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Archie Andrews was seen by some as a rather lucky dude. He had popularity, smarts, and great athletic skill, things that made all the girls want him and all the guys want to be him. It was natural that such a guy had girls practically lined up to be with him, but only two were able to get his attention. Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge were the two girls he just couldn't get out of his mind, and those two couldn't get him out of their mind either.

There they sat in Veronica's bedroom, thinking about Archie and glaring at each other as they did. The two usually got along, they were actually good friends, but that would often fall apart when the thought of Archie came up. The both of them loved Archie after all, neither wanted to give up on him, and complications would result.

The mood was just perfect a few seconds ago too, if only Veronica didn't mention Archie.

"So as I was saying," Veronica said. "The two of us have been arguing about Archie for far too long, and I think we should finally end this."

"Is that why you called me over today?" Betty seemed a bit annoyed. "Did you want to start some competition over him?"

"Not at all. In fact, I think it may be possible to share him now."

Betty was skeptical, but interested.

Veronica quickly grabbed a purple book from under her pillow, adorned with golden lacing around the cover and spine. The title of the book, "Fusion", was printed on the cover with gold.

"This book is magic," Veronica explained. "If we use it to put ourselves together we can both have Archie!"

"Veronica..." Betty nearly groaned. "You know I'm not an idiot."

"Betty, I'm serious!" The blonde had almost walked out of the room before Veronica stepped in her way. "Just watch okay, I'll show you what it does."

On her bed she placed two items: a pink pearl necklace and a purple rubber band bracelet. Veronica opened the book and seemed to turn to a certain page, before lifting her hand and reading the words off the page. The words were too quiet to be heard but their effects were too visible to ignore. Her hand seemed to glow a soft glow, one that extended to the accessories on the bed, which seemed to shake with some magical power. A flash of light obscured the two accessories, and when it faded there was only one accessory on the bed. It looked like a cross between the bracelet and the necklace; rubbery but bumpy and with a purplish pink color.

"Just look!" Veronica held up the new accessory and waved it around. "It's actual magic! You can even touch it! There's no way this isn't magic!"

Betty, who was still somewhat convinced it was a trick, took a moment to examine it. It didn't seem like anything that could be bought in this current economy. It didn't look like the original items were hidden anywhere, it didn't seem to be some sort of magic trick or illusion. It was hard to admit, but all signs were pointing to the two items having fused together.

"But still," Betty said. "Something like this sounds like a terrible idea! We have separate lives after all. So many accommodations will have to be made, what about our public records and IDs!? Where will we live!? How will getting a job work now!? And we'll have to explain this to our families at some point!"

"But think of all the benefits," Veronica said. "We'll not only be sharing Archie, we'll be combining all of our best traits! With your smarts and my incredibly good look we'll be unstoppable! We can think figure out the details later, now let's start!"

Veronica threw off her clothes, stripping so fast it was like her clothes just fell off.
"Take off your clothes, it's easier when we're naked."

Betty hesitated for a bit, finding herself a bit embarrassed by the thought. How could Veronica do this so quickly and comfortably? Maybe Betty was the one being weird, they were both girls here. Why was she so embarrassed? Maybe she just still had her doubts about this, maybe the thought of being one with Veronica from now on was scaring her. The process was safe, at least she was sure it was, and this would allow her to stay with Archie without hurting her friend, maybe she should just get along with it.

The two were now naked and standing around in the buff, ready to start the process.

"So let's just stand close together like this." Veronica wrapped her arms around Betty from behind, pushing her nipple's into her friend's back. "I'll recite the spell and you can just relax."

Veronica opened the book and silently muttered the spell, far too quiet for Betty to hear despite being right next to her. A light golden light seemed to cover them, and Betty could feel her skin softening and seemingly sinking into the skin behind her. It was nice, a calming and nice feeling, she was glad to know fusion wasn't painful. The book was amazing, though thinking about it she never looked at what was inside.

Betty's eyes widened as she saw the book, knowing she had made a grave mistake.

"STOP IT!" Betty snatched the book from Veronica's hands and covered her mouth, stopping the glow while leaving them somewhat fused together. "You were on the page for the absorption spell, you were just going to absorb me weren't you!?"

"Tch." Veronica clicked her tongue, looking away with angry eyes. "Just give me the book back, you don't want to be stuck like this do you?"

"It's better than being absorbed by you!" Betty held the book away from Veronica. "What were you thinking!? I thought we were friends!"

"Like you haven't done similar to get me away from Archie!"

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

As Betty held the book away from her rival, a spark of inspiration came over her. The book was still open on the absorption page, she could read the words from where she was. It was going to be her first time, but if she just chanted the words she read...

A similar feeling to before was beginning, but somewhat different. She didn't feel like the one sinking, she felt like something was sinking into her. A golden light was flashing over them, and Veronica was shouting. She was actually doing it, she was absorbing Veronica, Veronica wasn't going to trouble her anymore.

But then Veronica snatched the book from her hands and started chanting herself. Was she trying to continue what she started? Not if Betty stopped her. Betty turned around and grabbed the book, trying to snatch it from Veronica's hands, but Veronica held onto it tight. At least it was still open, so Betty could start reading the spell herself.

The two were essentially trying to absorb each other, tugging their flesh back and forth between them as they tried their best to consume each other. They staggered about and fell onto Veronica's bed, rolling around and trying to fall atop each other. Betty tried to kick Veronica away, hoping to use the force to pry the book out of her hands, but her feet started to sink into Veronica's skin. Veronica seemed to have the same idea, and her own feet were also sinking into Betty's skin.

If the two weren't busy chanting they would be screaming at each other, fighting in the ultimate tug of war. They were tugging on their flesh, tugging their own bodies, and tugging on a book with the peak of their strength.

Suddenly the book tore, snapping in half with a golden flash. The yellow light coving them seemed to die down, the magic seemed to stop, and the two were absorbing each other no longer.

"This is just great," Veronica groaned. "The magic came from the book, with a broken book there's no more magic!"

"This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you," Betty groaned. "Why'd you get that sort of book anyways!?"

"You would've done the same thing!"

"No I wouldn't!"

Betty tried to stomp away, only to realize she had no legs. Where her waist should have connected to her legs, it simply connected to another waist. The fighting between them has fused Betty and Veronica together, the two practically becoming each other's legs.

"Now look at what's happened to us," Veronica groaned. "This is your fault!"

"No, it's yours," Betty said. "In what way is any of this my fault!?"

"You should've just accepted that Archie is mine!"


If they had legs they would have pounced towards each other, but sitting up quickly essentially had the same effect. Their large breasts smashed into each other, crushing each other under their weight.

"Archie always liked me more anyways," Veronica said. "And I'm sure you know it!"

"You know that isn't true," Betty said. "He's always liked me more than you!"

"You're lying!"
"You're lying!"

The two gritted their teeth and pushed, trying to pin down the other half of their now shared body. They wobbled back and forth like a seesaw, the both of them struggling to dominate the other for longer than a few seconds. Nipples were pressed intensely into each other, threatening to fuse the same way their lower halves had from pressure alone. The tingling arousal within them made them shake. The two had never had an encounter this physical, though the unique circumstances were also something they were new to.

Each girl seemed to experience even the slightest shaking from the other, sending shivers down their body and encouraging them to push harder and harder. This felt like the final stage for them, like the results would finally determine who got to be with Archie. For so long they seemed equal in his eyes, for so long he couldn't choose between them, but this had to end now.

Breasts were crushed flat from the pressure. Nipples were imprinted into each other. And eventually the pleasure was too much. With one mind they felt an orgasm wash over them, and milk burst from their nipples. An orgasm without their pussies was a weird experience, but it was no less pleasurable. They separated and fell onto their backs, completely exhausted.

"So," Betty said. "Do you have any other magic books that can separate us?"

"No," Veronica said. "That was the only magic book I had."

The two sighed. Sharing Archie this way was the worst idea imaginable.



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