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The Museum of Witches, Wizardry, and all known forms of Magic was the next stop on the Tennyson's route. The small museum was full of ancient and mystical artifacts, magical potions, and nearly any item through the years rumored to have supernatural properties. Ben was looking at some cool ancient looking masks in their exhibits, while the Gwens and Grandpa Max were following the tour guide through the museum.

"Some of these artifacts date back to the sixteenth century," Gwen said, looking through the glass excitedly.

"They were thought to cure illnesses, remove curses, and even extend your lifespan," Gwen squealed excitedly.

"Impressive," the tour guide said. "Maybe you should be the tour guide instead of me."

The Gwens smiled and followed while Ben just watched, almost wishing he knew something like that.

As he went back to the exhibit he was looking at he noticed his feet weren't touching the ground. He was floating into the air, everyone around him was, and all of them were pinned right to the ceiling. As everyone panicked a wisp of smoke flew into the building through a window, and out of it materialized a man who seemed unaffected by the attack. He wore a red and black robe and used a cane with a bird's head on it, but the most noticeable thing on him was the necklace containing many various charms of sort.

"Just what I was looking for," the guy said, using magic to lift one of the books away from the bookshelf. "And with the Archamada Book of Spells' power in my hand, no one will be able to stop me, Hex!"

The magic pinning them to the ceiling suddenly released itself, and everyone started to fall back down to the ground. Everyone screamed, worried they'd hit the ground in a bloody splat, only to find their descents slowed by a quick blue blur. That blur belonged to the speedy alien heroes XLR8.

"Don't even think about it Hex," one of them said.

"Try to steal anything from this museum and we'll be here to stop you," the other said.

Hex attempted to fight back, but found himself quickly getting overwhelmed by their blinding speed. Ben watched in amazement as the two easily took on the magician, wishing he could also do something like that. Wouldn't it be cool if he had the speed of XLR8 or the strength of Four Arms or the durability of the Diamondheads, but it wasn't like that could ever happen.

Hex gets knocked out cold, and everyone clapped. The XLR8 celebrated, even after they turned back into Gwens and headed away on the RV they were cheering and celebrating their victory.

"You should've seen me back there," Gwen squealed excitedly. "That punch I delivered was so cool!"

"I guess," Gwen said. "But that kick I delivered around the end was so amazing, you should've seen it!"

"Hey, I was controlling the legs there! That was my kick!"

"No way, I was controlling them! I could feel it!"

"Must be great," Ben groaned. "Being able to fight all those villains and get so much glory as a hero."

"Being a hero isn't about the glory," Gwen explained.

"It's about saving people," Gwen continued.

"You two say that like you weren't hogging the cameras after beating Hex." Ben sighed and slumped in his seat. "I wish I had something like the Omnitrix. Maybe then I could be a hero."

The Gwens looked at him sadly before sliding a circular rock over to Ben's side. Upon closer inspection, this rock was one of the charms around Hex's neck, something that made Ben look up in interest.

"It's a souvenir we got from the battle," the Gwens explained. "Take it and stop sulking already."

"...thanks." Ben took it, putting it in a necklace around his neck.

The two continued their trip, stopping by a restaurant to get food. They were eating a bowl of crawfish, each of them delighting and munching on the food until only one crawfish remained. Two forks stabbed it at the same time, both of those forks belonging to the Gwens.

"You've had far more of these than me," Gwen growled. "I should take the last one."

"You must be remembering wrong," Gwen growled. "You've had far more than me."

"Both of you have had way more than me," Ben complained. "The last one belongs to me!"

The Gwens didn't seem to hear him, still arguing over over the single crayfish. They pulled and pulled on the food with their forks as hard as they could, until it just couldn't hold anymore. The forks flew out of their hands, one smashing into the chandelier right above them. A bit of the glass broke off and fell into the kitchen, startling the cook and causing him to push one of the carts out of the kitchen and straight into the table right where the Gwens were.

The Gwens were covered in live crawfish, drawing out laughs and cheers from the people around them. That included Ben, who was using the chance to take the final crawfish for himself.

"Just lucky I guess," he said, not noticing his charm glowing.

"That was not funny," the Gwens groaned, even mumbling after they left and were now walking with the others in a street market.

"Sure," Ben said, still chuckling. "Maybe I should get you a gift in apology, like you two did earlier with the charm. Thanks again for it!"

He went to get a hot dog from the stand only to hear a scream. Some lady had her purse snatched, and the criminal was quickly getting away.

"We have to go," Gwen said, readying the Omnitrix. "Time to go Stinkflies!"

"Ew, no," Gwen said, turning its dial. "The better option would be Diamondheads!"

The two fought over the dial, each struggling to turn it in their direction, while the criminal seemed to continue getting away. Clearly something had to be done, there must have been something Ben could do, so he ran to try and stop the criminal. As his charm glowed he started to trip and crashed into a juggler on a unicycle, making the juggler slip off the unicycle and making the unicycle crash into the culprit.

"Just give be control ONE time!" Gwen kicked her double in the crotch, using the moment she winced to turn the dial the direction she wanted.

"Then let me take control just ONCE!" Gwen retaliated in kind, kicking her double in the pussy and using the shock to take control of the Omnitrix.

They kicked each other again and again, trying their best to make each other lose control. Their hands stayed gripped on the Omnitrix's dial, pulling and yanking to try and keep it under control.

With the criminal stopped by a unicycle Ben ran to get him. He stepped on an open bottle of mustard by accident, which squirted mustard in the eyes of the hot dog vendor. That vendor stumbled about and pushed his cart by accident, sending it away at top speed.

The two Gwens were still fighting, yanking on the Omnitrix as hard as they could. they kicked and kicked and kicked each other as hard as they could, failing to see the hot dog cart that was rolling into them as top speed. They were knocked right off their feet and crashed into the criminal, knocking the guy out cold.

"My purse!" The woman whose purse was just snatched from her ran back to grab it from her assaulter. She then turned to Ben with the widest smile on her face. "Thank you young boy, you're my hero!"

"I'm no-" Ben stopped himself as he said that. Was that actually him? That was a bit too coincidental for him to just be lucky, was this charm actually magical? maybe he'd need a few tests to make sure.

And that training took the entire night.

Morning came. The RV was parked by a basketball court near a construction site, and the Gwens walked out to see Ben in the court. He looked away from the basket and tossed the ball behind him, and once the charm glowed it went right inside. He did it again, two more times, three more times, and all of them made the mark.

"Impressive," Gwen said, shocking Ben.

"Have you been practicing?" Gwen was genuinely impressed.

"Not at all," Ben said. "It's the charm you gave me, it's making me unbelievably lucky."

Before the Gwens could ask about it an explosion was heard at the construction site. The three ran to see construction workers dangling from the top of their building by a thread, and a few more were crushed under steel beams.

"We'll have to talk later," the Gwens said, activating the Omnitrix. "It's hero time!"

Transforming into giant orange beasts connected by the arms, the Wildmutts leapt towards the building. Ben watched in awe, but quickly realized he couldn't just stand there, and ran into the RV to change.

When he came out of the construction site he wore a dark purple jumpsuit, with a mask that likely came from the street market. The charm was still around his neck, glowing a bright yellow between the lines.

"Never fear," he said. "Lucky Boy is here!"

The Wildmutts leapt up the building with great agility, making their way to two construction workers dangling on a single thread each. One was to the left, the other was to the right, and the Wildmutts jumped for them. One leapt left, the other leapt right, and neither ended up reaching her target.

As they fell multiple stories from an unfinished building, the two slashed right at each other. Their breasts were pressed into each other as they stabbed their claws into each other's faces, angrily and desperately wanting to make each other pay for the mistake.

"Now if I stand her," Ben said to himself, standing on a wooden plank leaning over sacks of cement like it was a see-saw. "Something must be bound to happen."

Something did happen, as the other end of the see-saw was right where the Wildmutts landed.

Lucky Boy was shot into the air, blasted right through the unfinished building onto the same level the construction workers were dangling. He was a bit scathed but the injuries were minor, and he was in the perfect position to reach out to them.

"No need to worry anymore guys!" He reached his hands over the edge and tried to grab them. "Grab onto my hands and I'll save you!"

The construction workers tried to reach out but were just a bit too far away. Try to reach further and they'd start to slip down the ropes they were dangling from, in danger of falling.

"Hold on," Lucky Boy said, looking around for anything else he could do. "Let me try this!"

He picked up a pebble in the building and threw it out, and all it did was land on the ground.

"I really thought something more would happen," he said to himself.

On the ground, the Wildmutts were still attacking each other. Balancing the best they could on their hind legs, the two continued to smash their breasts into each other, crushing them flat. They stumbled about as they angrily hurt each other, over and over again they tried to crush each other with their chests.

As they stumbled about one of them stepped on the same pebble Ben threw and tripped, falling right into the passenger seat of a cement truck and hitting the controls. The truck backed up towards the building, catching the workers in the cement just as they fell.

News quickly came to report on the scene, and Ben, or Lucky Boy, was regarded as a hero. Everyone cheered and everyone loved him, except for the Gwens.

"That charm is apparently one of the charms of Bezel," Gwen groaned, researching it.

"That charm affects luck," Gwen said. "The others are for fire, electricity, levitation, and reincarnation."

"Isn't that great!?" Ben leaned back in his chair and relaxed. "I can finally be a hero alongside you!"

"But you're not doing anything," the Gwens said. "That charm is doing everything for you!"

"You say that like that watch isn't doing the same for you!"

"Guys, stop!" Grandpa Max immediately cut the argument short. "Look at the news."

A haunted house nearby had seemingly come alive and swallowed up all the people that entered. The Tennysons decided to investigate, driving over to the haunted house and peering inside.

"You two should probably stay back," Ben said, putting on the rest of his Lucky Boy costume. "Let the real hero do the work."

The Gwens rolled their eyes and activated the Omnitrix, ready to transform if the situation called for it.

The pillars seemed to move on their own, the windows and doors would open and shut without notice, and controlling it seemed to be one man in the center. One guy in a black and red cloak with a necklace full of charms the Tennysons quickly recognized.


"I knew something like this would draw out you menaces," he growled. "You took something important from me, and I'm going to take it back!"

Creatures made of stone erupted from the ground, these golems making their way to the Tennyson family. The ones aiming for Ben tripped before it could reach him, but the Gwens and Grandpa Max weren't going to be so lucky.

Quickly the Gwens slammed down on the Omnitrix, transforming into a larger and more muscular form. Now as the red beasts known as Four Arms, they knocked the golems right away, punching them hard enough to smash through the wooden walls.

Lucky Boy ran to meet Hex, attempting to land a single punch on him. Hex avoided the strike, with Lucky Boy's punch hitting the wooden wall right behind him. The wooden wall splintered the moment he hit it though, sending a chip of wood right into Hex's eye. Hex winced and immediately blasted in Lucky Boy's direction with a beam of fire from his staff, but golems being punched through the walls was starting to make the house come down and lucky falling planks blocked Lucky Boy from harm.

"You think you can use my own charms against me!?" Hex just smirked, a sudden departure from the wince in pain he was showing earlier. "You're a fool!"

As Lucky Boy was trying to figure out what he meant a tree branch seemed to sprout from the ground and wrap around his hand. Lucky Boy tried to move away, and his charm even started to glow, but nothing seemed to happen.

"Surprised?" Hex floated towards Lucky Boy, who was getting restrained by more and more branches. "I have a multitude of spells prepared to counter any one of my charms, just in the case this happened. I wouldn't want to lose any of them in time for the ritual."

"The ritual?" Ben barely registered what he heard.

"Yes." Hex ripped the charm off Ben's neck and put it back in his necklace. "Now that I have the Archamada Book of Spells and all five charms I Bezel I will be able to gain infinite magic power! Once the full moon reaches its apex tonight I will be unstoppable!"

"Not unless we do something about it!" The Four Arms ran to smash Hex's skull in, sprinting as fast as they could to deck him with their four arms. Hex didn't move, simply waving his staff and covering himself in a forcefield. Their fists didn't even crack the magical shield, allowing Hex to float out of the haunted house with a smile.

A graveyard was right behind this haunted house, the perfect place for Hex to start his ritual. As he rose into the air the charms on his neck started to glow, and the book he was holding floated into the air and opened itself up. Lightning rained down from the sky and clouds were swirling around Hex, while his golems erupted from the graveyard like zombies.

"Darn it!" The Four Arms smashed their fists into the ground, frustrated with the events that just occurred.

"You should've pushed harder," one of them complained to the other. "If you helped push against the ground with me maybe we'd get to Hex before he put the force field up!"

"Are you kidding!?" The other one was appalled. "I pushed as hard as I could, I barely felt any bit of effort coming from you!"

"What does that mean!?"

"It means this is your fault!"

Golems were erupting from the ground, Hex was gaining ultimate power, Lucky Boy was no longer lucky, and now the Four Arms were assaulting each other. Their upper hands went to each other's faces, pushing as if they were trying to separate themselves from each other. Their lower hands went to their breasts, pushing the top two into each other. Their nipples were brushed against each other with their top arms, the two rubbing the boobs together as much as they could.

"All of this would've just been avoided if you just helped me for once!" She pushed and pushed, attempting to rip her partner away from her.

"Why do you always blame me for all of your mistakes! It's your fault!" She pushed and pushed, grinding her tit right into her partner's.

"Ben!" Grandpa Max ran to his grandson, holding him tight in his arms. "Good thing you're safe. Now we need to form a plan to stop Hex!"

"It's hopeless," Ben said. "I don't have powers anymore, what can I do?"

"Ben, being a hero takes more than just luck. I'm sure there's something that can still be done."

Ben slumped back, ready to give up until he noticed a defeated stone golem in the vicinity. Its leg was broken off and it wasn't moving, and it looked like it'd be heavy, but maybe Ben could carry it.

Hex laughed maniacally, feeling the ultimate power coursing through his body. A power like this could subjugate the world, and destroy it if he ever pleased. Just one more second and all that power would be his, at least if he wasn't smacked out of the air with what felt like a boulder before that second could start.

Hex felt all of the charms fly out of his necklace, and looked up to see Ben before him. He was a second away from ultimate power, and that annoying boy ruined it! He felt like he could just kill that boy, no, that boy was dead to him. Hex picked up his staff and ran to Ben...

...only to find Four Arms right in front of him.

"The only ones that get to hurt our cousin..."
"...is us!"

Ben watched in awe as the Four Arms absolutely destroyed Hex. It was effortless, it was incredible, and Hex never managed to get a hit on them. Ben wished he could be as strong Four Arms, as fast as XLR8, or as tough as the Diamondheads, but maybe he didn't need to be.

With Hex down all of the golems collapsed too, which left Hex's charms alone for anyone to use. Ben picked up the necklace, amazed at the sight, but he couldn't let this fall in the wrong hands.

"Four Arms," he said, presenting them the necklace. "I'd like you two to do the honors of destroying these once and for all. That way, it'd be impossible for Hex to use them for evil."

And the charms were destroyed, busted to atoms, their power now lost to the world.



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