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Harley Quinn Highway

What the HECK did I just- ya know what? I dont wanna talk about it... I dont even want to process it LOL




Well, now you know: There's more to Sy than meets the eye (not that they didn't do their level best to put it all in front of our eyes).


As noted in the Ep. 1 comments, you are completely unprepared for what dark ways this series will do "over the top"

Ryan Porter

Mosco: "As long as the Joker doesn't show up, I'll be fine!" Narrator: "She was, in fact, not fine. Nothing could have prepared her for what really happened." But hey, at least the Joker wasn't in THIS episode. This episode was quite nuts. A callback to the end of episode two or three with the Harley Quinn highway, which goes to show just how good civil engineers are in Gotham. Harley and Ivy had it out but I don't think this is the last time they'll have this particular fight caused by Ivy's insecurities colliding with Harley being Harley. Next episode may or may not give you a new kink. You'll know it when you see it.

Jenny D

I’m not gonna lie, when I said last episode was the last of the super gory episodes, I completely forgot about Sy the “Transchanger.” That’s my bad.

Jenny D

Yeah, pro tip, I’d block out enough time to film the last two episodes of the season back to back. It’s kind of a two-parter, and I don’t think you’ll want to wait a week for the second part.


Well, the Joker wasn't technically in this episode. Can't guarantee the next two though. Also, the transchanger is the most haunting thing I have seen in this show so far. The writers most have had a hell of a time writing this, must be liberating.

Ryan Porter

But then how will we have time to give her fake spoilers for the finale that end up being technically true, from a certain point of view?