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"This is my first day here, so please treat me well." An anxious blonde girl bowed down to her superior, who looked much shorter and child-like in comparison.

"Understood." The girl looked at her new underling with a smug smile. "My name is Aphrodite, and I'll be in charge of training you today."

The blonde girl was starting her first day in a new job, which she could still barely believe she was a part of. The building was structured like a somewhat normal office, with desks and computers and people typing away at work. All of it was covered in a golden brown sheen, the same colors that glimmered in Aphrodite's eyes. That was far from the most unique thing that one could see in this office however, as one could look up to see a sight prettier than a night sky. The ceiling was a domed window, and through it was a dark sky with multicolored lights streaking through. These lights would often split into two, then three and four, almost like the branches of a tree were opening up above them.

"You're amazed aren't you?" While the girl couldn't see her superior's face, it seemed obvious that Aphrodite was smiling. "Those lights are individual timelines, splitting off and separating with every different possibility. You know what our job is, right?"

"Y-y-y-y-yes!" She stuttered, having to slap her cheeks together to keep focus. "We at the Organization of Liminal and Yearly Monthly Paradox Unwinding and Scupper, also known as O.L.Y.M.P.U.S., is an organization dedicated to fixing all timeline-related chaos and problems. Whether it's accidental timeline clashing or incomplete splitting, we aim to stop the random yet often catastrophic impurities in the timeline and reverse any damage caused."

"Young recruits like you are always so excitable. You don't have to be so formal with me, but yes. In our line of work you're going to end up visiting many timelines, some vastly different from the one you're from, and we'll use whatever we can here to bring them back in order. So follow me."

As they made their way through the office, the new recruit noticed that Aphrodite was quite popular. She could kind of get it, her eyes were pretty and her skin seemed perfect and her long black hair seemed to shine in the air and she gave off a powerful aura like a goddess. At the same time though, a short and child-like girl like Aphrodite wasn't the type she thought would be popular. A few people whispered as she passed them, gossiping about Aphrodite being the type to sleep around with every guy around. The new recruit still found this hard to believe, not being able to match the girl she saw to how everyone reacted to her.

"So this is going to be your station," Aphrodite said, pointing the girl to an unattended desk. "I'll guide you through your first task, so pay close attention to what I do."

Their first task was in a timeline where the entire planet seemed more environmentally friendly. Bushes and trees grew along the sides of skyscrapers across the world, and sidewalks were lined with flowers. Apparently this timeline was the result of a minor Alternate Intersection, an event in which similar enough timelines merge but don't fuse completely, causing certain people and items to be duplicated in this new timeline. The new recruit just watched as Aphrodite found all duplicated pairs with ease, sending them back to O.L.Y.M.P.U.S.'s office to be fully put back together.

"Remember to keep this bracelet on tight," Aphrodite reminded, pointing to the solid steel bracelets the both of them had on. "They're keeping this timeline from diverging while we're here, and without it we'd end up with thousands of alternate us returning to the office."

"So this universe isn't diverging right now?" The new recruit seemed concerned. "Isn't that supposed to be the natural course for alternate timelines?"

"Don't worry, after we finish our presence is completely erased from the timeline, allowing the universe to continue on without us risking duplication. So just keep the bracelet on and-"

Aphrodite accidentally knocked her wrist against a wall, sending the bracelet flying off her hand. She quickly picked it up and slipped it back on, it was only off for about a second or two but that could've been dangerous.

"They should make these things tighter," she said. "Let's just keep going."

As they made their way through this timeline it seemed like Aphrodite wasn't only popular in the office. She turned heads in the city, with everyone turning heads whenever she walked by. It was like she had a mysterious magnetism of sorts, preventing anyone from looking away from her. Aphrodite took this attention in stride, strutting down the sidewalks like she owned the place. She had the widest smile on her face, and a jump with every step she took, doing her job as efficiently as she could.

But soon heads started to turn a different way. People weren't looking at Aphrodite anymore. It was like someone else had a stronger magnetism than her, and that person looked stunning. The long blonde hair with green underlights seemed to shimmer in the wind, the light green eyes looked like they were made of jewels. The person that walked by gave off a mature womanly charm that seemed to attract the attention of everyone around. Even Aphrodite couldn't take her eyes off this person.

"That's Psyche, isn't it?"
"I heard that's actually a guy."
"I've never seen a guy who looked that beautiful."
"Man, he's sexy."

Talks began to circulate around Psyche, who almost seemed embarrassed by all of the attention. No one could take their eyes off him, not even Aphrodite. Her smile absolutely shattered upon seeing him, becoming a crooked snarl as she growled at this popular boy before her. To think that someone out there could be more popular than her, especially a boy that looked prettier than any girl could, it just grinded her gears.

Aphrodite and the new recruit left the scene and continued to do their job, gathering everyone who was duplicated and sending them back to the office. There were some people working on the other end to combine them back into one and send them back, and thanks to the nature of time the process appeared to be instant to them. They were done rather quickly and headed right back to the office, but before they could rest Aphrodite ran back to her desk.

"Is there more to this job?" The new recruit ran right after her, almost collapsing in just a few steps. "I thought it'd all end there."

"This isn't actually part of the job," Aphrodite said. "I'm about to cause an Alienated Intersection."

"An Alienated Intersection?"

"It's an intentionally controlled Alternate Intersection. Our machines can fuse an Alternate Intersection so precisely that we can choose what stays duplicated and what doesn't."

"But why? We just undid the harmful effects of one!"

"That guy, Psyche was it? I simply can't stand people like him, people who draw all the attention towards them and act like they own the place! He's a man too, yet he tries to show up all the women there!? Most people I've seen tend to fight themselves when duplicated, and Psyche seems just like the type of person to do just that!"

Aphrodite got to work on her computer, typing away at the keyboard as she prepare the Alienated Intersection. The mathematics involved were rather complicated, with a difference as small as 0.1 allowing for wildly different results than intended. Aphrodite was one of the few officers capable of calculating the formulas needed, using them to pinpoint the exact location of the Psyche she hated so much and diverging his point in the timeline.

Aphrodite wasn't just looks, she had brains to back it up. She had the third highest results of any recruit in O.L.Y.M.P.U.S., and the top three were all the same person. She was very proud of her intelligence and could easily overestimate herself, so she was prone to rushing through the math and forgetting to check it over for any errors.

"It's done!" Aphrodite laughed as she pressed the enter button on her keyboard, starting up an Alienated Intersection. She could just imagine how much Psyche was struggling with himself, delighting at the horrible brawls they must be getting themselves into.

In reality, one figure in her equations was off by 0.2, completely changing the target of the duplication.

"Who are you?"

In the timeline Aphrodite just visited there were now two Aphrodites looking at each other in confusion.

Aphrodite may have taken the bracelet off for just a moment, but that moment cemented her presence in the timeline. Normally this wouldn't be enough to cause alternate versions of her to appear, since erasing her other appearances from the timeline would essentially make this moment a blip in the time stream. To everyone around it'd look like she appeared for a moment and then disappeared almost immediately. The only thing that would be able to cement her place in the timeline would be an Alternate Intersection right at the moment the bracelet flew off...

The Aphrodites could laugh at their situation. Their memories up to this point were of them guiding a new recruit through their job, and telling her not to take her bracelet off, only for this to happen when her bracelet came off. The new recruit and the bracelet seemed to disappear before them, confirming that the job was done and they had been erased from the timeline. There was no way back to the office, and if there was they shouldn't attempt it. The timeline splitting meant there were likely thousands of them by now, and the office would be flooded with those kind of numbers.

Well it didn't matter. Due to the nature of time the two should be expecting agents from O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. any time now. They could do whatever they want, say whatever they want, and none of it would affect the timeline by the end. So the two did exactly what they wanted to do at that moment, and slapped each other in the face.

"I'm sure you know who I am," Aphrodite growled. "And since you're my variant self I'll kindly ask you to leave and make yourself unknown!"

"How about you leave," Aphrodite growled. "I'm sick of you alternates, always trying to claim you're the original and steal the spotlight from me! Leave!"

Aphrodite had an event like this happen to her once before, and she couldn't stand her alternate self. The two always seemed to be battling for the attention of others, trying to steal the glances and glares that went to the alternate version of them. It came to a head when they both tried to sleep with Hephaestus, each of them pushing the other away from his cock as they struggled over it.

Aphrodite knew she could do whatever she wanted, but the things she wanted to do were blocked by this awful person in front of her. If she wanted to go out and flaunt her beauty to the world, she'd have to destroy every beautiful person in front of her.

"So get out of my sight you attention whore!" Aphrodite squeezed the cheek of the variant in front of her. "Or that pretty face you seem to enjoy so much will be in bloody shreds!"

"I'm not going anywhere you massive slut!" Aphrodite grabbed her alternate's cheeks and dug her nails into them. "I'll make everyone who sees that face of yours puke unless you leave!"

Seeing each other's growls as confirmation, the two immediately went to work attacking each other's faces. Nails jabbed into their skin as deep as they could, until finally a bit of bright red blood was drawn. The minor stabs were extended to long cuts, and blood was spread and covered over their faces, all to make the other look uglier.

"Is this enough for you, you bitch!?"
"Ready to give up now, you cunt!?"

Their hands went off each other's faces, allowing the two to put their faces together. At first it would seem like the two were trying to kiss each other, but immediately after it was clear that this was anything but. They were trying to smash each other's faces in with their own face, lining up each part perfectly and pushing it into each other. Mouths pressed mouths flat, noses absolutely crushed noses, and eyes refused to blink as they stared into each other's souls.

Hands went to their fluttery pink silk dresses, which were torn to tiny little pieces. Their nails jabbed right into their small yet soft breasts, squeezing and stabbing them with every ounce of anger they had. Squeezing and holding each other as much as they could, the two tried to rip each other to shreds.

That lasted for a bit before the two went back to clawing at each other's faces. Their chests, covered in blood and scratches, were pressed right into each other. Nipples were forced to go against each other, crushing each other under their might. It was painful yet arousing, shocking in more ways than one. The two angrily crushed each other's breasts beneath their own, attempting to completely and utterly destroy each other.

"You stuck-up, arrogant, good-for nothing bitch!" Aphrodite smashed her chest into her opponent, squealing in pleasure. "Get out of my sight already!"

"You insidious, self-centered, narcissistic slut!" Aphrodite forced her chest further into her double's, wincing in pain. "I don't want to see your face ever again!"






One more push and the two came, falling to their knees as they matched each other in strength. The pleasure flowed through their sore breasts, spraying out milk like there was no tomorrow.

There was a tomorrow for them though, which was the tragic part. No one came down to fix the mistake, and back in O.L.Y.M.P.U.S.'s office no one even knew this was happening. The cause of this, Aphrodite, thought it was Psyche fighting himself down there instead, smiling whenever she thought of it.

"So that was your training," Aphrodite said to the new recruit. "Now that you've finished that it's time to send you off on your first mission."

"Oh really?" The new recruit seemed a bit anxious. "I'm not sure if I'm ready."

"Don't worry about it. It's a simple task too, I'm sure you'll be just fine."

"S-Sure. So what's the job?"

"You have to deal with your own Alternate Intersection, and it seems only one girl was duplicated this time. Her name is apparently Narcissus..."


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