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Jeni Thompson was a professional marathon runner. Since elementary she has been outrunning all of her peers, and has won many races since then. She was quite stunning, with a cool slender figure that people loved, but she was always a bit insecure about one thing: her chest size.

Jeni has never had a big rack like her peers. In fact, it was so small to the point it didn't exist. While this did allow her to run without a sports bra or her boobs getting in the way, she always hated it. Everyone she met seemed to admire large boobs and she could tell. Even her current boyfriend could be caught glancing at someone else's big boobs, and she didn't like it.

One day she ended up getting a tie. Someone, apparently named Keni, who looked like a mirror of her, just with red hair instead of blonde, was neck and neck with her the entire time. Since they couldn't determine a winner the two had to share the first place trophy. The two smiled and waved at each other, but Jeni glanced at Ken's chest and a jealousy grew. Was it just her or was Keni's chest slightly bigger than hers? Angry, she decided to go meet Keni it the locker room late after everyone left.

In the quiet locker room Keni went straight to the showers. Her entire life the only thing she used to make up for her lack of boobs was athletic skill, but now it felt like some other girl was taking it from her. Not only did Jeni match her in her passion, but it looked as if she surpassed her in boobs. The one thing she could never advance in no matter how hard she tried just being beat like that made her angry. So when she heard Jeni walk into the showers, she thought of this as a chance to show her who's boss.

Jeni just took off her clothes and walked into the same shower Keni was in. The two just stood there silently, letting the water run over their bodies until Keni finally decided to say something.

"Seems like you were able to catch up to me in our race earlier," Keni said. "Nice try, but just to let you know I was going easy on you then."

"Is that so," Jeni said. "Because I was going quite easy on you as well. I'm sure that I could beat your tiny tits in a race any day."

Keni winced upon hearing tiny tits. "Please, I'm much faster than you think. Besides, if my boobs are tiny you have microscopic tits."

Jeni winced when hearing her tits were microscopic. "My tits are clearly much bigger than yours. Yours is so small you look like a boy!"

"My tits are clearly much bigger than yours cunt!"

"My boobs are the bigger ones you bitch!"

The two had walked close to each other, to the point that their outstretched nipples went out and poked each other. The two hissed at each other, desperately wanting to prove their boobs superior.

"I'm bigger cunt!"

"I'm bigger whore!"

The two wrapped their arms around each other's backs and squeezed each other with a tight bearhug. The two squeezed tight, pushing their chests out in order to make their seem bigger in any way. It hurt quite a lot but the feeling of nipples clashing as they tried to suppress each other was unrivaled.

"So you were just a pervert who wanted to touch my tits all along huh?" Jeni sneered at her opponent, ignoring the feeling of the nipples clashing.

"I would never touch your tiny boobs on purpose! You're the one who wants to feel mine!" Keni taunted while ignoring the arousal she felt.

"I wouldn't want to feel your chest, your boobs are tiny! I can even feel your ribcage from here!"

"What are you on about! It's your ribcage that can clearly be felt, my boobs are noticeably bigger than yours!"

"Are you stupid bitch!?"

"Are you an idiot cunt!?"

The two doubled down on their titty attacking efforts, squeezing each other as if this were the most important moment of their lives. The two could feel each other's ribcages on their chest, but the sensation that stood out was the electrifying clash of nipples that went on between them. The nipples of these small boobs went back and forth, delivering blow by blow as if they were in the middle of a boxing match. This match was one that would make real boxers stand down however, since each girl put every ounce of ferocity into each attack in a way that would scare the most dangerous predators.

After about ten minutes with no one winning the landscape began to change. With the shower still on water poured onto the floor consistently, with made Keni and Jeni slip. Keni took advantage of this to place herself on top of Jeni, making her boobs look superior.

"Look at that." Keni flaunted as if she were a model. "Seems my tits were always superior."

"Shut up bitch!"

The two struggled like that for a moment until Jeni managed to flip the script and get herself on top of Keni. This time she was the one laughing.

"How nice." Jeni posed like a super star. "So I guess my boobs were always better."

"Shut up cunt!"

The two continued to roll around and wrestle along the floor. Every time on would get on top they would gloat about it, and the one on the bottom would just curse them out while attempting to turn things around. At the same time, the feeling of their nipples clashing was enhanced. Now, instead of it being multiple strikes it was two needle trying to crush each other by the tip.

"When I'm done your tits will be begging for mercy," Jeni said as she got on top of Keni.

"You wish! When I'm done your tits will have anxiety every time it sees my tits," Keni said as she got on top of Jeni.

The two continued their fight until they ended up in a stalemate. Both girls were on their sides, trying everything in their power to overpower the other. The force was so great that the two sets of nipples couldn't resist any longer and an orgasm came over them both. The fluids mixed with the water on the floor as the two were too exhausted to get up.

"So my boobs were clearly superior cunt!"

"No, my boobs had destroyed yours bitch!"

The two continued into the night, never really learning who was superior.


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