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The gay panic I had while watching this episode for the first time was crazy lol


I'm so conflicted on Catra's hair. I love the look, but the reason for it being cut is awful

Stephen Ray

Pretty sure Catra's hair is about the same length as it was in "Taking Control". It's just fluffed a bit.

Christopher Bouzas

16:44 hello the only other member of Catra’s species we see


This is another BIG IMPORTANT EPISODE, but it doesn't get much hype for a couple reasons. Part of it is just that the reason it's important is sad, unlike, say, Save the Cat, which has the happy stuff of Adora and Catra finally reuniting, but the main reason is that the reason it's important is a major dramatic reveal that's impossible to hype up without massive spoilers.

Catradora fan

Catra has always wanted to sit in Adora's lap for so long now Adora looking annoyed but secretly liking it When Catra got up off of Adora's lap Adora has this look like "why'd you get up?" 😅🤣😂 Nice to see Scorpia get to shine by singing

Frank Wales

This is one of a handful of episodes that takes its title from an episode of the original series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoqXF9prcPE That, in turn, almost certainly bases its title on that of a silent movie serial, 'The Perils of Pauline': https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0004465/

Christopher Bouzas

Mosco: he got a princess! Fuck that’s bad. Spinerrella: Am I a joke to you?


The guy with an eyepatch has been confirmed to be Sea Hawk's ex, but I like to think all of those people are his exes because it's funny and feels completely in-character. The cat person is definitely same species as Catra, with those stripes. She just has thicker build and longer fur.


She hasn't really interacted with others like her, but I feel like she'd internally be like "I'M the cat around here. 😒"


"You've never listened to anyone in your LIFE, Catra! Are you really going to start now?" Yeah, cat's don't listen to no one no how.


And Adora was actually holding her, which just makes it that much more...more. 🤣


I can't remember...were we ever told much about how Catra ended up in the applesauce box when they found her? (and am I misremembering the story of how she got her last name?)

Jenny D

I don’t think Catra’s hair has actually grown out since we first saw it in Save The Cat. Remember after Prime had her fighting with Adora for a while both of their hairstyles got messed up. I actually really liked Catra’s look when that one strand fell in her face. Prime just had it gelled back like all of his clones’ hair. You can actually tell Wrong Hordak apart because his hair is slightly messy!


As we are getting close to the end, assuming your not done by now, set time aside to watch episodes 12 and 13 as one. You do not want to split them up.

Jenny D

7:05 Mosco: Very spy-esque! Me: It’s like they’re spies, spying in disguise.


The perfection of his coiffure is one of Horde Prime's greatest concerns! As goes his hair, so goes his Empire.

Jenny D

12:28 Yeah, having two people chipped would really suck.


Catra being abandoned in a box isn't necessarily canon, just something Nate once mentioned when asked about Catra's past. He likes to joke around and say stuff that is more meant to be fun concepts than actual canon. Catra's middle name being Applesauce was a joke by the show's character designer, but many fans like the idea and that Catra was named that by little Adora because she was found in an applesauce box. In canon, all we know is that Catra is an orphan who was taken into the Horde at very young age and the show's creators have said they didn't ever really think about it further than that. In the furthest flashback Catra looks like a toddler and is already very close with Adora. She likely doesn't remember her parents.

Ashley Silver

Ah yes, the episode featuring Catra's most heinous crime: getting off of Adora's lap. Such a betrayal smdhmh

Jenny D

I love how all the himbos have their hair pushed back this episode. Adora (as always), Scorpia, Seahawk.

Jenny D

This long, frustrated pause from Mosco right before Scorpia reveals that she actually was onto DT is great! 🤣 You both fell for the double bluff!

Jenny D

Yeah, if half the crowd is secretly chipped, that means all of the crowd is chipped.


She-ra isn't She-ra without the gay angst, now that Adora and Catra have made peace it's time for Netossa and Spinny to suffer

Jenny D

32:36 It’s even worse than that, because Spinnerella and Netossa are wives! 😭 Something interesting to note is that on Etheria married people exchange a piece of their clothing. So Netossa’s colors are blue, silver, and white, except for her neckpiece, which is pink. And Spinnerella’s colors are pink and purple, except for her neckpiece, which is blue and silver. They exchanged their neckpieces when they got married. I don’t remember what Angella had of Micah’s (if she had anything at all) but in the Season 3 finale alternate reality Micah has his hair half-up, and I think he’s wearing a pair of Angella’s earrings. He might be wearing them all the time, but we just can’t tell now because his hair is covering his ears.

Emily Marriott

If anything, it looks even shorter than it was when she was under Horde Prime's control, as you could see she had several inches left once the hair was no longer neatly greased back. I suspect she cut her hair even shorter to get rid of Horde Prime's haircut and reclaim it best she could.

Emily Marriott

Just remember: We're gonna win in the end!

Emily Marriott

Yes, you've hit the point where changes to the intro are going to happen every episode. While it gets talked about as happening across Season 5, it's really only something they did in the back half of the season. Basically, they made this update to show Catra's shift over to the Rebellion's side, and then opted to keep updating the intro after this for reasons you'll sus out.

Emily Marriott

I think it's even shorter. In taking control, strands at least fell to her chin. It looks like an even shorter cut now.

David Johnson

Logically, Scorpia should have played with the blacksmith...if only because she *looks* like she swings big steel hammers around all day.


Something worth doing is watching the "Catra jumps onto Adora's lap" scene frame-by-frame. Legitimately hilarious. :D

Ryan Porter

The writers be like, "Okay, they got Glimmer back. They got Catra back. They got She-ra back. Everyone has drip this episode. We have given them hope." "Now take it all away."

David Johnson

"That is a strong testament to Catra's willpower" As Adora said, she's never listened to anyone in her life.


Actually I don't think DT would be on the good guys' side. They are a survivor above all else and they have exactly the skill needed to do just that. Just think about the fact that DT, on their own initiative, tried to fit in with Horde Prime's army as a clone. They weren't trying to sabotage Horde Prime or anything, they were just hiding. In fact, DT even implies that the only reason they stopped is because it was boring, not because it was dangerous or because of what Horde Prime was doing to Etheria.

Tammy Ragsdale

As cute as it is to have Catra jump on Adora's lap, I always like the little bit that comes after Catra walks off. She legit changes her answer to whether or not she's looking forward to getting home just to make Adora happy. She was always good at reading Adora, that's what made her such a strong opponent, but this is one of the first times we see her use that for friendship. You'll see more changes in the intro here and there now. There are no real filler episodes from here on in, everything moves the greater plot along, so, other than the two-part finale, there probably won't be as much hype for individual episodes. For those of us watching your reactions it will be more a matter of individual moments we'll be looking for. That said, the next episode is a personal favorite for me.


A true comfort-food episode. AJ's squeaks of surprise are worth the price of admission all by themselves :D


One small detail that I love about this episode is the way Perfuma and Mermista interact. In the first seasons of She-Ra, Perfuma and Mermista sometimes became annoyed or frustrated with each other. They rubbed each other the wrong way occassionally. However, this gradually diminishes and in this episode we actually see them working together smoothly, even enthousiastically coming up with elaborate backstories for their undercover roles together. They've become close friends.


Living for the cross promotion for your girl with the t-shirt

Jenny D

That was in Save The Cat. Taking Control was the same hairstyle she has now.

Jenny D

Adora’s hand supporting Catra’s thighs as if Catra couldn’t easily just rest her legs on the arm of the chair. I see you, Adora.

Jenny D

I’ve seen him listed as Seahawk’s ex on the wiki, but I’ve never seen any source for that.

Jenny D

Honestly, if Catra hadn’t pulled the portal lever out of rage, she would’ve pulled it just because she wasn’t supposed to. It would’ve been her glass of water on a table.

Jenny D

Yeah, 5x08 is lowkey my favorite episode of the series, I think.


Nate was asked about it on Twitter and confirmed it. Also, before that Nate did some trolling and mentioned random stuff in fake spoiler sounding way that would happen in Season 4...then all of it turned out to be true for Season 5, including "meeting Sea Hawk's ex."

Porpoise Power

Princess Prom also has a brief cameo by the Star Sisters from the earlier this season.


"Catra, you trapped my right hand with your thigh and my left hand with your back and now my left hand CAN'T MAKE A SWORD because that's not at all what it wants to be doing right now!"


Yeah, having come to it all a bit late, it's always a little hard to sort Nate's jokes about canon from his jokes about what would be cute...especially when you read about them by way of the people who really OWN their "Catra Applesauce Meow Meow" headcanon :D Also, love that shot of Catra in your profile image...😂


No doubt, no doubt. I can see the storyboards now. 1. Catra looks at handle,... 2. ...then wiggles it a little 3. then wiggles it a little more 4. Catra looks at handle again, then seems to get bored with it... 5. ...and then wanders off camera. 6. beat 7. beat 8. beat 9. Catra furiously leaps at handle


"You're gonna cut my hair? Well f* you - I'll own it and absolutely SLAY this new look."


Writers do be jerks sometimes. Or most of the time... At least they throw us one more bone before everything really starts spinning out of control!


And the speed with which the Scorfuma ship began caused whiplash all across the fandom... :D

Jenny D

Different characters. The ones this season are the Star siblings, because one of them is a boy.


The cat person they had tied up behind the bar is Squall, one of Admiral Scurvy's crew.


When they first really interacted in Season 4, Perfuma seemed like she was thinking "SHE'S SO CUTE!" or something similar.


Remember, we don't throw tanks at our friends.


Adora's pure She-Ra form is basically unstoppable. She took down a bunch of ships shooting lasers at her IN SPACE. So how do the writers still create tension and potential failure? She can't hurt anyone they're fighting! Their physical combatants are mind-controlled, innocent people. I love how they did that


If I remember it right, Angella and Micah split a pair of earrings so they each have one from the same pair

Joey Quixote

One of my favorite episodes in the series, but I love any episode that's Scorpia heavy. The whole setting ships on fire was, IMO, the dumbest running gag in the series. But the fucking payoff in this episode makes it worth it! The way I laughed at that reveal!

Tabatha Cat

It never occurred to me before you pointed it out that Double Trouble was Sven as well as Peekablue.


It's why "Sven" looked a bit nervous when Scorpia was singing about being a spy hiding before your very eyes.

Jenny D

But both of Micah’s were pink and both of Angella’s were white.

Tristan Haller

I love every moment in the show when Mermista lets her unbridled enthusiasm for something slip through her facade, and you realize that on a fundamental level, she's basically Sea Hawk cloaked beneath a veil of sarcasm and disaffection.


ope, yep, you’re right. not sure why i remember micah with one earring…


Its also not possible for the Star Siblings to have appeared in Princess Prom because they are not from Etheria.

Willow Arkan

the way this episode ends is so emotionally intense, from heartbreak to absolute dread and loss.


"Buff princess searching for roommate to share spacious one-chair apartment; rent includes all utilities and one comfortable lap"


Definitely an improvement in their working relationship compared to fighting over chairs :D


Yep, they're just both inspired by the original show's Star Sisters. If the Star Siblings had visited Etheria, I imagine there would have been some funny background event with them interacting with the Star Sisters.


There’s something horrifying about the vast emptiness of space after Perfuma’s message. That scene gave me chills honestly.

Porpoise Power

Thank you for the correction Jenny, I couldn't remember their pronoun / updated team moniker


Next episode is my Favorite episode in the whole show!!! :)

Emily Marriott

I was about to say nuh-uh, but I went back and checked, and yeah. She cut her hair between Save the Cat and Taking Control. She definitely doesn't have the chin-length hair she had in Save the Cat. Guess fixing her hair was priority #1.

Emily Marriott

It really drills in that feeling of loneliness after losing so many people to Horde Prime, doesn't it?

potato potato also another potato

I love it just for that one long shot of adora just staring stupidly at catra smiling and blushing after she makes a door for the group early in the episode.


I do agree, but also, catra would be the first one to tell you she couldn't resist until the chip got damaged