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Early, Full, Raw, Uncut! This amazing movie can be watched on Netflix PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!!! 




If it wasn’t for the pandemic, (and Disney's homophobia,) this movie would’ve been Blue Sky studios’ Spiderverse moment and it probably would’ve been a solid hit in theaters. But I’m glad the studio actually got to go out on a high note and stick it to those who only saw it as a tax write off. It's an absolute masterpiece.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

So thrilled you're reacting to this! I was hoping you would, but I didn't know if you had it on your schedule. :D :D I strongly recommend the graphic novel, too. It's different in a lot of story and character detail, but the film did a great job capturing the *heart* of it. Also, GoldenHeart in the book clearly contains the seeds of Catradora, in a fascinating way.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, when you talked about the greens in Ballister's lair, it got me a little worried: the playback I'm seeing in your reaction video has the movie awash in pastel greens and pinks. Is that really how you're seeing the film? If so, something is terribly wrong with the copy you got, because the colour palette of the film is *completely different* — bold reds, sparkly golds, and gloomy greys that are all missing here.


Yeah I did think something was off after a while... thats why I eventually stopped commenting on it, I'll likely edit out some of the comments for Youtube but clearly the website I was using didnt have a great version of it. Considering it ony came out yesterday tho it was the best I could do without going to Netflix directly


Loved your reaction! This movie was sooo good! Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of how some people act towards those who don't conform to stereotypical gender norms while watching the train scene. I feel like the movie handled the heavy/deep topics so well. To answer your question: my five forms would probably alternate between myself, a dog, a wolf, an albatross, and a fox.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Tha's fair. I do hope you get a chance to watch it properly in the future though, the colours are *gorgeous*. :)


Yep. Ambrosius' armor is actually white and gold, not white and pink. Nimona's transformations and hair are red, and overall the colors are a lot more vibrant. I guess it's the best this website could do this soon after release.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also also, note the circular picture at the top of the memorial wall near the end. That drawing of Nimona is straight up how ND draws her in the comic.

Ryan Porter

Just finished watching Nimona, about to watch your reaction. While watching the movie there were moments where I thought, "Mosco is going to absolutely lose it over this." and that was before I got to the montage... That montage. Oof. So let's see how much emotional damage you've taken, shall we? :)


I forgot to mention in my previous comment, the original web comic this is based on was written by Noelle Stevenson, now known as Nate Stevenson. Sound familiar? Because they're also the one who created and produced the She-Ra reboot. Apparently they love the lovers to enemies to lovers again(?) Dynamic.

Ryan Porter

"We have GAY! Oh no, this is going to hurt even more." Oh, hen. Past Mosco has no idea. "Is there a deeper metaphor in here?" Queer metaphor? In an ND Stevenson story? Perish the thought! Hamish came out earlier than I expected... I caught at least one moment that echoes something from She-Ra, so I look forward to seeing if you see any other parallels in your reactions. -------- I'm constantly impressed by how keen you are about details of the story, like noticing that Ballister felt something was off with his sword. Being trope aware can mean you see things coming a mile away - I know I called who the villain was right away. My mom can reliably predict anything in any series. But I'm glad that even when you guess correctly, it doesn't diminish your reaction. If anything, it makes your reactions richer. So a gay amputee and a gender fluid chaos demon save the day. This is definitely not the kind of animated "kids" movies we had growing up. I love how the story balances being serious and completely irreverent. The scene at the statue is so dark you'd think you were watching Arcane. "The (mis)Adventures of Nimona" would make an amazing series. Ambrosius and Ballister trying to be good dads for Nimona as she helps other monsters integrate into society and learn important lessons each week about the power of friendship. I wish I could have worked on this film when I as still a rigger. The character work is AMAZING. -------- I think I would just shift to a tiger - I have two tiger stuffies: a small one I had as a little boy, and a life size one I bought when I moved out. And maybe a fox. Can't think of any other animals I have a strong affinity for at this time. -------- Mosco: "Hey babe, how's your arm?" Elijah: "I swear if this is a pick up line!" I hope your reply is, "something, something, something, because you're so disarming!"

Ryan Porter

And according to IMDB, he did the voice of "Kwispy Dwagon" in the cereal commercial!

J. Jenny Jameson

Seems like the B in the RGB is missing here, not sure how that could happen but it looks... interesting

J. Jenny Jameson

I really expected a reaction to Shadow Weaver voicing the queen! Jumped right out at me.


I rarely if ever react to voice actors, I've never been particularly good at hearing similar voices between actors unless its SUPER obvious and that fact will be made even worse right now with the fact I only have 1 working ear :( sorry

J. Jenny Jameson

Ah, that's a good excuse. I was very keenly looking for She-ra references when I watched.

J. Jenny Jameson

It's been a decade since I read the comic, but I do recall Goldenlion being way more adversarial. They were probably trying to streamline things for the runtime, but it is a LITTLE less interesting to just have them mostly get along

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I don't know, I think it works for the version of the story they're doing here, especially the way Goldenloin keeps trying to "protect" Blackheart from Nimona, and find a way to blame her for Blackheart's fall from grace — he's so well-meaning yet he still can't see he's part of the problem.

David Johnson

Nimona is literally *everything* fluid. But as a human she most often presents as a girl, so unless told otherwise, I'm going with "she." That said, that was also clearly a *male* gorilla, so your millage may vary... My take is this is why everyone hates/fears Nimona: Because they can't be put in *a* nice neat box. Human, animal, male, female...not even good guy/villain, really. Humans *like* nice neat boxes, even though reality is never, ever like that. And, yeah, the Trans message is clearly there. So Nimona gets called a monster literally for not fitting in. I took the wall to be less a symbol of control, and more one of people's *fear* of things outside their little world. Literally a wall between themselves and their fears. Mind you, from a realistic standpoint, I *cannot* see teenagers *not* taking their parent's flying cars and daring one-another to go outside the wall...and then some of them doing it. I loved the otter bit. This movie's riff on the classic "coconut/swallow" argument from "Holy Grail." Watching this, while it's definitely its own thing, I got vibes of a lot of other stories where the "Big Bad Guy" *isn't,* most notably "Iron Giant" (especially with the ending) and - showing my age and weird way my brain works - the "Outer Limits" episode "I, Robot" from 1964.

Catradora fan

I'm in love with this movie! 😍 we need animated properties like this seriously the messeging like She Ra Avatar Zootopia Wreck it Ralph Owl House is why those are my absolute favorite animations! 😊😁😆

Michael Ward

The little shape shifting sidekick wannabe has your kinda personality. The 5 forms that I would want to shift into are: Goku - battle ready Dolphin - good in water Dragon - good in air and possibly transport people Ant - to almost disappear and sneak around Hamish - to be your sidekick and emotional support

Michael Ward

It's times like when you really got upset that I wish that I could take Gamish's place. It really hurts me to see you that way.😣

Porpoise Power

lol "Ambrosius Goldenloin"


No, not really Because it’s exactly what they wanted to convey and get across


I think your version has some kind of colour distortion, the version on Canadian Netflix doesn't have the green and pink coulours you mentioned and are visible

Mollymauk McGinn

I know you've mentioned how "if they don't tell you the plan it works" before, the name for that trope is the "unspoken plan guarantee"


Lovely movie. I was very interested in the changes from the webcomic/graphic novel , would recommend take a gander at the original.


I think the greens and reds are somehow flipped in your version, the lasers were definitely green in what I watched and look pink in yours

Kaye O'Malley

Agreed. I was just noticing how purple Nimona and her drawings are when she first showed up, and when I watched it, they were definitely a dark pink.

Kaye O'Malley

I absolutely loved this movie, and I remember thinking a couple times that Nimona reminded me of you. Loved watching your reactions. And the little details you pick up on, like knowing something was wrong with the sword and the queen was gonna die - I had no clue until the thing went off and killed her! (ADHD, I have to watch things like 4-8 times to catch everything, LOL)


This is your first video I've watched and I've already noticed that when your excited your accent gets super heavy(also love the reaction and and little talks throughout the video)


i do not know if i was the only one who was confused when you was commenting on the colouring and lighting when i watched Nimona the colours were not like they are in this reaction. do you use a colourblind filter? either way still loved this reaction.


I think her pronouns at least include she/her because while she opposes being called "a girl" she never corrects Bel when he uses she/her pronouns with her.

Tabatha Cat

I had never even heard of this before saw this post. I watched it on Netflix, and will watch your watch-along later. I enjoyed it. Thanks for calling it to my attention.


I watched this purely because I saw you had done a reaction here, and as soon as I finished it I knew I just had to see your reaction. Also, idk if it’s just me, but once I heard the name Ballister, I couldn’t get Lilith’s voice out of my head from the time travel episode

Porpoise Power

The Comic had a knight named Girthy something (Sorry I can't find my copy to look it up).


I joined patreon to watch this reaction specifically!

Max Thomas

originally she/her in the comic, but its kinda open ended

The Best Nyaa

I would transform into a wolf because it’s my favorite animal.