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"Tohru! Elma!" Kobayashi scolded the two dragons. "You can't just fight in the middle of the city like that!"

"She started it!" The two dragons pointed at each other, tears in their eyes.

"I don't care who started it! Just resolve your problems a bit more peacefully, the way humans do it!"

Kobayashi sighed before going back to work. It was like she'd leave them alone for just a few seconds and they'd end up destroying a building. She thought they had adjusted enough to the human world by now, but it seemed like hundreds of years of draconic instincts was hard to get rid of.

Meanwhile Tohru and Elma sat on the floor with tears in their eyes. Their human forms' clothes were mostly burnt or ripped to shreds, but that was easily fixed with magic. That didn't fix the root of the issue. A huff of smoke came out of Tohru's mouth, the dragon clearly ready to throw down once again.

"Don't try," Elma said. "You know what Miss Kobayashi said."

"And this is all because you can't keep the fight in one place," Tohru growled. "I thought we agreed not to leave the field."

"And I didn't. I was only in front of the city when you hit it with that attack!"

"And I wouldn't have done that if you weren't in front of it!"

The two sighed. They weren't going to get anywhere at the moment.

"How do humans fight though?" That one comment left the two the most confused, as neither could tell what Kobayashi meant by it.

Tohru thought about it. "All of the humans I've seen fighting did so with swords and spears."

"That was back in our world," Elma said. "The humans of this world probably fight differently."

"But that still doesn't answer the question."

"Maybe Lucoa has an idea."

The two went to the phone and dialed for Lucoa, who was currently taking a bath at Shouta's place.

"Why hello there," she said with a smile. "What do you need?"

"Lucoa," Tohru said anxiously. "Do you have any idea how the humans of this world fight?"

"To be honest, no. I haven't seen it myself. But I'm sure Shouta baby would know, so I'll call back after contacting him."

"Thanks Lucoa."

"No problem."

After finishing her bath Lucoa walked out to Shouta's room, expecting to see him there. But the little boy was nowhere to be found, having gone off to school a while ago. Still needing answers though she checked his father's room, which was also completely empty.

"Maybe I'd be able to find out on his computer." Lucoa opened the computer, which seemed to already opened up on some odd site she had never seen before. She had no idea what a pornhub was, or why there would be a website dedicated to it, but saw a search bar and assumed it must be just like Google.

She typed in fight and looked at the results, learning just how humans fought.

She told Tohru and Elma all about it, and the two agreed to settle their differences once and for all in this manner. Lucoa and Fafnir were invited to see it as well, and Lucoa brought Shouta along since his father was going to be out during the time of the battle.

"I was wondering how humans in this world managed without magic," Fafnir said. "A demonstration wouldn't be unwelcome."

"Are they really going to fight?" Shouta seemed a bit anxious as he watched. "Don't fights between dragons cause lots of destruction?"

"Don't worry Shouta baby," Lucoa said with a smile. "Today they'll fight the way that humans fight."

"And who taught them how humans fight?"

"I did."

Shouta groaned. He could see where this was going already.

"Ready to finally go down Elma?" Tohru put her hands on her hips, ready to go head to head with her rival.

"You're the one going down today!" Elma put her hands on her hips, ready to go head to head with her rival.

The two started with the bottom of their outfits, each lifting them up and over their heads. Stockings, shoes, and even underwear came off too as they soon ended up as naked as the day they were born.

"I knew it!" Shouta blushed furiously and looked away. "Nothing is normal when that demon is involved!"

"Interesting," Fafnir noted. "The removal of all forms of armor is rather brave for such a weak species. Maybe the decrease in defense increases their offense?"

"Alright ladies," Lucoa said, seemingly acting as referee. "Begin!"

Tohru and Elma ran towards each other, smacking large breasts right into each other. The two squealed, having not yet felt such a sensation in their human forms. It was slightly painful, somewhat pleasurable, but according to Lucoa this was a sensation they needed to avoid. So the two smashed their tits further into each other, squirming and shaking as the pleasure started to overtake them. Their nipples dug into each other's flesh, hard as stone, sending shockwaves between them every time they made contact, and the two could help but moan.

"I will defeat you," Tohru grunted, pressing her breasts into Elma's.

"I will defeat you," Elma grunted, pressing her breasts into Tohru's.

"I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" Unable to take it anymore an orgasm flooded through their bodies. Their breasts sprayed milk as if there was a child there to suck on it, and the two separated as they felt the greatest pleasure they have had to that point.

"That's it?" Lucoa seemed disappointed. "That was barely five minutes, the ones I saw were much longer."

"It's not my fault," Elma said. "I'm inexperienced! It's my first time fighting like this, of course it would be short! Same with Tohru!"

"Don't put words in my mouth," Tohru said. "Even if it is completely true!"

"I knew it," Shouta mumbled, looking up at Lucoa. "You are a demon."

"Was that it?" Fafnir just seemed confused. "What was the point of that fight. Where's the bloodshed? Where's the screaming? Do the humans here really think this would be enough to take on a dragon!?"

"Well on the bright side," Tohru said. "At least I won!"

"No you didn't," Elma said. "You climaxed before me!"

"What!? You came first!"

"No, you did!"

"You did!"

"You did!"

"LUCOA!" The two turned to their busty friend, both enraged. "ARE REMATCHES ALLOWED!?"


Before she could even finish the word the two brought their hands to each other's crotches. Their pussies were stabbed with their fingers before getting pushed in and out at inhuman speeds. Over and over they went, making their entire bodies pulsate with the intense amount of pleasure they put into each other. Their knees shook with each hit, their eyes watered as they did their best attempt to hold it in, but an orgasm overcame them, just as big as the first.


The two got into a 69, each placing their face next to the other's pussy. First it started with a few slow licks but soon the two were voraciously slurping each other up. Each lick made an electric pleasure of sort pulsate within them, one that seemed just as great if not greater than the pleasures of before. They shivered with excitement, they tried their best to hold everything in, but soon couldn't do so anymore and ended up with another orgasm.


The two stood up and grabbed each other by the chest, groping and squeezing each other's breasts as hard as they could. The flesh of the tit was manipulated as if it was putty, and the nipples were pulled as if they were springs, and the two shivered at every bit of contact. The pleasure surged within them like electricity through a wire, and the two were vibrating even more as a result. The resulting orgasm hit them like a truck, probably being the greatest pleasure they had felt so far.
But of course, it was another tie.


The two were like this for a while, refusing to give up this fight at any point. Fafnir had left long ago, saying that human fighting was simply ridiculous, like the rest of the species. Shouta couldn't leave, he had no one home at the moment after all, so he tried to play a game and keep his attention off of the fight, but found himself peeking more and more. Lucoa was intensely focused on the battle, cheering for both parties to put their all into it and growing excited as even if it was small the fights did start to get a little bit longer.
The sun was starting to set, hours had gone by, and the two still found themselves at a draw.


Despite this they continued again, pushing their pussies into each other this time. The two could practically scream with excitement, feeling their most sensitive parts clash directly in a battle that wasn't to be missed. Their clits pressed directly into each other like this was some orgasmic sumo battle, and the lower pair of lips met each other in some unique form of kiss. They screamed in pleasure, but couldn't afford to lose now. They didn't try to rematch so many times just to lose. And so their pussies were pulled back and pushed right back into each other, over and over and over again. It was far too much, they could hardly take it, but they tried to hold in the pleasure a bit more. They did their best, they were able to hold it back more than before, but it wasn't enough. Another climax came to inform them that once again it was a draw. They squirted all over each other with a pleasure that was far greater than what was felt before.

"There you are." Kobayashi had finally found the two after hours of searching. "What are you two doing!? You were gone for the whole day!"

"We're fighting the way humans fight," Tohru grunted.

"Now don't disturb us before we have a rematch," Elma grunted.

Kobayashi sighed. "Before you continue, I should probably tell you something."

As those two separated and went to Miss Kobayashi, Shouta was just glad that this was over.
"By the way," he said. "Why were the two even fighting?"

"I think I remember being there when the argument started," Lucoa said. "We were buying ice cream, and Elma was bragging about how the chocolate was her absolute favorite flavor, but Tohru argued that since Kobayashi-san liked strawberry that flavor was objectively better. And then-"

"Wait. Are you saying all of this started over a bit of ice cream?"

"Pretty much."

Shouta realized he was mistaken. All of them were demons.



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