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The Powerful and Ultimate Self Supremacy Yellow diamond, also known as P.U.S.S.Y. for short, is an ultra powerful gem that allows the user to manipulate their body in any way they want. Possible or impossible, the stone can do it to your body. The only limitations is that it can only manipulate the body of whoever is using it, and one's own imagination. As long as you touch it, reality is in your hands.

Understandably, it's a highly sought after item. But after King George accidentally dropped it in the sea one day, no one has found it since.

Until now.

The explorer Alicia Dorados has been searching for the P.U.S.S.Y. for an incredibly long time. She has ditched family, friends, and even lovers to aid her on her quest to find the gem. And finally, at long last, after digging through a cave for hours, she found it in a large clearing, deep inside.

Unfortunately it seemed like the diamond didn't want to be found. Some sources claim that the P.U.S.S.Y. had a mind of its own, and while it was never proven true it did act as a good explanation for certain oddities that occurred when used by some. If that's the case, it probably enjoyed its time alone and didn't want to be disturbed when she picked it up. This is why when Alicia picks it up a flash of yellow light fills the cave. As it dies down, she notices that something else has grabbed onto the diamond, and looks up to see who it is. The one thing she didn't expect was for that person to be herself.

"How did you get in here?"

"How did you get in here?"

"This is my stone."

"This is my stone."

"Stop copying me!"

"Stop copying me!"

"Ouch!" The two had tugged on the diamond so hard that one of them slammed her head on the back of the wide and empty cave, causing a rock to fall on her head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's good."

The two looked at each other. Noticing each other's bright red hair, curvy body, and somewhat tan skin, the two seemed entranced by each other. Getting lost in each other's deep red eyes, if they weren't aware that they were the same person they may have fell for each other. Even with their awareness of that fact, it seemed like it could happen.

They snapped back to reality when thinking of their treasure. Neither of them had let go of the P.U.S.S.Y., and they each tried to slowly shift their hands to push the other's hand off and run. However, both of their hands seemed to be gripped hard onto the diamond and wouldn't let go. This frustrated the two, both wanting to completely have the treasure for themselves.

"Wait a minute," Alicia said, suddenly filled with doubt now that she took a good look at her double. "I thought that you were some clone of me made by the P.U.S.S.Y., but it only controls organic matter. How do you have clothes?"

"Well I'm sure part of it is because of how I'm the original," Alicia said, not taking being called a clone too kindly. "But looking at you, I'm supposed you're right. The P.U.S.S.Y. shouldn't be able to create clones, so this is quite odd."

"I do know how odd this is," Alicia said with her voice beginning to rise. "But just so you know, I'm the original here."

"I'm sure you think of yourself as original," Alicia said, starting to get pissed off. "But that's what the P.U.S.S.Y. wants you to believe. I'M the actual original one."

The two glared at each other. Tensions rose and they gripped harder onto the diamond in their hands with anger. It almost looked like literal sparks flew between them. Both of them were upset, and adamant about who was the original, but their curiosity seemed more important than this grudge at the moment.

"Let's settle this later."

"Let's settle this later."



Having now avoided the argument, the two went to face the problem yet again. Indeed, it seemed that every article of clothing was the exact same.

"Same shorts, same shirt, same jacket." Alicia even looked behind her double and pushed her hand into her shorts. It later came back up yanking out a pair of pink panties with red and white hearts all over, shocking the other Alicia. "Even our panties are the same."

"Waah!" The sudden jerk of her panties getting yanked upwards, pulling the front part into her pussy, made Alicia squeal with pain and pleasure.

"Huh?" Alicia didn't realize what she had done. "Are you okay?"

"Why you..." With a mischievous grin, Alicia went to her double's behind and returned the favor. A strong wedgie was delivered, shocking the other Alicia to the core. "That's payback for what you did to me!"

"Aaah!" Alicia had no idea that the feeling of panties being forced to ride against her crotch could be so stimulating until it actually happened.

"You little..." Feeling a bit mischievous, Alicia returned the favor, pulling on her double's panties as hard as possible. The other Alicia didn't let go either, also pulling as hard as she could against her newfound opponent. It was painful, and quite arousing, but once it was over the two simply laughed. It was like they each gained a new friend, and they loved it.

"Wait a minute," Alicia said, having a breakthrough.

"We need to try something," Alicia said, with a similar idea.

The two focused a bit, using the power of the P.U.S.S.Y. Suddenly, with a flash of yellow light, little bracelets appeared on their hands.

"Of course! The P.U.S.S.Y. can only control biological matter-"

"But has the power to manipulate it in anyway you want!"

"So if you control the cells in such a precise way that they resemble cloth-"

"And put it together neatly and separate it from the body-"


The two tested it out, removing their clothes from their bodies quickly by using the P.U.S.S.Y. to make their bodies grow and shatter the clothes. They then tried thinking intensely about clothes they would want. It took many tries, but eventually they made them. Black and white maid outfits, along with the maid headdresses and the white bra and panties under. Touching them, one would never guess that the clothes were created out of cells like an animal.


The two jumped for joy. They knew that the P.U.S.S.Y. was a gem of nearly infinite possibility, but they never even considered this. If it could make clothes, one might be able to manipulate it to create other things. The amount of power and mystery within it has just increased exponentially, and the two had to see what else they may be able to create with the treasure.

The two yanked it towards them, ready to inspect the gem more closely, but ended up with their heads slamming into each other.

"Ow!" Alicia clutched her head with one hand and held onto the P.U.S.S.Y. with the other. "What the hell!?"

"Ouch!" Alicia covered her bruise with one hand and held the P.U.S.S.Y. with the other. "That's what I should be asking you!"

"I just wanted to analyze the gem. I need to figure out all of its secrets."

"Then let me do it first! It's my gem anyways!"

"No, it's mine, I'm the one who found it!"

"You're just lying so you can take the gem."

The two continued to argue for a long time, increasingly becoming more and more frustrated. Their red eyes, instead of depicting the love from earlier, now showed raging fires of anger.

"Why are you even here!?" Alicia's voice boomed with rage, as if her very life was being taken from her. "I didn't tell the P.U.S.S.Y. to make a clone of me!"

"You're the one who's a clone of me!" Like a scared animal backed into a corner, Alicia lashed out. "I found this first, so just let go!"

"You're the clone, and this is mine! I'm the one who found this, you were just created after!"

"I don't think this is clear enough to you! I found this, and you are the clone, so this is mine!"

"This is mine!" Tired of the argument, one Alicia suddenly made her breasts expand outwards, catching the other off guard. They ripped straight through the top of her dress and bra and out into the open, shoving her double at an incredible speed. If that Alicia wasn't gripping onto the P.U.S.S.Y. as tight as she could, she may have accidentally let go.

"It's mine!" Not letting up, the other Alicia suddenly made her breasts expand as well, becoming even bigger than her double's. The top of her maid dress was simply in threads as her breasts grew at the speed of a bullet train. The Alicia on the receiving end was pushed far back, having to use the P.U.S.S.Y. to extend her arm in order to keep it in hand.

"Let it go you bitch!" Alicia continued to boost the size of her bust. Her chest grew to incredible sizes, starting to take up half of the room they were in. Incredibly large nipples pushed themselves into the pair of her rival's pushing them in as she did so.

"You're the cunt who needs to let go!" Not going to fall behind in the slightest, Alicia made her chest grow at the same speed as her double. The breasts pushed against each other at completely equal strength, expanding outwards at such high speeds. It was like a car crash, but if instead of stopping the cars continued to push and attempted to topple each other after impact.

The breasts grew and grew and grew. Gigantic nipples, like huge lances, clashed as they pushed against each other. The round flesh of their breasts were smashed against each other, flattening like a smashed tomato. Their arms were stretched longer and longer as they attempted to keep ownership over the yellow jewel. The arousal was incredibly great, forcing them to use the P.U.S.S.Y. to help them resist.

Their backs hit the walls, and alas they were at a stalemate. Their breasts had grown so large that it filled the entire clearing, making it hard for them to breathe. Everywhere one looked, all they could see was breasts. It would've been impossible for anyone to get in or out in this situation. They tried to call out to each other, tried to threaten each other and assert that the gem is theirs, but the sound didn't pass well with little air and such big breasts.

However, it didn't stop them. Cracks appeared on the walls, rocks fell from the ceiling, and the entire cave shook like there was an earthquake. The cracks slowly climbed up the walls and their breasts seemed to push out, only suffocating the two more and more. What seemed to be a snap could be heard, and then the entire cave system seemed to collapse. Rocks and dust fell everywhere, leaving the two Alicias and their enormous breasts out in the open.

"We should stop this." One of the Alicias, speaking in a calm tone, shrunk her breasts back down to normal and walked forward, her hand still on the P.U.S.S.Y. "We're the same person, so instead of fighting we should be sharing."

"I guess." The other Alicia was a bit suspicious, and wasn't that willing to share, but stopped the attack anyways. She brought her breasts to around their normal size and went down to meet her double. "I don't think fighting would get us anywhere anyways."

For a brief moment there was peace, and it was the last moment of peace Alicia ever felt.

The Alicia who shrunk her breasts first started to smile. In seemingly an instant her panties ripped to shreds as her two human legs fused into a single muscular snake tail. Within that short instant she wrapped that tail around her double and squeezed as hard as she could, pushing all of the air around the other Alicia's body and making her lose grip on the P.U.S.S.Y.

"I was lying of course," she said, a wicked gleam coming from her red eyes. "Let go of the P.U.S.S.Y. right now."

"N-Never." Barely breathing and with only one finger on the P.U.S.S.Y., Alicia transformed her legs into a snake tail. This allowed her to slither free while still grabbing onto the diamond, and return the attack to her doppelganger.

"Oh n-no you don't!" Never letting go of the diamond, Alicia shifted her weight and pushed her top half out of the wrap. She then moved her snake tail around within the wrap, wrapping the two together like they were in a springy coil.

"Give me the P.U.S.S.Y. right now, or else!" Alicia tightened her grip with the snake tail. squeezing tighter and tighter.

"Bring it on idiot! You can't take this from me anyways!" Alicia tightened her grip with the snake tail, squeezing even tighter.

Putting both hands on the P.U.S.S.Y., the two pulled and struggled over it as their lower bodies continued to squeeze and push together. Their long and muscular tails squeezed and stretched each other thin, while also pushing their pelvic bones, and by extension their pussies, right into each other. They simply ignored the pleasure, enhancing their strength with the P.U.S.S.Y. and squeezing harder and harder, which only pushed their pussies together more and made the pleasure harder to ignore.

"I'm not leaving until I get that gem!" Alicia grunted while keeping her hand on it.

"Well fine then." Suddenly, large tentacles came out of Alicia's back and wrapped around their torsos, pushing their chests together while their arms were between them, still holding onto the P.U.S.S.Y. "I guess we'll stay like this forever."

"Only until you give it to me." Alicia challenged her rival with the same, wrapping the two of them with her own set of tentacles. She squeezed tighter, being sure to press their breasts further together.

"You'll be the one giving it to me!" Alicia squeezed tighter with her tentacles, and her double responded by doing the same. They were squeezed at pressures that would shatter building and crush them flat, but thanks to the P.U.S.S.Y. they stayed alive. It didn't stop them from holding in the arousal, but they were holding in so much at this point that they thought they could explode at any moment.

They squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed, attempting to outlast their opponent as long as they could. However, with it seemingly going nowhere, one of the Alicias quickly slipped out. With a cat-like agility (and some cat ears and a tail to go with it), she positioned herself behind the other Alicia and grabbed hold onto her chest. The P.U.S.S.Y. was between her feet as she used both hands to grab and pull on her double's boobs as hard as possible.

Alicia squealed, not expecting that sort of attack on her breasts. She didn't plan on being a sitting duck forever though, also managing to slip out. Getting cat ears and a tail of her own, she swiftly went behind her double and grabbed the chest. Using her feet to make sure she never let go of the P.U.S.S.Y., she pulled and prodded and groped her opponent's breasts as much as humanly possible. The amount of arousal that flowed through was too much for her opponent to handle.

"Give up already!" Alicia went behind her opponent and groped her breasts.

"You first!" Alicia went behind her opponent and groped her breasts.

The two went back and forth many times, each time using it as a chance to grope their opponent as much as possible. Eventually, the intervals of attack became shorter and shorter until both of them attacked each other at the same time. Each of them had the P.U.S.S.Y. between their feet as they grabbed and squeezed each other's breasts.

"I'm not letting you win!" Alicia pulled harder on her opponent's breasts as she made her move. The cat ears became more reminiscent of fox ears as her tail changed into multiple fox tails. Stretching out longer than a normal fox's tail, the tails suddenly arched forward and pushed themselves into her opponent's pussy.

"How dare you..." Alicia felt shocked as the tails penetrated her, but she wasn't going to let her clone take the victory. She emulated the strategy, making her own tail become multiple fox tails before making them charge into her opponents pussy. Waves of pleasure were sent into her opponent with that single attack.

The two pumped their tails within each other as much as they possibly could. It felt overwhelming, like each attack could've been the one to take them out. They pushed and pushed, each of them attempting to push the other to the edge first. However, they felt themselves growing closer and closer to orgasm, and couldn't let it happen.

They couldn't, they just couldn't! They couldn't let themselves lose in any way! Once their pleasure started to reach its peak, the two instantly let go and ran. Their tails disappeared and their lower halves became that of horses as they instantly went towards opposite directions. They continued holding onto the P.U.S.S.Y. though, their arms stretching out incredibly long as ran.

They ran faster, further, as long as they could. Their speed was faster than racecars, going straight in one direction as far as they could. Despite how much they wanted to escape, they weren't willing to let go of the treasure they found. As such, their arms stretched as they ran across the country. They ran across oceans, further across the world, yet their arms stretched between them with the P.U.S.S.Y. suspended in the middle.

They continued running despite that, only stopping when they were about halfway across the world. They only stopped as they saw each other in front of them...

That moment they stopped, they instantly started to move backwards. Their arms were at the limit of how long they could be stretched, and the two were brought back to their starting point at blinding speeds. They flew over oceans, cities, and fields until they ended up colliding yet again, the ends of their horse halves colliding straight on.



Feeling their anger flare up once more, the two pushed their rears into each other more and more. Their bottom halves became those of normal humans as they pushed their butts into each other as much as they could. They didn't stop there, using the P.U.S.S.Y. to stretch their bodies and turn their torsos towards each other. Their breasts pressed hard against each other before the two took their hands and pulled hard on the breasts. Being strung long like rubber bands, their breasts were tied together like strings. Their arms didn't stop there, going through their rears and lifting their legs, putting their feet together and allowing them to lick them as their tongues came together in a kiss.

The two tangled up more and more, practically becoming a ball of tangled limbs. The P.U.S.S.Y. was right in the middle of this, allowing both to squeeze each other more and more. Within the middle of it their tongues licked each other, their nipples, and their pussies, while the pussies and nipples fought each other as well.

"No matter what it takes," Alicia said, full of rage. "I'll destroy you!"

"Not if I destroy you first!" Alicia screamed before using the P.U.S.S.Y. to transform herself once more. Her skin became blue and much slimier before starting to envelop the other Alicia. Covering her double with her new slimy body, she squeezed her breasts, penetrated her pussy, and pleasured her in many ways.

"No way in hell you'll beat me first!" Alicia transformed her body into slime as well, and it mixed in with her doppelganger's. The giant blob of slime bobbed about and mixed about until taking on a more humanoid shape. Of course that shape had them form two separate heads for the two separate people as part, but it was definitely a singular body for the two of them.

The two kissed each other as they grabbed their own breasts and squeezed them as hard as possible. They groped their own breasts like there was no tomorrow, continuously squeezing them and playing with their nipples in a way that drew out the most pleasure possible. The P.U.S.S.Y. was suspended within their fluid bodies as they fought in such a manner.

They weren't going to stop there. A cock sprouted between their legs, and the two shifted their attention to that. Their hands grabbed onto it and jerked it off like there was no tomorrow. Pulling their hands up and down the newly formed and erect penis, they brought themselves an incredible pleasure that they didn't think to be possible before.

"I'll destroy you!" Alicia looked at her double in rage.

"I'll destroy you!" Alicia looked at her double and saw red.


The two pushed their faces into each other, fusing their heads into a single one. They then roared, transforming their bodies and making them solid yet again. It started at the top of their head, slowly going down to the bottom as they solidified. However, the P.U.S.S.Y. was still inside, and as the solidification went lower it also pushed the diamond down with it. Eventually, when the two became completely human again, complete with a single head, a remade maid outfit and their futa cock still there, it also ended up pushing the P.U.S.S.Y. right out of them.

"NOOO!" As they heard it clang onto the cave floor, they leapt forward and attempted to grab it. Unfortunately, it easily rolled out through a crack, and the P.U.S.S.Y. fell into the ocean. If it truly did have a mind of its own, it definitely was enjoying the freedom it now obtained.

Alicia went down to her knees and sobbed. She did everything she could to get that crystal, even if it meant sacrificing family and friends. And now it all ended up like this. Why? Why couldn't she simply get what she worked so hard to get?

It was her.

That fake that dared to hold her name was the reason she couldn't hold the diamond in the end. How dare she! At that moment, she vowed that she would absolutely destroy such a jerk.




Their shared penis entered their shared vagina before the two grabbed their breasts once more. They pulled and mauled on their breasts, wanting to reduce them to mush beneath their might. Meanwhile, their penis pushed itself within their vagina like the most primal of animals trying to mate.




The two repeatedly yelled at each other as they continued to absolutely destroy each other, fighting with every fiber in their body. Their bodies grew hotter and hotter from both the anger and the arousal they both felt, and it rose and rose and rose until they finally reached a climax.

The orgasm was incredible, feeling like an absolute storm of pleasure touching down on them. They came within themselves, pouring so much cum that it practically exploded inside them.

The two sat there by themselves. What they had experienced was far too much for them to believe. Yet, their feelings of anger at each other still remained. Even if they were in the same body, they weren't going to let each other go.

They continued to fight for millions of years. Without them knowing the P.U.S.S.Y. provided them immortality, allowing them to survive as long as they felt the light of the sun or another star. They didn't care for what happened around them, as long as they could destroy each other. Eventually they started to forget why they were even fighting, and fighting each other became their life's purpose. Future generations told tales of a hermaphrodite perpetually fighting itself until the end of time, but none ever disturbed them.

Even when the Earth was eventually destroyed, they kept fighting.

Even when the solar system became victim to a black hole, they kept fighting.

Even when the universe imploded and another big bang began, they were the only life that was left.

And they kept fighting.


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