacher is experience after all." Jiade held up his front paws, and in a burst of sparkles materialized two necklaces. Each had a pendant shaped like half a heart, one being red and the other white. The necklaces snapped onto their necks like magnets, each boy receiving the pendant of his rival's hair color. "Now the two of you need to say 'transform' at the same time!"

The two instinctively repeated after the fox at the same time.

The pendants shined and flew towards each other, drawing their bodies with them. Albin and Barry's vision turned to white, but they could still feel their bodies making contact. It was like their clothes had completely disappeared and their bare skin was pressing into and mixing with each other. They'd pull away but their muscles didn't seem to respond to them, leaving them in this odd sensation for what felt like an eternity.

In reality, it was only around a minute.

When the two regained their vision, they could immediately tell this wasn't their body. Their limbs felt familiar yet alien, like they belonged to them yet didn't at the same time. Their hair felt off. It was hard to tell with only the way it touched their back to go off of, but did they have twintails now? And their skin felt so breezy, what were they wearing? They turned down their now shared head and opened their mouth in shock. Ribbons!? Stockings!? A skirt!? How!? Why!?

The two were in one body now, one nearly nude, girly, gay body. Their figure was a perfect blend of the two of them. Their hair was now styled into incredibly long twintails, with one red half and another pink half. In place of a shirt they had pink ribbons covering up their nipples, though leaving little else to the imagination. An incredibly short skirt with no underwear indicated this costume wasn't made with modesty in mind, making their erect penis an obvious sight. Their only other clothing was some pink rubbery gloves and stockings, only serving to make the pink and girly theme more obvious.

"See that." The way Jiade sounded and carried himself made him seem like he was proud of what happened, which Albin and Barry weren't fans of. "This is your Magical Boy Fusion form, in which you can now use magic to defend your realm from evil and-"

"THGIEST OUIST MOYF BOMEDY!" Albin and Barry didn't listen, falling on their back as they fought over control of this shared body. Every limb was swung back and forth as if they were having a seizure, being fought over by the boys violently and angrily.

It took some time, but Jiade was able to calm the both of them down. It took binding the two with a ton of rope to get them from fighting over their shared body, but once it was achieved they were finally calm.

"This is disgusting!" Barry was the first to air his complaints. "I don't want to be in the same body as the gay kid!"

"You can't be calling me the gay kid now!" Albin yelled right after. "You've been giving us a hard-on since we first transformed, you disgust me!"

"You're the one making us hard!"

"That's clearly because of you!"

A loud explosion was heard in the distance, making all three boys turn their heads in that direction. A gigantic figure creeped past the school building, some black mass of tentacles that slithered and crept through the streets. It looked taller than the tallest buildings, wider than the widest whales, and the black of its skin looked like it contained the abyss. Despite clearly being made of living tentacles it gave off the aura of not being alive at all, like a robot wearing the skin of life itself.

"THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Albin and Barry nearly leapt out of their skin from the fear.

"The Forces of Darkness," Jiade said, barely flinching despite the horrific sight. "Wait... I forgot to tell you about this, didn't I?"

Albin and Barry nodded.

"The demon realm is filled with horrifying and barely comprehensible creatures," Jiade said. "As far as we can tell they only desire to venture out into other realms, to cause chaos and wreck havoc wherever they go. Their most powerful warriors, the Forces of Darkness, have chosen this realm as their next target. The Diamond Kingdom was their previous target, and it fell in mere hours thanks to their power. If you don't stop them your world will be the same."

"Wait, we're supposed to stop that!" The two boys screamed at the same time, "Me and the gay kid!?"

"You have great magical power, relax." Jiade returned to his human form in order to untie the ropes around them. "Sure losing this battle means dying a painful death and the end of your world as you know it, but you got this. No pressure."

"Real reassuring," the two said. "Also, WHY THE FUCK IS IT COMING THIS WAY!?"

A large swarm of tentacles rushed for the fused boys in the blink of an eye. They tried to run away, desperate to get away from the abyssal colored attack, but tripped from a lack of coordination. The tentacles lifted them into the air, threatening to rip their fused body to shreds.

"The Forces of Darkness are attracted to your overflowing magical power," Jiade said. "This way you can keep them from hurting others."

"I think that's the least of our problems here," Albin said.


"Just pour out your magical power," Jiade explained. "Form it into the shape of something to attack the monster with, and just attack."


Jiade shrugged. "It should come naturally to you in this form. Just try... doing it?"

Jiade was clearly going to be of zero help whatsoever.

The two struggled against the tentacles' strength, trying their best to resist as they felt their limbs getting pulled apart. The fact that they weren't in shreds right now either meant this thing wasn't actually that strong or they were now stronger than they realized. Whatever it was, it didn't stop the fact that this hurt like hell.

Albin and Barry tried to focus their thoughts. Using magic was supposed to come naturally to them, they should be able to do this somehow. They focused and held the thought more and more...

Something seemed to change. It felt like they moved a muscle that didn't exist, and a wand started to appear in the air in front of them. More tentacles seemed to erupt around them, but instead of pure black abyss these were made of dazzling pink sparkles.

"You did it!" Jiade jumped up with excitement from the ground. "That's magic! All you need to do now is mold it into your weapon and strike!"

The two continued to focus on the magic. It was like they were flexing a muscle they never moved before, and they tried their best to move these unfamiliar muscles in their desired ways. The magical tentacles stretched and lengthened themselves, ready to change shape, only to find themselves wrapping around their shared body instead.

With both controlling the magic at the same time it was inevitably difficult to handle, with the two fighting over control over it as much as their body. A magical tentacle wrapped itself around their stomach, sending the cool yet somehow warm sensation of magic down their spine. A tentacle wrapped around their penis, making a rock hard shaft begin to throb with excitement. A tentacle snuck under their ribbons, brushing against their nipples and making them even more excited. Against their will, they ended up assaulting themselves with their own tentacles.

"What are you doing to me!?" Barry screamed. "And you deny being gay all the time!"

"You're the one doing this to me!" Albin screamed. "I'm trying to fight and you're just using this chance to act gay!"

"Don't lie to me! You're the one trying to assault me!"

"You're the one assaulting me! Stop it already!"


A magical tentacle stuffed their mouth, forcing the fight to continue without words. Their skin was getting rubbed all over, their nipples were prodded, their cock was stroked, it was absolute bliss. Their arousal was growing at an incredible rate, it was going to burst at any moment.

Jiade couldn't bare to watch, already preparing to say goodbye to this universe.

Then the two felt a shock. One more magical tentacle penetrated their ass, and it was enough to send them over the edge. An orgasm crushed them, spreading throughout their entire body and making them erupt in pleasure. A fountain of cum erupted from their now shared penis, spurting out an embarrassing display for the two of them. Climaxing with another man, this was the textbook definition of gay. The thought embarrassed them, yet no matter how much they resisted they couldn't stop. More and more would just spray into the air.

Jiade said his prayers, expecting the boys' immediate death, but what he saw instead shocked him. The magical power of the boys grew, and the magical tentacles started to glow brighter and expand as they came. In mere seconds the area was filled with a shiny light, and once it faded the tentacle creature was seen slumped onto the ground. The abyssal black limbs turned to dust, dust that spread and flew away in the wind, leaving nothing in its wake. Albin and Barry fell to the ground, their face covered in confusion and cum.

"You..." Jiade's face quickly went from shock to excitement. "YOU DID IT!"

He jumped up and grabbed the two by the waist, throwing their shared body in the air like they were the MVP of a football match.

"That was the most magic I've seen in a single attack," Jiade continued. "Your souls have achieved a level of synchronization that hasn't been possible since Adam and Eve! Thanks to you, your planet is saved!"

"Great..." Albin and Barry's voice was low energy and despondent. "Can we... separate now?"

"Oh yeah. All you have to do is say untransform at the same time."


In a flash of light Albin and Barry were back in their normal bodies and clothes. There may have been no cum on their faces but the two still couldn't bare to look at each other, only growing in hatred for each other.

"You guys were so amazing there," Jiade said. "With this power I'm sure you'll be able to take down all the rest with ease."

"All the rest?"
"There's more?"
Dread filled the boys' eyes.

"Of course. Did you think the Forces of Darkness would only send one warrior to destroy this place?"

The two groaned. This was going to be a nightmare.



Soy Soda Pop

Great! I like this idea a lot.