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Bensonhurst episode!!! Was NOT expectin that grandmother death LOL!



William Timmins

'WHAT THE FUCK' In case you forgot what show this was. ;)

William Timmins

There's this wonderful piano theme that plays with all deep Harley stuff. I love it. It's so wistful and evocative. (I'm hearing it now after dad shoots her)

Ryan Porter

Welcome back. What an episode to resume your Harley Quinn journey on, eh? Good thing the next three episodes are very easy going, where nothing bad happens, there are no horrifying visuals, and the Joker is not involved in anyway way. Just Harley reconnecting with her crew and making amends for her mistakes in a very calm, level headed, mature way. Say, is that a new knick-knack on your shelf, in front of the Funko Pops?

Joey Quixote

Yeah... dating back to the early days of immigration in the states, the Irish were one of many minorities that had bigoted resentment against them. Not nearly as much now, but in some families (typically on the east coast) it's still a thing.


I dont belive you Ryan... And yes it is!! Elijah got me a custom made "Mosco" sign in the style of "Bleach" :D

Ryan Porter

Very cool. I guess asserting that Harley would ever do anything in a calm and level headed way was a bridge to far...


Welcome back. I hope you're feeling better. Crazy how in Harley's family, she's the only sane one, and theconly one with any sense of morals. It really shows how she became who she is, and why it took so long for her to realize how toxic her relationship with the Joker was. Also, I like how her mild Brooklyn accent becomes much more pronounced around them. In most iterations of her, the accent is even stronger.



Jenny D

Ok ok, I think this one is the last of the Most Gory episodes of this show!

Jenny D

Her dad bet against her because she’s the heavy favorite, so if you bet against the heavy favorite and they lose, you make the most money.