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First Newsletter of the year, lets get to it!

  • The third, fourth, and fifth Gwens 10 episodes have come out since the last newsletter, following the third to fifth episodes of Ben 10. I'll talk about each individually under their own bullet points:
  • Episode 3, The Krakken, was a personal favorite of mine when I was younger, though that was likely just because I liked Ripjaws. I tend to be a fan of more monstrous aliens in the series, which may partially be why designing Ripjaws for Gwens 10 was a bit of a hassle. Making something sexy would mean removing the monstrous elements but I'm very attached to those same elements thanks to how much I like the alien. So in the end that's the design I settled on.
  • Next design is Wildmutt, and that alien was in a somewhat similar situation to Ripjaws. Wildmutt is another alien I really like and it felt hard to make a design I liked here. That being said, I did find a nice design for a sexy Gwen Wildmutt on DeviantArt before starting this series (it actually partially inspired the series as well) so I took a bit of inspiration from there when making this Wildmutt design.
  • I've never been too attached to Diamondhead, which I feel is odd because he's a cool and popular alien. Regardless, making a version for Gwens 10 was basically as easy as taking the canon Gwen 10 Diamondheads and making them two-headed. That being said I did add a few changes. For whatever reason none of the Gwen versions of Diamondhead have the back spikes every Ben version has, and I just thought that was odd. I also decided to add a bit of a crystal ponytail since I've been giving many of these aliens hair and new hairstyles.
  • I've had some interest in the generation of AI art for a bit, even if it is a bit controversial at the moment. And so Alternate Intersectionality is my first attempt at making something out of it. The software I'm using currently doesn't allow NSFW images, although that's just because I'm currently not in a position to spend money on a better software.
  • Since this is the first newsletter of the year I should probably let you in on my new year's resolutions for the Patreon. Within the first few months of the year I want to start doing better on the benefits that I should be providing, adding more polls, opening commissions, etc. Be sure to look out for it.
  • Speaking of benefits, I'll be starting off with the Suggestion Box. It was something I had contemplating adding for a little while and I thought now may be the time to try it. There will be more information in the Suggestion Box itself.

And finally that's it for this newsletter! Hope you enjoy!


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