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There's No Where to go but Down!! 




Liam Gradders

It had been a long, trying wait, but we finally got there in the end. The Kiss! 🎉🎉🎉

Roderick Hare

Let's Go ! 🤘🔥,I'm so glad I joined your Patreon yesterday so I can watch your Harley Quinn exclusive reactions and even though it's gonna take me a while to catch up to this point I'm enjoying the ride 😊🙌


Drag it out for drama and lesbian angst? No they would never do that

Keira Libby

When I tell you’ve I’ve been waiting for this reaction 😂 10/10 can’t wait to see what happens

Jenny D

Yeah, the kiss really does come out of nowhere, but yay, we’re finally here!

Ryan Porter

"There's nowhere to go but down... in this show, that could mean anything." Or mean something... specific. Bow-chika-bow-wow... Just kidding, DC literally said Batman doesn't do that. I did warn you about the culinary horrors. Fortunately, Harley and Ivy are both level headed and good at talking about their feelings so... yeah I can't even finish this sentence with a straight face. Buckle up, buttercup.

Sean Shepherd

Fun fact: the soundtrack to Gordon shooting through the precincts is a deliberate sound-alike for "Born in the USA".

Jenny D

Manbat looks like he’s part of Echo’s crew in Arcane.

Jenny D

Actually, Harley and Ivy were already imprisoned together in the same place where they first met. In the pilot episode, Harley was sent to Arkham Asylum and was there for a year until The Riddler got Ivy an orange seed and they escaped.

Jenny D

I love how Mosco keeps calling Batgirl “Batwoman,” like she’s instinctively drawn to the sapphic one. Ps. Another fun Patreon exclusive could be Batwoman. It was a very gay show.

Jenny D

Another thing that happened in the pilot was Ivy saying, “Harley, I love you in a very odd, hard-to-articulate way.” She also said, “I love you,” in 1x02. So yes, they’ve both said, “I love you,” to each other!

Sam Pamenter

i forgot to mention this last week so I will now! So fun fact this episode and She-Ra season 5 actually released on the same day, May 15 2020! I like to consider that Sapphic cartoon day or whatever but it's amazing both things happened on the same day I remember gay cartoon twitter blowing up!