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Hello all,

Forgot to mention there is also a new 357 model in the game as well as these changes below.

- Hard_1a3A fixes
- Hard_1a3B fixes
- Hard_1a4g fixes
- Hard_2a  1/2a/2e fixes
- Barney now holster's his gun when not in use and idle
- Barney pulls out his gun when hearing player shots
- Barney when in ALERT Monster-State will follow significantly faster
- Barney Reloading drops a magazine temp model
- Barney Punch Damage now fixed to correct skill variable
- Hgrunt Kick now fixed to correct skill variable
- Scale keyvalue is now usable for enemies "Models" (Currently works best on barney because of hitbox scale code added to hull size)
- Barney's Precache functions merged together.
- New Giblets will be included and counted correctly for each monster that dies (Human)
- Default AI now included a "Retry" AI function to prevent freezing of NPC actions.
- item_healthkit/weapon_healthkit returned to patreon branch
- game_player_equip function now working for all players. (May need some testing) - trigger_auto_multiplayer now working in only multiplayer (simple fix)
- Human grunts AI changes including paying closer attention to player sounds and weapon shots.
- Human grunts AI changes to run from assassinated friendlies & find cover (IE - Crossbow shot)
- trigger_remove (already part of the October release) has some partial fixes
- Custom model code will now be fixed and acid_shotgun will not include it's own specific model until its lost in residue processing.

The new password is "evansuxcoxndix"

- We wish Evan well with his constant battle with his AFK disorder.


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