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Welcome to Heaven






David Johnson

I think that after Lilith left him, he fell into a major depression and just cut himself off from everyone, even Charlie. Charlie and Vaggie must have been together for quite a while then - she didn't grow her hair from a bob down to thigh-length in a couple of months, after all. That's a lot of years worth.

Jacob Bess

I think they met some point during the 7 year period. Also it probably didn’t take that long for her hair to grow out. I mean you never know what to expect from angels and demons.

David Johnson

Predictions: The 2nd season will be war with Heaven. And there will be a lot of Overlords trying to cut deals with Heaven to save themselves at the cost of everyone around them. Nifty will be the one to kill Valentino - she kills bugs, and he's a bug (physically *and* metaphorically). Lilith is trying to create a *third* realm for souls, neither Heaven nor Hell, without the faults and limitations of either. Someone will die...but it won't be someone we expect because messing with/overturning our expectations is Hazbin's bread and butter.


i swear, i CANT HELP BUT SEE IT! hell is palistine, heaven is izreal*, The Exorsists are the IDF, Sera is the USA, and Emily represents the western people unaware of their goverments crimes. i just cant help but BOIL from the injustice against palistine!


ATLA is coming next month & also deals with a genoside

Chet Bliese

19:00 and 39:40. The happy growling! I love it!

Ryan Porter

If the executioners are wearing masks while in Hell... is Adam wearing a mask, too? And like, always wearing it? Because that would explain why he doesn't look like a palette swapped imp, not an angel. "Well, (Adam) was the first human soul in heaven." So where is Eve? Where is Eve!? With the five month time jump we didn't get to see Angel Dust's progress, but it's clear he's made some. He never defined boundaries with Val before. I don't know why, but the "Don't you care, Sera!?" line rocks. The whole song rocks, but that line stands out to me. You can hear Charlie biting back her anger. And then Charlie and Emily singing in unison. They are the same. But I'm worried Emily is going to get cast out of Heaven, though, because there's no way she's going to let this go. Imagine if the episode ended on the close of of Charlie's face after Vaggie's angelic shadow fell over her? Imagine the angst and drama that's coming in episode seven. Y'all wanted a Chaggie duet! And as for the finale... well, I've heard two things for sure. A big, show stopping number with the full ensemble, and [spoilers]. And given this show is, in some ways, Les Miserables with pop songs, I'm sure everything will be fine. Tomorrow is the judgment day Tomorrow we'll discover What our God in Heaven has in store One more dawn One more day One day more...


colors match hell more than heaven umm that red and black dress one i think u were refering to is angel dusts twin sister


angekls dont pick people to co,e to heaven their doing the whole god machine idiea where god is a system not a person and angels are like programs that have an instict they follow nothing in heaven is their choic its why angels like lucifer fall if they step out line as theire defective to the system


OMFG THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT!!! it would be nice if charlie showed that she careddddddddddd ugh


Cherri wasn't even rejecting pentious lmao she just wanted to get a rise out of him a little and he got too nervous. the first time she actually kinda looked a little bummed he didnt catch on.


Angels can do what ever and remain in the sky.. it doesnt matter if the world knows, they just dont care


Ah, Emily. What a G. A real potato.😊


Sincerely worried that Emily is going to show up in Hell with the announcement that they can prove souls can ascend to Heaven if they're good enough and the first person who will never see hell again is Charlie.


The infuriating part about Sera's judgment is that she's technically right. There is no evidence that a soul can be redeemed and rise to heaven, because *there's no rubric.* Angel's doing everything right in theory but in practice without actually knowing what the conditions are to reach heaven, there's no way of knowing if he, or any Sinner, can make it. What makes it so fucking frustrating is that rather than going "denied" the answer should be "so we need to figure out what the criteria is." Which should be straightforward, you've got plenty of people in Heaven to find common factors for and plenty in Hell to see which of those factors they don't have.


How did I not consider that Niffty is at war with the bugs and Valentino was a moth, I'm such an idiot.

potato potato also another potato

Sera looking like stella before she changes is going to bother me forever...is there a reason for that?

largo778 .

I'm worried though, Vaggie has too many Death Flags being raised....

Rhys Elliott

Calling it here and now, Kiki is Lilith.

Rhys Elliott

Just a thought. The weapons dealer was able to kill a exorcist because she had loved, care and a need to protect her daughters. Not every sinful ideas. Maybe that's how they will be killed, Protecting each other, a noble and selfless act.


As for what the key unlocks, it looks like there is a keyhole in Charlie's and Vaggie's bed.

potato potato also another potato

yeah, my theory about vaggie was very wrong...which is probably for the better really. Also my theory about angels in general, that they were non human constructs based on their generic faces, but those being helmets modeled on executioners masks makes a lot more sense, that they just look human underneath. It does beg the question then, is adam wearing a helmet too? is that why he has the imp horns and daft punk looking face?


Calling it now! The season's gonna end with Lillith making her grand return likely after the war


I like to think Charlie used to ask Vaggie about her past earlier in their relationship, but Vaggie never wanted to talk about it, so Charlie stopped. It would have taken a lot for Charlie to drop it, but we have seen Vaggie put her foot down before.


Only problem with that, Charlie isn’t a human soul that is seeking redemption. She is the princess of hell, the daughter of Lucifer. I don’t believe ascension would be on the table for her.


Gonna have to disagree about Astrid and Hiccup being one sided. Mostly because they dive a lot more into the relationship in the show, "Race to the Edge." That's where most of the shipping comes from. But anyway, Yep, you, Elijah, and Morgan were all goddanm right about Vaggie. Congratulations.🎉 The fact that they left her for dead because she spared a child, because she had an actual conscience, just goes to show how hypocritical Heaven's rules, or at least Sera and the Exorcists really are. I love this commentary on it, especially during the "You Didn't Know" number. The part where Charlie and Emily rework the lyrics of "Hell Is Forever" goes especially hard. Also, I love how much Angel Dust has grown as a character. So proud of the spider boy.


Its possible that Vaggie felt so ashamed of her past that she either refused to ever talk about it, or she made up a fake backstory so Charlie would stop asking. Now that the secret is out she has no choice but to confront her past. I think she knows that Charlie would forgive her, but it could be more about whether or not Vaggie forgives herself.


To answer your question about why their was a child in Hell: They were probably either born from two sinner demons, or they were sent their very unfairly. I mean, no one seems to know what gets a soul into Heaven. Maybe they didn't do anything wrong, per se, there's just something they didn't do right.

potato potato also another potato

certainly possible, but she also has the same white and grey color scheme as the angels (and one of her daughters seems to have fake horns) so it's also possible Carmilla has some angelic heritage.

potato potato also another potato

ehh...she's also the key, having her be a key and another person feels a bit redundant. The key might unlock something related to lilith though. if it's anything like that my suspicions are on alastor's shadow, which seems to operate independently from his body here and there. Whether it's actually somebody else (like lillith) or is alastor himself and the body is fake i'm not sure. But if we get a twist of that nature that's where my money is.

Rhys Elliott

Yeah I get that, the idea just shot into my head so I thought I’d record my theory in the comments, just in case ya know.

potato potato also another potato

I'd wager adam is wearing a mask, it'd explain the imp horns. And as far as eve...eating the apple was "original sin" in christian lore, so eve is probably in hell too. Carmilla has the angel color scheme and killed an angel, something a demon shouldn't be capable of, so it's entirely possible carmilla is eve or descended from her. (or maybe she's hidden away, we assume the key relates to lilith, but maybe it's eve?)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

OK, theatre nerd question: could "Stick it to the man" perhaps be a School of Rock reference? (Adam *is* played by Alex Brightman, after all...)

Joey Quixote

It's rough now, but I suspect Charlie & Vaggie will make up before the end of the next episode. Vaggie will be harder on herself than Charlie will. I'm hoping for a duet. Cherri being Aussie surprised me, but I was thrilled we finally got her in the series. Maybe she'll join the hotel some day, but if we get to see her causing chaos for the exterminators, I'll be thrilled. I think Emily will wind up in Hell before the series end. Either cast down as part of Heaven's decree, or working at the Embassy. If we get a happy ending on season 1, I'd like: -Emily working at the Embassy, or at the hotel helping to rehabilitate sinners. -Adam and/or Lute cast down and forced into public service. -Maybe another Vaggie v. Lute showdown. -Lilith returning, possibly now partnered with Eve.

Depressed Duck Daddy

Honestly the "There is no evidence a soul can be redeemed" may simply come from the fact that the Angels don't have a clue what gets someone into Heaven in the first place. The Divine Mechanism is beyond their comprehension and probably judges on an arbitary bunch of rules. Also considering Adam's actions it clearly only judges at the moment of death then you do whatever you want ("If Angel's can do whatever and remain in the sky"). The fact is they probably don't even know how to redeem a soul from a Sinner to a Winner anyway. Heaven just seems to run on some invisible autopilot and they go with it and keep order with what happens rather than controlling it. I'm hoping rather than Emily just falling that she is able to gather a number of Angels to her side (as we saw a few angels in the stands didn't seem happy when the extermination news was announced - at the end of the Hell is Forever reprise) and they try to help Hell whether through political means in Heaven or just going down there to try to stop Adam. Maybe even giving Molly a bigger role so she can see Angel Dust again. As for the Vaggie = Angel reveal. I think Charlie's anger/sadness is going to come from Vaggie, her partner from the start, lying to her and keeping that hidden. Also it was revealed at a time when Charlie is so stressed and amped up about the Court dealings that she probably struggled to process it. It may also come down to it seeming that Vaggie must never have believed in her dream - she believed souls can be redeemed but if Vaggie hid her past thinking Charlie couldn't forgive her then she's sort of saying Charlie doesn't believe all souls can be forgiven for their past. That being said with this shows pace I imagine they'll give over that hurdle pretty quickly.


I feel like with Charlie finding Vaggie clearly wounded after an extermination and tending to her, and with Charlie saying straight up Vaggie has told her multiple times not to trust in angels, she likely thought Vaggie’s hesitation for not wanting to go to heaven is just fear and she’s thinking “I’d never let anything happen to her so there’s no problem!” but she’s not *saying* any of that out loud, we’re just being shown backstory and lead to conclusions—which, tbh, is kind of the entire series in a nutshell so far. Like to address your first question, last episode we’re *told* by Charlie her dad only calls when he’s bored or wants something and is painted as an absentee parent after Lilith and Lucifer split up, but then we meet Lucifer and he’s clearly severely depressed, he has no real sense of time or short term memory and he’s doing anything he can to get dopamine. Ducks seem to remind him of Charlie, so he makes ducks. He’s so shocked Charlie called him he panics (and gives us the best fucking line read of the episode) and he’s so excited to be invited into her life—it’s like when he lost the will to dream, he lost his wife, and she took his daughter which just closed the door on any chance he had to heal. Sounds like he’d make excuses to reach out when he could think of a good enough one, the rest of the time he’s just….stagnating. Even in this episode—when they go into the trial, Charlie’s entire focus is on redemption and she doesn’t even consider mentioning “and then you can stop sending armies down to kill us once a year” because she just assumes all of heaven *knows* and accepts it. No one checks Adam’s behaviour because he’s *always* been this way, they’ve not known anything else out of a human soul, and why they were surprised when Charlie swore. I feel like a lot is going unsaid or taken as rote and it’s all wronggg. Ugh this show is gonna kill me.


I just had a random thought. Where is Eve? We haven't seen her yet. I wonder how she's going to play into everything?


I agree I feel like too much is going unsaid tho, we needed more episodes to let moments and characters breathe! Thats my 1 big complaint about the show so far, I love it, but its too big a plot with too many characters to tell the story it wants to in just 8 episodes, I feel like we needed at LEAST 12, but I'd have happily taken 15!


EXACTLY 100%! Thats gotta be my one big problem with Hazbin and it’s a great problem to have—I need MORE 😂 Like you can either do 8 hour long episodes or 12 half hour ones cmon man don’t do us like this


Actually, maybe a part of the reason for the Daddy Issues could be that it was mentioned in the last episode that you missed, that Lilith and Lucifer split up.