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"Kobayashi, let's breed!"

"No!" The dragon maid Tohru tried to force herself on Kobayashi, who promptly pushed her away and went to her room.

Kobayashi sighed. Tohru was always rather forward and would occasionally want to do this sort of thing with her, but it seemed like she was asking for it more and more often. Did something happen? Did Tohru go into heat or something? This sudden change in behavior made Kobayashi worry a bit.

"Kobayashi, let's breed!" The exact same quote came out the mouth of Ilulu, the other dragon currently living with Kobayashi. That dragon leapt from under Kobayashi's covers, but Kobayashi was quickly able to avoid it. She had been somewhat expecting this, since Ilulu seemed to be in the same state Tohru was in.

"What's with you guys?" Kobayashi snapped at the dragon. "The two of you have been doing this all day!  You're normally not this persistent!"

"Sorry Miss Kobayashi," Ilulu said, panting. "But earlier today I was trying to make a little love potion if you know what I mean."

"An aphrodisiac?"

"Yeah... Tohru must've accidentally knocked it into our stew or something, and now we're like this. The dose I made was far stronger than the usual love potion, it's practically impossible to resist."

"That's awful." Now knowing the situation, Kobayashi felt bad for Tohru. The dragon must've been in such pain, probably trying to resist this entire time. "Is there any way to get rid of its effects?"

"You can... by BREEDING WITH ME!" Ilulu lunged for Kobayashi once again, who already anticipated such an attack and headed for the bathroom before hand.

Kobayashi sighed, sitting on the toilet. Ilulu was being ridiculous, there was no way that was the only way to help Tohru. Although, if that were the case, what other choice would she have? She wouldn't want Tohru to continue going through something like that, and if it was her Kobayashi wouldn't mind doing it once. Just to save her life of course, only if she had to to save Tohru's life.

She looked down at her legs and realized something was there. Ilulu must've used that one spell on her, effectively making her a guy now. Not much changed, her private parts just seemed to shift to that of a guy's, with a little thing that resembled her dad's. It was smaller than her dad's though, but that didn't mean it was small, right? Her dad's was the only one she had ever seen, that one was just big, right?  She wasn't just as small and unimpressive as a boy as she was as a girl, right? Right?

But maybe like this, if it was to help Tohru...

"Tohru, I'm here." Kobayashi slowly stepped out of the bathroom, heading for the living room where Tohru lied. The dragon maid had stripped out of her clothes, leering at Kobayahi with hearts in her eyes and steam coming out of her mouth.

Kobayashi nearly stood still, unsure of whether she could even continue. Tohru looked absolutely beautiful under the light, so much so she almost didn't want to touch her. Someone like her shouldn't be touching someone like Tohru, it felt unreal.

Kobayashi pushed herself forward to approach Tohru. This was her duty, she had to do this in order to help Tohru. Nothing more, nothing less. Why did her face feel hot?

"You need to breed with me in order to get back to normal, right?" Kobayahi covered her face, still blushing intensely. "I'll do it with you this one time, so come on. W-What are you waiting for?"

"I WILL!" Tohru immediately dashed towards Kobayashi, ready to push her to the ground and start fucking immediately.

"NOT SO FAST!" Ilulu smashed through the wall, stopping Tohru before she reached Kobayashi. Her arms were now covered in scales, increasing her strength as she grappled with Tohru, intending to push the dragon maid away. "I will be the one to breed with Kobayashi, not you!"

The floor seemed to quiver beneath them, the air seemed to stand still, two powerful dragon crushed each other's hands with seemingly murderous intent. Kobayashi stood behind them, forgetting to breathe, simply in awe at the strength in front of her.

Ilulu pushed against Tohru with all her might, but eventually the inevitable started to dawn on her. Tohru was much stronger than her, at this rate she was going to be swatted away like a fly and Tohru will have her way with Kobayashi. No one would be able to stop her, but who was as strong as Tohru? Wait a minute...

A flash of light appeared around Ilulu as she started activating her spell, but Tohru was already tired of this fuss. She threw Ilulu into the air like a baseball, smashing her threw the wall and many many many miles away.

The apartment looked like it was irreparable, but just a bit of magic easily reverted it to its previous state.

"I put up a few charms that will stop Ilulu from getting back here." Tohru looked back at Kobayashi with a toothy smile, excited that the day had finally come upon her. "Now, let's have se-"

A sudden flash of red and blue light appeared over Tohru, blinding her and Kobayashi. When Kobayashi could see again, she was shocked to see that Tohru was duplicated in the light, one dragon maid somehow having become two.

"Tch. So that's what Ilulu was planning." Tohru was very familiar with this spell. This spell created a nearly perfect copy of the target, but their was one major flaw. This duplicate was far more fragile than the original, so in a test of strength she'd easily be able to shatter it. What was Ilulu thinking? Why should something like this bother her?

"Um, Tohru?" Kobayashi seemed really confused and freaked out by the situation. "What's going on? What did you do?"

"It doesn't matter my dear Kobayshi." Both Tohrus spoke at the same time, not paying each other any mind. "This fake is of no trouble, let's have our alone time together!"

A hint of annoyance seemed to pick up in their voices once the word "fake" was uttered. The idea of a fake insisting that it was her was insulting to such a proud dragon, but if she had to choose between dealing with that insult and sleeping with Kobayashi it'd be the latter any day.

"Come on Kobayashi, lets start already!" The two Tohrus pushed down a confused and shocked Kobayashi, each putting a hand on one of her shoulders. The shoulders between them brushed against each other, annoying them a bit more as they traced their hands downwards towards their loved one's knew cock. Both hands found themselves gripped on the cock at the same time, annoying the two Tohrus even more.

"Um, Tohru." Kobayashi looked at the two dragons, who were growing more and more heated by the moment. "I think we should deal with the duplication problem first."

"I AGREE!" Flames huffed out of the Tohrus' mouths as they grappled each other, trying to push each other off of Kobayashi. Both were shocked as each attack was met with an equal, expecting the other to just crumble under her strength. Did Ilulu somehow find a way to make the duplicate even stronger? Either way, it couldn't be just as strong as her, right?

Their fingers interlocked, they stood tall, and they started putting all the strength they could into beating each other. They pushed and shoved as hard as they could, straining their human-forms' muscles to their highest degrees, yet neither budged.

But at that moment both of them looked down. Kobayashi's penis was tall and hard, and it felt like it was just calling to them. It felt like their pussies were magnetically attracted to the cock, slowly drifting down as both of them wanted to suck it into their being.

The only thing in their way was each other.


"DIE YOU SCUM!" Kobayashi could sense their heat growing to a boiling point, but was far too late to stop them. If the idea of being able to breed with Kobayashi was motivating, a fake trying to do so as well was more than twice the motivation. No one else should be with Kobabyashi, especially a fake.

They yelled as they slammed their hips into each other, angrily wanting to push each other away from Kobayashi. A newfound strength was found within the both of them, allowing both to push and push and push and push until... she felt it. Something entered her pussy. Kobayashi was fucking her, she was fucking Kobayashi, the both of them were having sex, they were breeding, she did it, she did it, SHE DID IT!

"TOHRU!" A shout from Kobayashi brought her back to reality, but she still felt like she was in the clouds though. Nothing can ruin this moment for her though, so she might as well listen to what Kobayashi had to say.
"The double," Kobayashi continued to say. "The double is still here!"

"What are you talking about?" Tohru jumped, realizing her voice was in stereo. Turning around it seemed like Kobayashi was right, and her double was still next to her, looking just as shocked as her. She didn't even looked like she was knocked off or destroyed, she seemed to be in the exact same position she was in before. Tohru's eyes trailed downwards, wondering where exactly her double was standing, her eyes slowly widening in shock. It was like her double started to disappear around her waist, her double's waist fading into hers!

From Kobayashi's standpoint it looked like they were conjoined twins, sharing every body part from the waist below. The only exception would be their tails, with two tails swinging off the single waist. But to the Tohrus it was obvious what happened. A magical duplicate of this type was fragile, but when broken the remains could often fuse themselves to nearby objects. The closest items to them was each other, so of course it'd end up with a situation like this.

Still, looking like this made it almost seem like the double was getting fucked at the same time as the real Tohru...

"GET OFF ME!" This time they were even angrier than before, not to prevent the other from having sex with Kobayashi but to stop the other while they were already doing so. They grappled with each other and tried to push each other off, angrily straining as they did so. As both of them tried to shove each other away they also pulled and pulled, both wanting to stay atop Kobayashi while pushing the other off. They wondered why their legs just didn't seem to cooperate and shook around randomly, not realizing the magic of the duplicate put both in control of the legs now.

Kobayashi wanted to resolve the conflict, but was squirming on the ground right now. The feeling of first feeling her cock enter them did excite her at first, but now it was incredibly tight. The two of them pulling their legs and pussy in opposite directions was making it clamp down on her cock incredibly, giving her an experience she never experienced. Was this how guys felt when they had sex? This feeling was certainly addicting, no wonder guys liked it.

The Tohrus pushed and shoved against each other, angrily trying to get each other off their loved one. Kobayashi continued to squirm beneath them, powerless to do anything. Suddenly the Tohrus' push seemed to weaken. The shaking and thrusting from Kobayashi seemed to be getting to them, making them shake along with her. The two also seemed to start realizing that this was going nowhere, ready to start a different method.

Each Tohru let each other go and leaned back, pulling their upper bodies as far back as possible, before smashing them into each other as fast as they could.

It was like the sound of glass shattering could be heard, with the two having found their breasts made impact with each other. And just like their hips below them it looked as if their breasts had fused, and one Tohru's tits ended where the other's begun.

The pulling began anew, but this time with their tits, the two tugging on their now shared breasts as hard as they possibly could. Both of them could feel their tits pulled and stretched immensely, both felt the strong pain within, but as dragons such a pain wasn't a problem. They pulled and pulled and yanked and yanked until they slammed back into each other with a great crash.

Kobayashi felt the Tohrus' pussy grip on her a bit less tightly, looking up to see only one Tohru sitting atop her. At least she thought it was just one Tohru at first, soon realizing that despite having only one body the two still had separate heads. Their hands were up by their heads, each trying to push and shove the other head off, angrily growling the entire while.

"Tohru! Stop this!" Now that her head was clear Kobayashi tried to reach them, but the Tohrus couldn't hear her voice at all. Up and down their body went, thrusting Kobayashi in and out of them as much as they could. They pushed and pushed their heads away from each other, roaring and screaming and biting each other's hands at the same time. It hurt both of them, but neither cared. They wanted to rip each other's heads off, tear them right off in their bloody glory. They roared and screamed until they smashed their heads into each other, the head of the fake shattering to pieces.

Kobayashi found herself climaxing, shooting her load straight into the dragon maid. Her head immediately flew to the clouds, excited to feel what guys felt when doing the deed. Only a second later did Tohru follow with the same, exploding herself with ecstasy.

"Good, that's over." Tohru groaned, only for her frown to immediately become a smile. "Now, why don't we continue?"

"Wait wait wait wait!" Kobayashi's cock felt like it had deflated, barely able to go back up after one load. Was this how guys felt after the deed? She needed a bit of a break if anything, she might die if she continued any longer.

"TOHRU!" Ilulu finally returned, having managed to break through the magic and smashed the wall of Kobayashi's house. "THAT BORDER ISN'T STOPPING ME ANY LONGER!"

"WELL BRING IT ON!" Tohru's anger returned, the dragon turning her attention to the large-breasted newcomer. "If anyone's going to have Kobayashi's child, it's me!"

"Wait, hold on." Now that the deed was over with, Kobayashi was able to think clearly, realizing something was odd about the situation. "Having sex with you was supposed to cure the effects of the aphrodisiac right? Then there's no need to do it anymore, is there?"

Tohru started to blush and stammer.
"I mean, just one time can't be enough," she said.

"You still need to try and cure me you know," Ilulu commented, also trying to make her move on Kobayashi.

Kobayashi sighed and left to her room, not having the patience to deal with this much longer. Tohru looked on longingly, with two tails that each had no idea the other was there.



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