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Devil's Snare episode!! WHAT AN EPISODE!!!

Gosh I cant wait to see where this goes now, Harley better KICK JOKERS ASS!!!! 



Sam Pamenter

ok so a couple things: The first time I watched this was right when season 1 completed so I genuinely thought ivy died and was absolutely devastated and I think the ending works better that way but unfortunately most people now already know she's not actually dead. The other thing is in relation to Kiteman. I feel you're one of the first to watch this show and actually acknowledge how shitty he is of a boyfriend and of a man in general. His character hides all his misogyny under the "nice guy" trope and it pisses me off how many people love him regardless. But as I'm seeing you already pick up on and what you'll potentially see next season he really is just also a representation of ivy feeling the need to love a man because she hasn't fully accepted her queerness which is a really deep and emotional story to tell that I wouldn't expect from this show but we'll see!

Adam Grunther

Damn! And here I thought nobody hated Kite Man more than Elijah! 😂


RE: Jim Gordon: Consider the show you're watching. Can you be SURE "Crap out of it" are the wrong words to use?

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Yeah, one look at Kite Man and I'm like "Ivy, NO!!"

Ryan Porter

A redemption arc requires you have hit rock bottom, and have a reason to get back up. Jim Gordon has neither. You'll come around and learn to appreciate Kiteman next season. He'll be your favorite character by the end. Ivy is like a leaf on the wind. Watch how she soars...


Your absolute hatred towards Kiteman is glorious. I have a feeling you're going to hate season 2, though. Or maybeyou'llbegrudginglylearn to like him like the rest of us, who knows. And that scene where Ivy dies, not gonna lie, it messed me up the first time watching it. It really worked when season one was all we had. Also, I still think it's crazy how the justice league was ready to throw Harley and her crew into the Phantom zone without any proof and they still let people like the Joker run wild.

Gregor Wolff

Isn`t Kiteman the best?