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This episode was a journey!! LOL!!! 



Christopher Bouzas

Hope your feeling well, 35:57 this is what we call a never pause she-ra moment there is an entire subreddit for moments like this

Christopher Bouzas

Glimmer: what has she done except help us? Well let’s see: spent that last decades waging war on your kingdoms killing countless innocent people, kidnapping and brainwashing children to become her loyal soldiers. Physically mentally and emotionally abusing them including your bestfriend and her friend for as long as they can remember. Was in charge of the horde when your father was killed and may have something to do his death. Tried to Gaslight Adora into coming back to the horde by making everyone think she’s gone crazy, while also trying to MURDER your aunt and destroy her home. Tortured you with magic restraints that fucked with your magic making you unable to teleport without being in extreme pain. OH AND SHE TRIED TO MIND WIPE ADORA RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!


Can’t wait for the next two episodes. They are two of my favorites of the whole series.


Yeah, Mosco is kinda forgetting about Shadow Weaver being a vile and horrible person. She did so much terrible stuff.... The moment where Shadow Weaver smugly calls Adora paranoid is actually a really painful moment, because Glimmer genuinely laughs in response. From Adora's perspective, Glimmer is literally siding with Adora's childhood abuser, and laughing at a joke the abuser made *about* the person they abused. You can very briefly see the pain on Adora's face when she hears Glimmer laugh. Its awful.

Christopher Bouzas

That part where Glimmer laughs at Shadow Weavers joke is infuriating, I’m honestly surprised Adora doesn’t just snap at her. I still believe season 4 Glimmer is just as bad as Catra at her worst


Yeah, this episode has a really dark ending. Fortunately the show is pretty good with alternating between light and heavy episodes.

Catradora fan

Mermista is just so extra this episode especially. Frosta: "How are you doing that?" Mermista: "I practice... AT HOME!" Mermista: "EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT!" Mermista: " it's like The Pearl who knew too much... it wasn't the Pearl" Perfuma: "SPOILERS!" Can we have a nice ending to these episodes please?! 😭


Daddy Hordak is now official!

Rufus May

Yeah, I feel like the implications of that comment and Glimmer's reaction to it might have been missed.

William Timmins

I love how much Mermista comes to life, and how geeking out about her Thing changes her attitude so much.


Hmmm, Glimmer... accusing Adora of wanting to be Shadow Weavers favourite. I feel like I've heard that before from someone else. Episode number had a lot of 1s in it...


I hope you feel better soon! I hope you can get tested just to keep track of covid infections if it is one since they stack. If your breathing gets worse it'd be good to know exactly what you got sick with :( getting a bug from the airport is the worst!

Sam Pamenter

the reason dt doesn't change into someone else when they leave to look for the other device is because it would be very obvious because everyone they cld shape shift into and put the blame on were all in the same room so really they were going to be caught regardless but it was part of the plan anyway they just needed to stall

Joey Quixote

I'm a big fan of Double Trouble. I love a good pot-stirrer. I was a middle child with suggestible brothers. I made my own fun. And the theatrics are just the icing on the cake. I'm afraid you've let Daddy Hordak out of the bottle. No getting him back in. Might as well start designing merch.🤣

Ryan Porter

It's almost time... (ominous thunder)

Brett B.

Daddy Hordak is here and shall stay!

Jenny D

At least next episode is a fun, relaxing break from fighting with friends.


Notice when Glimmer says "You just want to play the hero" and her "You love being her favorite" (when she says she's jealous of Glimmer being her favorite now) reflects Catra's accusations back in s1. Both Glimmer and Catra lash out when they feel their agency is being taken away and are disrespected by Adora's (unhealthy) hero complex.

Brendon J. Dube

Maybe not just as bad, but she is becoming somewhat similar to Catra in these last few episodes we've seen of the season

Brendon J. Dube

Yes! Glimmer has been getting ruthless in more ways than one during this season, and I think her statement near the end that she's willing to do "whatever it takes" was said in a way that felt like it was meant to resemble a certain feline on the screen at that very moment


And then the next, next, next episode, when the debate about chairs comes to a head.

Stephen Ray

There's a fantastic run of 19 episodes that follows this, then it gets tedious.

Reaper Scythe

I hope you never say the words "Daddy" and "Hordak" together ever again.