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When we finally got back to Zahera, we realized that her existing setup does not allow for the character growth she deserves. More so, she appeared way more irritating than we intended originally, and that's never a good sign. To counteract on this problem, we decided to rewrite the majority of the dialogue to better reflect what we want her character to be, while keeping the scenes and the overall structure completely intact. On top of that, the setup of her story was changed as well, adding a comprehensive reasoning to all that is happening.

Keep in mind, that this is NOT the content update we announced in our new roadmap! It's still coming later this month!

But these changes only the tip of the iceberg!

We are finally introducing a new setting, that would allow you to change any character's name to whatever you want! To compliment this, we have also added a new "Contacts" menu, where you could find a complete list of all interactable characters, and an easy way to access the gallery of their scenes. The latter was a necessary addition, given that the amount of unique scenes is now in triple digits, so we wanted to give you an easy way to find the exact replay you want, without having to scroll through dozens of pages. And on top of that, we have also updated our textbox, which now includes unique colors for all of the mentioned names, drastically improving rideability! We will expand upon all of those things below.

This is a massive Quality of Life update, where we tried to touch upon as many thing as we could, and bring your experience to the next level!


Yes, the Name Changing setting is finally here! It might be a bit clunky still, but it's functional, and probably more functional than we thought it would be. That said, we don't EXPECT bugs to occur, we KNOW for a FACT that something is broken, but with limited amount of testing that we can do internally it's impossible to find all of them. Please, go into this with an open mind and be sure to share all of the bugs, typos and inconsistencies that you find!

We had to completely rework the way Name System operates, which is why it took so damn long to implement. On the flip side, now we have a very flexible and customizable system, that we can easily modify in the future!

To change character's name, you need to:
1. Open your "Contacts", which is the first option in the Phone Menu.
2. Pick the desired character.
3. Click on the "Edit" button, which is located on the left.
4. You will be given a prompt to write a desired First Name, then a separate prompt for the Last Name if applicable.

That's it! From now on, the game will display updated name in all instances, including the dialogue. It does not (yet) apply to the names you see on pictures, though it happens rarely, but we are planning to fix that as well.


This is only the first step towards completely overhauling the current User Interface, but this is a necessary one. We added a new "Contacts" menu into player's phone, where you would be able to find a complete list of all interactable characters. "Contacts" menu allows you change character's name, access the gallery of their scenes and pictures, and see the next step of their questline.

Since we have already talked about the name changing setting, let's get straight to gallery shortcut: As we already said, the amount of replays in the gallery is getting out of hand, so having to scroll through dozens of pages simply to find a specific scene that you'd like to replay is annoying. This is why we added a shortcut into the "Contacts" menu, which will allow you to access the gallery of replays ONLY for the character that you picked. Simply get into the "Contacts" list, pick a character, and the click on the button at the center of the screen, the one with an image icon. It will bring a sorted list of all their replays!

And, like we mentioned, you will also be able to see the next step in the questline for a specific character that you are trying to romance. That should help you to progress through their routes much easier!


Yes, this change is so big, it deserves it's own category! Our original textbox was decent, but it lacked many important features, especially for those who play using Android devices.

Updated textbox introduces buttons to access Save/Load menu, to fast-forward an interaction you already played through, and to go back to the previous line in the current dialogue. As a bonus, we added a separate small button underneath the textbox to hide it during the interaction in case you want to enjoy the scenery uninterrupted.

We also added unique colors to names of all major characters to help you more easily distinguish who is currently speaking. At least based by our internal testing, it does wonders to overall comfort during long dialogues! Keep your eyes peeled for any uncolored names though. We did our best to highlight all of them, but some might have slipped past us. Be sure to report any of those you stumble upon!

Considering the amount of additions, many of which are concerning the existing systems, it will undoubtedly cause problems. This is why we wanted to limit the amount of players during the first few weeks, so we won't get overwhelmed by the amount of reports. We still only have a single developer and two people, who collect your feedback, so having a limited amount of players should allow us to process everything more comfortably. We hope you understand, and we promise to bring many more QoL additions in the upcoming months!


> https://youngnaughty.net/downloads/

Early access is open to high tier patrons! 

If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, please, consider joining high ranks. This will not only allow us to fund never-ending grind for more content, but will also grant you access to this, and every future closed testing, as well as many other rewards!


> https://twitter.com/young8naughty

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Wait so you can change the name of the actual characters? That's interesting. Not something I never thought about


Yup, you can freely swap names of almost any character now, excluding random people you can find on the background.


Dang I really wanted to change that one guy who sits in the bench outside of class specifically 😫. Fr tho sick change idk if I'll personally use it much I suck at naming things but it's great for those who want it!


Can't load my save, but still hunting for other issues and the like.


Saves from playthroughs that you started over 6 months ago won't work. We did our best to ensure compatibility for as many saves as possible, but we only could do so much considering the amount of stuff we've changed. Sorry about that :( But you can still use "skip to new content" feature at the start of new game, which should unlock the majority of content and put you right at the start of new Zahera's content.


The name changing feature is awesome! I love that each character has their own name color too. Very nice. And damn! Reworked Zahera is so hot! Looking forward to her next chapter <3 <3 <3


Thank you SO much! We are working on improving the rest of UI to be on par with our new updated textbox, and we'll try to bring even more QoL changes as soon as possible! The next chapter of Zahera's story is almost done, so you should expect it in coming weeks!


She patch on my notes until I change my log

Noroi J

Hello, i just found an issue with the scanner, it shows the "an exception has occured" screen as soon as i try to click on people there're also something written in red but it's hidden by the menu when i turn to the second page. Also some typing errors on Zahera's route. Otherwise great job on the interface changes they make the game even better than it was

Christian Wissinger

I'm not sure what's going on, but the game is broken for me. I can never use the 'return' function to exit the contacts, and if I try to start the game from the beginning, the sprites from the bedroom glitch out


We uploaded a fixed version! Re-download the update from our website, and you should be good to go. Sorry for the inconvenience!