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You're a damn good cop, Jim, Gordon episode... I mean.... no he isnt but sure LOL



William Timmins

There is a weird heartfelt goodness underneath the random violence and swearing and arbitrary evil.


You are correct. Ivy is into documentaries

Kieran O'Connor

Great reaction. Top tip, if you ever think “no way will the show go that far” the answer is almost always yes, yes it will and then some. You really need to make it clear about how you feel about Ivy. Honestly your too subtle so I have no clue. Yeah Ivy getting shipped with Dr Pyscho would be like getting shipped with Andrew Tate i think. Correcting that mistake would be a top priority. You are right about the curse, it’s just a really stupid curse that the characters never notice but you can see King Tut influencing a few scenes in the background and always failing.


I'm still not clear on whether Mosco loves Poison Ivy. She should talk about it more. ;}

Ryan Porter

And yet, this is still not the strangest storyline Clayface gets. This Jim Gordon is a realistic example of what would actually happen to a police commissioner in this version of Gotham City. After all, the best therapist in the city is a villain. "Just when I think the show won't go there..." Oh, just wait...


"Stop looking for validation from others." Yeah, if you had been in this show, half the episodes wouldn't exist. Also, love the "Fickity Fuckity Boo" shirt. I need one. Anyway, it's crazy, how wholesome Jim and Clayface's hand's friendship is. This show is chock full of weird moments like this. Finally, no, you have not praised Ivy nearly enough, no one can. She is beyond the best character. I aspire to her level of sass. 💚

Jenny D

Mosco: Every time I think the show’s not gonna go to certain places it really fucking surprises me. It really just fucking, like it goes there, and then it doesn’t just go there. It goes there round and round and round in circles, in and out, and back out, and up and down again. Me: Just like Brad.

Porpoise Power

OK... is Harley's eyeshadow supposed to match the ponytail on the same side of her head or the opposite? I swear it switches