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Is every episode just going to emotionally destroy me???



Christopher Bouzas

To answer the question in the description… yes welcome to the emotional damage meme section of the show

Christopher Bouzas

Catra sent Entrapta to breast island after electrocuting her you were a bit busy freaking out about her threatening Scorpia that you missed it. Fuck meant beast island, breast island sounds amazing though

Kieran O'Connor

Mosco I am glad to see Catra is still your favourite character in the show and keeps going up. I promise that for here on out there is zero heartbreak and no emotional moments in the whole show. On a completely unrelated note did you know that Costco does a fantastic price on buying bulk Kleenex? Turing the most powerful weapon in the world into a mop is weird to you? Someone needs to watch Toxic Avenger! Yeah not Catra and Hordak are working closely together the best friend squad is in for double trouble.


Interesting facts about Catra's new look; She cut her tufts off because Shadow Weaver was touching them while she was manipulating Catra to escape. Catra also wears the black sleeve on the same arm that was corrupted by the portal, which literally symbolises her embracing the worst version of herself.

Frank Wales

So now we have Glimmer on one throne and Catra on the other. I'm sure there definitely won't be any parallels to be drawn between them as their conflict continues, oh no.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Auntie Castaspella! Long time no see! Fun backstory facts about her: Her parents' affectionate nickname for her was "Caterpillar", derived from how Micah would try to say her name as a baby. Once they got to school age, however, he would often call her "Cast-a-SMELL-a" — a nickname still in use by some of the other sorcerers, especially after meals. (Only behind her back, of course; last anyone checked, the only sorcerer who had the audacity to call her that to her face as an adult is still living a contented amphibian life in a pond just outside of Mystacor.)


Catra won a ticket to breast island, but as a good friend decided to give it to Entrapta instead. :)

Porpoise Power

Season 4 has a lot of really cool background elements... Keep your eyes open... especially episode 6


Every health professional on Etheria told her "Catra, for the sake of yourself and everyone else on this planet, please go to therapy already." But Catra said "nah, I'm gonna see titties." She was never seen again, but the rumor has it she's chilling on some distant island with beach babes. Meanwhile, because Hordak was so depressed over Entrapta, he lost the war...at least until Horde Prime showed up and threw away all his emo music.


By the standards of season 4, this is a fun, light-hearted episode. Every episode from this point forward is an emotional punch through the face.


"Does this show take a break from punching us in the heart for just five fucking minutes" Actually, you don't want that, because five minutes without a punch usually mean the writers are taking a running start for the dropkick.

Catradora fan

Even Hordak knows to bow to Catra 😏 Me looking at Catra's muscles respectfully

Ryan Porter

"Is every episode just going to emotionally destroy me???" There's fun episodes this season! Like the one off fluff episode, "Gyros", where Bow and Seahawk to on ADVENTURE to procure shawarma for the princesses. And the episode where Perfuma uses totally not catnip against Catra, who gets higher than a fucking kite. And the musical episode where Seahawk's powers go haywire and forces everyone around him to express their feelings in song form. As for the rest of the episodes... ND would never write scenes that are emotional napalm, right? (Hums the choral part of Nimona's theme).

Ashley Silver

Ah yes, Season 4, featuring many different forms of "Catra, no!"s and the start of many "Glimmer, no!"s. Odd narrative choice for all of those nos to be an argument over a pie, though.

Ryan Porter

This is the longest you've spent stalling before starting an episode. I missed the fact that the intro spoiled Catra's bad girl makeover, and [spoilers], and Glimmer's little sister. It's kinda of terrifying that Catra's claws can cut through solid metal. "Does this show have any happy moments? Does this show take a break from punching us in the fucking heart for five minutes!?" ...no. This is the longest you've spent stalling before starting an episode, so far.

Catradora fan

Next episode Team Rocket show up 😈

Panic Blitz



wait until the season 5 when the new rebellion leading by bow take the high ground against the false queen Glimmah!

Luke Teasdale

As someone who loves catras character the good (and the bad) this season hurts. After all she reaps what she sows.

Stephen Ray

It's a kid's show. It's all light-hearted fun from here on in.

Jenny D

Last we heard Mermista’s dad is actually alive. He retired and gave the throne to his daughter. But yeah, that’s the only other acting princess whose family we’ve heard about.

Jenny D

This episode has my absolute favorite Perfuma moment! It’s small but I just think the voice acting is so hilarious! 12:50-12:53 in the reaction!


21:49- I'm sorry, but how did you not notice Scorpia's face when you paused there? 😂

Stephen Ray

Catra zapped Entrapta, had her sent to Beast Island, and then told Hordak that she let the princesses infiltrate the Fright Zone. That's why Hordak is triggered by the mention of her name. Previously Entrapta had fixed Hordak's suit by applying First One's tech to it via that little diamond-shaped thing that glows in his chest.

Paul Steele

did you notice that Entrapta ids not in that group photo at the end


Everyone is always confused about the ages of the characters, myself included. From what I know, at the beginning of the show, Adora, Catra and Bow are 17, Glimmer 16. By season five Adora’s 21,


Such a shame. Entrapta thought she was getting a njce vacay to breast island but instead… beast island.


It looks like the messiness in Glimmers hair has been moved to Hordak, he looks kinda not OK in the credits


Adora certainly has interpreted what Angella said in a certain way. Angella said to look after each other, but what Adora says is she asked her to look after Glimmer


It's interesting to see how differently you deal with Character arcs like Catra's. She is obviously hurting soo bad and she has no healthy way to deal with it, or even to acknowledge what is wrong with her. I just...really like watching stuff like that, and it kinda bums me out that you can't seem to enjoy her character trajectory like that in the same way. (This isn't meant to excuse her behavior, I couldn't stand her IRL, but thankfully, fiction allows us to enjoy watching terrible people doing terrible stuff without bad consequences to some degree)

J. Jenny Jameson

That glowing bit of tech in Hordak's suit actually has 4 letters of First One's writing on it: LUVD. It's not clear if Entrapta understands the language enough to know that, but still, she gave it to him.


Foreshadow Weaver.


Like Luz, Adora doesn't remember things quite correctly: What Angella said: Take care of each other. What Adora heard: Take care of them.