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It was one fateful night when a couple ran into that hospital, running in at top speed. The woman was pregnant, with twins nonetheless, and she was just starting to go into labor. The doctors rushed them into an empty room, nurses left to care for her, and everyone was in chaos expecting to see the babies come out.

The nurses told her to take deep breaths as her body heaved and ho'd to release the children from her womb. The nurses looked down expectantly, briefly seeing the tip of one's head peak out and into the sun, only for it to seemingly get pulled back through. It seemed like another head started to poke into the light, but it was pulled back through again. This sort of thing happened a few more times until the unthinkable happened, and both heads went through at once.

The doctors were shocked. Something of the sort shouldn't have been possible. The vagina wasn't made to deliver multiple babies at the exact same time, something like this was catastrophic to the mother. The nurses and doctors quickly made a move, trying to make sure the delivery was as safe as possible, but by the time they realized how dangerous the childbirth was it was too late. The woman was in critical condition, and she could only be kept alive for a few more moments before taking her last breath.

The father was delivered the sad news, and handed safely delivered twin girls. It was a sad day for him, but he vowed to take good care of these girls in honor of his late wife. His wife was named Elizabeth, so he named these two Lisa and Bethany in her honor.

Being a single parent to a pair of twins was difficult, but somehow he was able to make it work. He worked twice as hard to prepare for them, doing all that he could, and for the most part it seemed to work out. Bethany and Lisa seemed to grow into well adjusted adults, but there were a few oddities. Mainly, the two were quite similar in personality, being headstrong and tough at times while enjoying feminine things like fashion and shopping. They grew up to be rather popular with the boys, being buxom but slim and fit, gaining their mother's blonde hair and deep blue eyes. The problem was that they were too similar, almost like the same person in two bodies.

When the two woke up in the morning and went to put on their clothes they'd be found fighting each other over the same pair of underwear. They'd fight over the same toothbrush in the morning, fight over the same piece of food when eating, even if every seat by the table was empty they'd struggle over the same seat! The two would often say the exact same thing at the exact same time when speaking, with their volume slowly raising as they would attempt to speak over each other more and more. Their father thought they'd grow out of it, but it never seemed to happen. Even as they grew to 21 years of age and decided to finally leave the house, he still had worries about them.

"It will be fine." The two tried to console him, each of them placing a hand on one of his shoulders. "I rented a place as far away from her as I could think, there shouldn't be any problems."

And so, reluctantly, their father let them go. Lisa and Bethany left for their future homes, walking out and not looking back. They didn't have a car, thanks to the disastrous driving test leaving neither of them with a license, so the two had a long walk ahead of them.

"Why are you following me?" The two were walking right next to each other going down the exact same path.

"My house is this way!"

"No, mine is!"

"Whatever, just don't get in my way." Bethany and Lisa decided to just try and ignore each other, trekking along the long long path. As they walked for a few hours the two were increasingly annoyed by how neither of them seemed to go in a separate direction. They made all of the same turns, walked down all of the same lanes, and it was getting a bit suspicious.

Finally the two made it to where they wanted. They dropped their suitcases in relief as they looked at the apartment complex, smiling happily.

"I'm finally here!" The two jumped for joy with smiles on their faces, before they immediately became angry frowns. "Wait, you're living here too!?"

"I thought the two of you were roommates." That was what the landlady said after the two ran over to her to ask about their room situation. "The two of you ordered at the exact same time, with exactly the same applications, and even happened to be twins, so what else was I to think?"

Lisa and Bethany weren't too thrilled to hear this however. "Can you at least send her to a different apartment!? What, me!? I paid for this place first, you should go somewhere else!" The two had started grappling each other, ready to slam each other to the ground right there.

"Settle down girls," the landlady said. "I only have one other apartment open, so it's not like I can give both of you different rooms. Besides, wouldn't it be better to just share?"

A quick glare from the twins was the only answer she needed.

"Just get to an agreement on which one of you gets the room," she said. "Please solve this in a civil manner."

In order to help them reach a decision faster the landlady allowed them to check out the apartment for a while. As she handed them the key both of them grabbed it, and it seemed like the tensions started to rise yet again. The landlady quickly walked out of the room, having given up on getting the two to get along.

Luckily for her the two didn't seem to snap at each other, instead keeping their hands grasped tightly onto the key. They dragged each other to the empty apartment they were promised, stuck the key in at the same time, and opened the door at once.

The first thing they noticed was that the door was rather thin, as they got stuck when trying to force themselves through the door. They pushed and pushed, trying to force themselves through, feeling their asses press into each other harder and harder as a result. They still pushed and forced their way through as hard as they could, eventually emerging from the other side with a pop. The inertia made them fall face first into the ground, but at least they made it through.

The two looked around for a bit. It was their first time in an empty apartment, with the floor and walls as white as snow, but their heads were filled with possibilities. They could imagine where they'd place the TV, where they'd put the couch and stove top, which room was the perfect one to sleep in, it was the perfect place. The only thing stopping them from using this room, was each other.

"Let me be frank!" Lisa and Bethany spoke at the same time once again, irritating each other. "I'm not giving this room up to you!"

Their hands were clasped tightly onto the key, and the two pulled as hard as they could. Their fingers slipped off and the key started to fall. Quickly and instinctually the two went to grab it, the result just being the two bumping their heads as the key fell to the ground. A small bit of blood let out, and the two staggered back, feeling a bit shook to the core.

"YOU BITCH!" The two leapt for each other, smashing their faces together. Their lips were pressed together, their noses were scrunched up, and their eyes were so close they could press into each other. Despite how close they were they didn't even blink, practically staring into each other's souls.

They clawed at each other's backs, pulling their figures together with a loud clap. Everything lined up perfectly, from breasts to legs to the tips of their toes. If someone were to try and measure them they wouldn't find even a millimeter of difference in the positions that the two attacked each other, and of course they hated it.

For all of the time that Bethany and Lisa could remember, every action they made was equal. There was not a single atom on their bodies wasn't completely in sync, with the two either moving in the same direction as or against each other. The two would pay for a situation like this to actually be different between them, but alas they were still the same.

They still clawed at each other as harsh as they could, pressing their bodies into each other as harshly as they could. With the two so close together and standing on the heels of clashing toes, a position like this would look unbalanced to the average viewer, like the two were a rock balancing on the tip of a needle. But since both girls angrily put the exact same amount of force into the attack, they've achieved an odd form of balance this way.

Even the air they breathed was completely identical, with the molecules lining up and bouncing against each other with each breath. Such a coincidence, one that's so unlikely it could be considered impossible, was every second of every year of their lives.

But they thought to themselves that today was going to be different. They were going to force a difference this time. As their grips tightened blood erupted from the skin with nails jammed right in it. Their noses pressed against each other so hard that their nostrils were essentially a connected tube. Breathing through their noses would just make that area a vacuum, so they breathed through their mouths. Breasts were pressed into each other so flat that the pressure could turn coal into diamond. Nipples connected with each other and felt like they combined into a single seductive wire. Tighten the grip even a little bit more and the electric pleasure would completely destroy them.

Their pussies were slammed into each other at breakneck speeds, making the two wince at the exact same time. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, even repeating those words a million times would understate how much they slammed their pussies into each other. Their clits stood hard as long, and with each touch another surge of electric pleasure would flush through.

Tears welled in their eyes, which fused and connected each other thanks to the close proximity of their faces. They wanted to be different, this was far from the first time, but the idea was just more daunting the more this went on. As they slammed their bodies together once more, reveling in a great orgasm that completely shook them, one thought remained. Of course, this thought was also shared between the two, but they'd rather not think about the possibility.

"We'll just share the room." The two said this at the same time to their landlady, sharing the key between them. The landlady seemed a bit shook, having no idea what had changed, but to the twins nothing had.
This was just life for them. They were used to it by now.



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