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Christopher Bouzas

10:28 Lookee is a character from the original series, you can see their outline in the tree where Razz is pointing

Christopher Bouzas

The heart logo thing isn’t the heart of Etheria, but saying what really is would be a massive spoiler

Frank Wales

"Holy shit!" is definitely an appropriate response to this episode. Also, be prepared to say: "you can't end there!" rather a lot from now on.

Luke Teasdale

Ah yes the timey wimey episode


This is honestly one of my favorite episodes, I actually audibly gasped on the metro when I got the patreon notification because I thought it was NEXT tuesday. Anyway, having this episode AND the infinity train episodes next to eachother is a feat I could NEVER accomplish

Jenny D

Oh man, I usually save these reactions for when I’m eating my lunch, but I saw it was THIS episode and it’s 48 minutes and I just knew I had to get in on this comments section while it’s still fresh!

David Johnson

Madam Razz is - like Billy in Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five" - "Unstuck in time." She basically doesn't experience it linearly, or as a single event. "How can Razz be the same?" Well, Glimmer's Mom was immortal, she can't be the only one.

Jenny D

I can’t believe the entire She-ra fandom conspired to create a fake spoiler for Mosco about what the Heart of Etheria is. That’s epic!


Great reaction! This episode is such a mindfuck. They drop so much information that its easy to miss out on the importance of some of the scenes, but I think you got most of it ;) Its good timing for Adora and Bow to discover that the entire planet is actually an unstable superweapon that will tear the planet apart if used again, and that Light Hope is trying to activate it at any cost. Its not like they have any other important stuff going on. This is my favorite episode because on top of the huge loredrops, the writing of the episode is so well done. The whole time-jump concept is brilliantly executed. The fact that Madame Razz confused Adora with Mara literally the first time we saw her all the way back in season 1, episode 3 means that they were setting this up right from the start of the show. And that ending never fails to tear me up. Even though we've barely seen Mara up until now, in the space of one single episode they make you care for her so much that her sacrifice really hits you.


In addition to explaining why she always gets Adora and Mara mixed up and is able to live in both the past and present, Razz’s condition to me also reads as a metaphor for dementia- she has no real control over her “time jumping,” she acts as though Mara is still alive in the present even though she’s been dead for so long because she’s literally experiencing Mara in extremely close proximity to the present time-wise, she never can explain how or why she experiences things, but there’s that acute awareness of her condition and reality that manages to peek through. Obviously art is subjective and cases of dementia vary widely, but that’s how I viewed it, and viewing it that way made her sorrow in this episode hit that much harder to me.


Yeah, that is definitely what the writers were going for. The forgetfulness, the confusion, the brief moments of lucidity, the mess she makes at the start...its all very intentional. Using the time-jumps as a metaphor for dementia was a brilliant idea from the writers.

Jenny D

Next time on She-ra: Someone might finally be getting their own chair at the war table…

David Johnson

"Now, from this point on, things get a *little* bit confusing…"

William Timmins

‘Pie’ is honestly a little triggering to many She-Ra fans. Oof

Sam Pamenter

This one really made Mara one of my favourite characters of the show and its sad how little we get to see of her because I'd even take a whole show about Mara. It's so cool how much depth they were able to put into a character we rarely see on the show and it's a big reason this episode is so loved by everybody


Yeah so now you know that the original Light hope was taken over! It's so sad what happened to her :( If you remember from a previous episode the reprogrammed light hope erased a loving, happy memory of Mara. That memory was one that past light hope secretly saved before she got hacked/reprogrammed cause she cared for mara so much. The reprogrammed version saw the memory though and erased it to get rid of any shred of who light hope was before.

Catradora fan

Pie will make you cry One of the best uses of time I've seen (take note TrollHunters Rise of the Titans if you know you know) If writers can't make time "travel" stories work DON'T DO IT

Jaakko Nurro

Light Hope glitching and talking in monotone is a reference to "2001: A space odyssey". (Possibly by the way of System Shock and Shodan 🤔) Especially the line "you are trying tod- d-d-disable me..."


Yup, he was like a little creature who hid and then showed up at the end of the episode to directly explain the episode's message to the kids. Fun fact: you can sometimes see him hidden in the background in the reboot.


Huh... not even the flow of time is straight in this show ;D Sooo... now that we know Lighthope's true colors, maybe it's time to remember Season 1. Like, the first time she revealed herself to Adora, she was trying to make her sever ties with Bow and Glimmer. That was the episode right after Catra and Adora were starting to reconcile when suddenly Catra was bombarded with cherry-picked traumatizing memories until she had a mental breakdown... all while being in a place where Lighthope controls absolutely everything. Aren't the First Ones just great?

Stephen Ray

When Mara asks if destroying worlds was part of the plan, she wasn't talking about destroying Etheria. The Heart of Etheria is a planet killer. Think Death Star. Adora will be more powerful because the Heart of Etheria has collected a thousand years of magic, not just the few years worth it would have had when Mara was around.


Madam Razz takes life one day at a time. She just doesn't take them in the usual order.

Tammy Ragsdale

Actually, I think you are just about caught up to where you need to be for the lore at this point. If you knew too much more it would blunt some of what happens in the last few episodes of the season. Best to go in with just enough knowledge to keep up.


Mara, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Mara. Will you stop, Mara? Stop, Mara. I'm afraid.

K Cianci

Never in my life did I think it was possible for me to cry so hard over a pie until the first time I saw this episode.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I swear, Mme. Razz putting the pie on Mara's chair is this show's equivalent to Uncle Iroh singing "Leaves On the Vine"

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, I get a feeling that Razz is kind of like Aughra from The Dark Crystal — she began existing because the planet somehow decided it needed her to exist, and she'll continue existing until it doesn't.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also also, Razz's continuous switching from one time period to another makes for an excellent metaphor for senile dementia...

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

"What are you doing, Mara?" has exactly the same inflection as "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?". I'm convinced it's intentional.


If you go back to the previous episodes with Light Hope with this episode in mind they have a super sinister vibe The entire time she was manipulating Adora to get her operational and connected to the planet again so she could restart the Heart of Etheria project


Mara says "we were the FIRST ONES to settle etheria" and I think that's where the term comes from whenever they speak of first one's tech. I used to be happy when I saw pie before this episode 😆

Ryan Porter

Every time Mara has been mentioned, you wished for more lore. Today, you got your wish. Or more precisely, you got ... how have you put it before? Face fucked with lore and fisted in your emotions? How to make a She-Ran fan curl up, try not to cry, cry a lot: "We'll make a pie tomorrow, I promise." "Adora? I know you're there; Razz said you'd be there." I've always thought this is one of the saddest lines in the show, but I just realized it was the most hopeful. Every time I've watched this episode it seems like Mara had given over to despair. She knew this wasn't going to work, not forever. She knew Light Hope was going to keep trying to use the Heart of Etheria, she knew that some day Adora would take up the sword and the cycle of voilence would begin anew. But this time I realized... she was acting on faith, on belief. That Adora could win, because there'd be another thousand years of magic stored in the Heart of Etheria for her to harness. Assuming Adora is the one to harness it. And not, say, Catra. Or Daddy Hordak.

Ryan Porter

It's the design for Lance's tattoo, to match George's "love" tattoo (the one that actually says "lunch"). Adora told him it says "Devotion" but it actually says "Dinner".


I don’t know that getting bonked by a giant boar once is necessarily illustrating a power level, but how Mara fights and handles the situation is very reflective of her character


oh right this one, always a bit rough for me to watch this one after seeing my grandmother wither away by dementia :( it's portrayed so well and interestingly here

Joey Quixote

I started watching this shortly after joining your Discord and began sharing my experience in the server. When I mentioned this one was next, I was warned it was an emotional one, and that I should have a comfort food close at hand. Pie being the recommendation...


Too dark for kids? I was an eighties kid, raised with the Secret of Nimh, the last unicorn, etc... this is old hat (great though). But it's great because it doesn't matter what happens, so long as the audience gets a happy ending. And eventually, you get that. But what a ride! This was a heartwrenching episode for anyone with a loved one suffering from dementia, but it also ties in so much, it's so great, and it always makes me cry when I see that Mara never got her pie, and Razz is far too late delivering it (even though it's just in time..).


Basically this episode Adore asks where is the weapon, only to be told you're standing on it.

Rían Laudano

my theory is that Adora is more powerful than they planned bc they never planned for her. if thier mission had been successful, etheria wouldn't exist bc the magic was blow upthe planet