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Let's get down to business. 

We all know why you all are here. It's R34 content, that what you expect of us, and sure, we do like adding an occasional original character into the mix, but the reason we are all here is our unhealthy obsession with certain hero-shooter's guys and gals.

That's why this time we decided to go all-in on adding AS MUCH content with them as we can, all in the span of the next couple of months!

First and foremost, THE NAME CHANGING!

Yes, we know how uncomfortable it has been having to play with all of those new and unfamiliar names. For us too. As you all know, that was a necessary step to avoid getting slammed by the ban hammer, since our game got a bit bigger than we ever expected. Now though, we are finally testing a new feature, that would allow you to swap any character's name to your liking!

We didn't expect that implementing a feature that sounds so simple could turn in a six month-long project for our developer, all because that we had to completely reinvent how the naming system works. Thankfully, it's almost ready and we are finally doing the inner tests. This addition won't be painless, so expect a number of bugs to occur, though we will do our best to hotfix them in the shortest time span possible.


You have probably noticed a few familiar faces on the picture, mainly Sonya and Seraphina. Those two didn't see a single content update in years! And for a good reason. Their current storyline sucks. It's old, hastily put together back when we knew nothing of how to make games or write compelling character stories. Much has changed, so it's time for them to change as well.

Sonya and Seraphina will receive first ever complete overhaul. That means we are literally going to rework them from the scratch, but this time we will do it properly. They're both going to receive the same treatment, as every other route currently gets, which means a meaningful character development, animated scenes, and lots, LOTS of smut!


You may also notice a few completely new faces there as well! It's about time we expand the selection of routes available for playing. Sitara and Hanako will finally get their own stories, and we aren't planning on pulling any punches. Those two in a desperate need of finding a soul-mate, though for completely different reasons. While Sitara, being a fan of spicy literature, if trying to put all of the knowledge and ideas she gained throughout the years of careful study, Hanako is a true gamer at heart, who is yet to figure out what are friends, why would she need one, and whether that sex everyone's talking about is a real deal. Speaking of Hanako, she is by far THE most requested character, so we will make absolutely sure she gets the treatment she deserves!


And now let's talk about Reina. She is a tough one, both literally and figuratively. You can probably notice that every other character, who draws clear inspiration from specific sources is still easily recognizable, yet she isn't. That's because Reina was our first attempt at "updating" character designs, and in her case we went just a tad bit too overboard on originality. Now though, we are planning to finally get back to her purple routes. Yet again we will make changes to her appearance, but this time, we will keep you posted along the entire process to ensure that the fans of moody hacker girl will get exactly what they want.


Originally, Zahera was supposed to be a part of our previous roadmap, but there wasn't enough space to fit her in, so instead she goes here. Her update is already on its way to be released, but let's talk about few important points anyway: Firstly, we have made a few changes to her existing storyline, adding depth into it and fixing elements, that made her character appear a little more flat. She is supposed to be a tough nut to crack, yes, but it doesn't mean we want Zahera to be repulsive in her desire to antagonize the main character. All of that has been touched up upon, while the main structure remains unchanged, so you have nothing to worry about. Still, we would heavily suggest replaying her Intro update once we patch in the fixes. You are going to love what we did!


Okay, now we're getting to the MEAT of things. For months, if not years, people have requested us to add a proper dateable male character. We think it's about time we do exactly that. But since there is a few great contenders to be the first, we didn't want to take it upon ourselves to make this choice. Instead, we will give YOU the chance to vote for the one you want to see the most, be that charming femboy Luca, reliable buddy Clyde, or confident and collected archer Haru.

BUT! There must be a huge but. We understand that a lot of people would feel rather disappointed if they would be forced to stop progressing their stories unless they are interested in romance. So, to counteract this problem, we will be making TWO routes for each of them: One completely friendly, with no romantic or sexual relationship whatsoever, and one, in which you would be able to get much closer with the guys. That means if you aren't interested in seeing male-on-male scenes, you can still hang out as buddies and play through their "friendly" storyline, which will literally be "guys being dudes" type of content.

First update of this series, Zahera, will be available later THIS month, so stay tuned! Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments, and keep an eye on voting polls which will go live in a few weeks.




I do have a slight complaint, the complete SILENCE throughout the entire game. I know it's costly and harder to start getting music/sound designers but maybe somewhere down the line we can get that?


We are already looking to solve that problem! Yea, it's pretty jarring, and we hate that ourselves, so we'll try to finally implement a somewhat proper soundtrack as soon as we can.

Halfdan Bach

You guys just missed a good joke by writing “there is a big but” instead of there is a big butt when you’re talking about the first gay choice