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OH my gosh, this episode was a trip! I'm now super nervous for the next one!



Kayla Ryan

So can't wait for Corridors next week

Stephen Ray

Super nervous? It's a kids show. What could possibly happen? Now for 10 episodes of Star Trek -like space exploration before they find Prime and Adora bops him on the nose.


great reaction! can't WAIT for next episode, it's one of my favorites in the whole series


:D So excited for next week! Where catra discovers the secret hallway of never ending and discovers primes secret but not so secret weaknesses: solving mazes and fashion disasters involving the color white.

largo778 .

we're going to Space... the Final Frontier

Venicia Johnson

Next episode Catra sees and knows all while everyone else has a mental breakdown

largo778 .

Entraptra is both the Worst and the Best person to bring into space on an untested ship... for the exact same reasons


I told you before, "five seasons of 'Catra, NO!' " But I didn't tell you all the versions of "Catra, NO", and you discovered a new one today.

Luke Teasdale

I don't know, taking a scientist that specialises in first ones tech into the unknown on a first ones ship seems like a pretty good idea to me, even if she is as morally dubious and eccentric as entrapta

Rufus May

I think the tracks in She-Ra and Ocarina are both inspired by sacred choral music, for its religious connotations. So they give the impression of something like a temple or cathedral.

Corey Peters

you are starting to feel sorry for Catra It's staring and you won't be able to stop it Mosco


Can't believe Daddy Hordak and Catra have so much in common, I mean who would've thought her favorite color was white too? :))))

Catradora fan

Next episode Catra and Glimmer have a sleepover eating cake giving the clone guards attitude like "we're eating cake and we don't care" both being a chaotic duo running around the ship

Jenny D

Since Drunk!Adora is apparently unavailable, I’ll take Sleepy!Adora in her stead!


We know that Glimmer's magic doesn't work at the moment, so bringing Micah with would be risky if he wasn't able to use magic either


The music for Horde Prime prominently features choir and organ as part of the general religious imagery around him. It's the same reason why his spaceships have ribbed vault ceilings and the display screens are shaped like rose windows like in cathedrals, and why so much of his menacing dialogue is based on Bible verses and Christian expressions- for example, "I made you in my image, but you have become an abomination, and so you must be reborn." This sort of thing only intensifies going forward. Lots of other works use similar elements for religious settings, which is why the game soundtrack sounds similar- it's in a religious setting and uses echoey choral chants meant to evoke medieval chants in cathedrals. As a side note, the music in this show is incredible and the next episode is one of the best musically in the whole show, so keep an eye, or, well, ear, out for that. It's too bad they wasted the next episode on boring slice-of-life filler where absolutely nothing of any importance at all whatsoever happens and the cold open is like half the episode.


Rejoice, Etheria, for Prime has come to you. With free two-day shipping.

Tammy Ragsdale

I think you're right. This episode was needed to get the other princesses used to Entrapta again, get Adora to come to terms a bit with breaking the sword, and to ramp up the tension even more with the whole "you have to leave now" thing. Next week it gets a lot deeper and more exciting and surprising. It's a very emotional episode, very well written, and has some moments that will get you pumped.


It's less that the music is similar to Ocarina, but rather that both are similar to christian church hymns. Horde Prime's ship and his entire everything is built on religion. Prime knows all, Prime sees all? Little sister?

Stephen Ray

She also knows the same kind of magic that Micah does, so if that's not working for her then it won't work for Micah.

Stephen Ray

Yeah, but the "Little Sister" is because he knows that they're siblings. We just haven't seen that episode yet.

Stephen Ray

Slice of life filler? If they didn't do that whole thing with the chrysanthemums then it would have been too jarring when Perfuma pulled it out in the finale. It's pretty important.

Ryan Porter

I feel that Mosco's worst nightmare is a She-Ra episode that focuses entirely on Swift Wind. Good thing that doesn't happen.... more than once. Oh, we'll read into it that. We'll read all the way into it. You ship them, don't you? We can see it in your eyes. Prime sees all. Prime knows all.


"I wonder if that 'Prime sees all, Prime knows all' thing will come into play again?" Yes. Over...and over...and over...and over...

J. Jenny Jameson

EVERYTHING about Prime hits different if you were raised Christian. So many phrases, emphasis on purity, white light, cleansing, singing/chanting, the... thing, that happens later. At the end of season 4 I was already wondering, and ep 1 and 2 of this season confirmed that there was no coincidence. The ultimate super-baddie is a religious leader. The heroes celebrate their differences, the villains enforce conformity. It's not subtle but I don't care.

J. Jenny Jameson

Oh yeah, that's the most not-sorry I've seen someone feel for a character. Not even the tiniest crack in that armor. Stay strong, you'll make it!




Yes, the dreaded filler episode. I can't remember tho, is it the hot springs episode, or the beach one?

Tabatha Cat

Yay! I'm happy to come home and find this waiting for me.


A significant amount of time has gone by, one way you can tell is some characters have gotten a bit more jacked, Bow especially, and Adora has to fight in her mortal form made out of meat and not just magic


Ah, I see deep, deep, DEEP down, you’re shipping Glittra

Maddy Merwin

Since Mosco studied film we probably don't need to point out the light vs. dark motifs in this season but it is a very fun theme to keep an eye on throughout!

Jenny D

Yeah, I mean, Entrapta does give big robosexual vibes.

Jenny D

Ok, they claim they were Entrapta’s friends before she joined the Horde, but were they? I mean, aside from the main trio, the others had only met Entrapta twice, and they weren’t exactly nice to her. Edit: and now that I think about it, Frosta wasn’t even there on their mission to the Fright Zone, so she only met Entrapta once. And it’s not like Frosta was making any friends at Princess Prom.

Jenny D

I mean, it’s a thousand-year-old ship made of First Ones tech. If I could only pick one person to bring with me in that thing on a space mission it would be Entrapta.


I hope you enjoyed it. Here's a band recommendation for you, NOT AS A REACTION OF COURSE! But just to listen to for yourself. I recommend you an indie rock band from Toronto called Good Kid.

James S

I'm cracking up every time we get a new "I am not feeling sorry for her!"