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There were a myriad of alien planets out in the universe, and for millions of years they all lived peacefully. Each planet had no idea the others existed, and that's how it would've continued to be that way if the inhabitants of Solaris-ʓ didn't make radio contact with the planet of Lunar-ʊ.

At first the inhabitants were happy to meet each other. Learning they weren't alone in the universe was great, and it encouraged them to seek out more planets with intelligent life. It took a long time but soon another planet was discovered with intelligent life. And another, and another.

Over 90% of the universe was connected, and for the moment it was great. They were sharing technology and information with each other, each planet holding each other up and helping everyone become better. All was good.
But things didn't stay like that. Not all alien species were able to interact peacefully. Some wanted to wipe each other out. Some wanted control over other planets. All sorts of these disagreements piled up and led to a universal war.

It was the first ever universal war, and likely the last. Powerful space travel technology was reworked into weaponry, weapons responsible for the destruction of planets and the extinction of many species. Solar systems and galaxies were reduced to rubble over the two millennia that this war went on, leaving most of the universe as a baren wasteland. Only one planet was left in the carnage, a small purple sphere known as Heliotro-ρ.

The species remaining on the planet agreed to keep the peace, fearing the potential effects of a repeat war. Despite such a treaty however, two species seemed to always be incredibly close to conflict. The Scarletoozians and the Azuruckans came from relatively different planets but were surprisingly similar. Both were slime based humanoid creatures with similar physical ability, the only noticeable difference to each other being color. Scarletoozians were a bright red and Azurukans were a deep blue. Despite the many similarities they were two of the first species to antagonize each other during the universal war, and with how ferocious the fighting was it was surprising neither species completely wiped the other out.

Now members of both species were forced to share this planet, not allowed to fight each other at all. Tensions seemed to remain between the groups though, and it didn't look like it'd die down any time soon.

Despite that, things were peaceful for the next few years. The species were reluctantly able to live together in peace, sharing the purple fields of Heliotro-ρ. Yet two of them were soon to get into a physical altercation, the result of which risking the safety of the planet.

A Scarletoozian named Áb and an Azurukan named Ŷz found themselves in a field in the middle of nowhere. Áb was a bright red with short and spiky orange hair, while Ŷz was a deep blue with a shiny aqua ponytail. Just one look at each other and the two knew they weren't going to like each other. And yet they had to talk to each other, because the two of them were lost.

"So then..." Áb could barely get the words out, the sight of an Azurukan being rather infuriating. "Never thought I'd see an Azurukan lady around these parts."

"Sure..." Ŷz was already annoyed, but that comment didn't do anything to help. "I've seen many Scarletoozian guys, so this is the first time I'm meeting a girl."

Áb wasn't amused by the statement, leaving the two of them pissed off in the middle of nowhere. Neither Scarletoozians nor Azurukans wore clothes, so it was easy to tell the sex one was by just looking down.

And both Áb and Ŷz were boys...

Neither of them intended to look, not realizing they were both boys there. Yet the two were still annoyed to have been misgendered, assuming the other intentionally did so to insult them. The two were often renowned in their respective species for larger than average cocks and rather big balls, so there was no way it could be a mistake, clearly. Scarletoozians and Azurukans tended to be that way around each other, each group always assuming malintent in the other.

And so they stood there, silently annoyed at each other.

"Well..." Ŷz supressed his anger for a bit to try and start a bit of small talk. "Wonder if you're lost here too? D'you have a poor sense of direction?"

Áb winced at the question. Was that meant to insult him? Was this slimy blue girl laughing at his current predicament?
"What about it?" Áb tried to hide how upset he got. "You asking for directions? Never thought I'd see someone like you asking something like that?"

What was that supposed to mean? Ŷz was just a bit confused. Was he being looked down on? Was the red slimy girl in front of him mocking him right now? He couldn't let her see how angry he was getting, she'd probably take it to her advantage.
"Not particularly," Ŷz said. "Unlike you I enjoy laying in this empty field from time to time. I'm not simpleminded after all."

"Simpleminded?" Áb didn't take that well. "With such an obvious lie that'd be a better description of you. Just allow me to get you home."

"Like someone like you even knows the way home. I can see through you, you can't fool me with a lie so stupid."

"Sorry, I just thought something so dumb would be enough to fool someone like you. I mean, you made a worse lie yourself."

"Not as bad as yours."

"Are you sure?"

The two stopped themselves as they realized they had gotten a bit too close to each other. Their faces were inches away from each other, glaring at each other with an intense ferocity. But they were forced to separate when they felt a shock near their crotches, looking down to spot their biggest surprise. Both of their cocks stood tall, pressing into each other.

"YOU WERE A BOY!?" The shock was too much for Áb and Ŷz. They felt like to, like the both of them were tricking the other to believing that they were girls, even if there wasn't even an attempt at deception. The cause or probability of the deception wasn't what hurt, just the idea they were deceived at all. They immediately pulled back, but strings of slime still kept them together. Scarletoozian and Azurukan slime was rather similar, meaning they stuck to each other rather easily and rather tightly.

"You tricked me! What are you, some sadist!?"
"Sadist!? You tricked me! Are you sick in the head!?"

The goo that connected their cocks stretched like rubber, refusing to let them go and keeping them bound to each other. They turned their heads and tried to turn in opposite directions, pulling and tugging as hard as they could. They pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and puuullllllled...

The bonds between them snapped and the two stumbled to their knees. It took a lot of force, but they were finally apart. But that didn't mean their anger had yet to subside. They had simply had enough. The two of them were ready to get up and beat each other to the ground, destroy each other in any way they could and-

The two yelped as they felt their butts collide, a result of the two being closer to each other than they realized. Their balls were flung back, seemingly making contact with a really hard wet smack only to not return to their natural position. Their ballsacks felt weird, like they partially belonged to someone else, like they were connected to something beyond themselves, connected in a way they feared.

The two tried to tug themselves apart, only to realize their worst fears had come true.

Their balls had fused together.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Their first instinct was to pull, and hard they did. Neither Scarletoozians nor Azurukans felt a strong sense of pain, most harm being dulled out by their slimy physiques, so all that was left in there was some odd sense of sexual pleasure.

Their penises stood tall, confusing the two. Was a Scarletoozian/an Azurukan really making them hard right now? That only served to make the two angrier and angrier, forcing the two to tug harder and harder.

But if their cocks were hard to separate, their balls might as well have been impossible. The slime within them had mixed to the limit, to the point that separating them would be like taking the salt out of salt water. All that pulling did was stretch them like rubber, like a rubber rope tied them together. It aroused them, and that arousal fueled their anger, which only made them want to pull harder.

"YOU LIED TO ME!" Áb yelled at his opponent and tugged as hard as he could, not caring if he ripped the balls right off of Ŷz. "DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOL!?"

"SPEAK FOR YOURSELF!" Ŷz practically yanked at the balls, hoping he could tear it right off of Áb. "YOU WERE ACTING LIKE I WAS STUPID BACK THERE!"



Maybe if they thought about this situation for a bit, they'd realize that this was a slight misunderstanding. Maybe they would've been able to talk to each other and resolve this finally. But they were far too angry at this point, they'd likely be crying if either species had tear ducts. They tugged and pulled as intensely as they could, not even caring if the balls were ripped off of them.

Arousal seemed to be surging in their balls, swelling up like it was ready to explode at any moment. They pulled and pulled and tugged some more, groaning as they yanked on the ground and tried to pull each other more. Pull pull pull, grow more and more aroused, over and over and over and over...

They couldn't take it anymore and burst. The arousal was too much for them, both of them shooting cum out as far as they could. Oddly enough Scarletoozians tended to have red cum and Azurukans would have blue cum, but the cum that sprayed out of them both was purple.

Their cum shot far, leaving the two out of breath from the orgasm. It was like a wash of pleasure, but in this context it felt more humiliating than anything. It was like the person that was laughing at them the entire time had managed to beat them down, and there was nothing they could do to stop this.

"I hate you."

The two whispered this as quietly as they could, but both of them still heard each other. That didn't make things any better.

Before the sun set, the two were found by their respective families. But both families blamed the other for the incident, accusing the other of using the predicament to humiliate or kidnap one of their own. As more and more people heard about it it started to become a nationwide incident, increasing tensions between the two species for centuries to come.


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