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Early and Raw and Uncut :3



Dafydd Mac an Leigh

The term you're looking for is "Dutch angle". It's when a frame is deliberately skewed to one side to put the viewer on edge, emotionally.

J. Jenny Jameson

I learned that from Battlefield Earth. Movie has more Dutch angles than level ones iirc.

Catradora fan

Every time I think of this episode I keep picturing the dancing girl The guy who voices Hordak is the same as Darius and the voice actor is also in a terrible How To Train Your Dragon spin off called Dragons the Nine Realms so is Bow's voice actor 😭

David Johnson

"But he might trust Entrapta, and Entrapta could tell Catra" be honest, Entrapta would tell *everyone* - she has no concept of what "Top Secret" even means...;)


Yeah, this show uses this technique to great effect, along with a couple of other techniques (like extreme close-up of the eyes) to convey a mood or state-of-mind of a character. They also do a lot of work with lighting and shadows. The directing in She-Ra is excellent.

Ryan Porter

Wait, did we go the whole episode a single "Catra, NO!" I'm purr-plexed. Novel cinematography is hard in 2D since you have to draw everything. Plausible cinematography is hard in 3D since you aren't technically restricted by pesky things like gravity, inertia, or maneuvering the camera rig. And both are hard in stop motion since you have to move the camera one frame at a time, and there's no undo. And then after you final the shot, the client changes their mind and you have to race to submit shot_final_final_FINAL_v3 before the deadline.


yes! Entrapdak is my favourite friend-Ship.


I love how Entrapta just doesn't care that Hordak's the big boss or what a threat he is. And she's absolutely thrilled to help with his master plan. As I've said before, it's all about the scientific research for her. Also, if you didn't get it, Hordak literally took away the atmosphere around Catra for a minute.


Knew it had a name, watch me forget this in a later episode as I try and frantially recall it and call it the Belgium Angel or something LOL

Amy Payne

Is there a reason you don't watch these on Netflix? I know Netflix isn't the greatest of companies, but it might be a more stable connection...

Jenny D

Bow: The Horde really had a theme, huh? Adora: Oh, you’re right. Wow, I can’t believe I’m just realizing this now. That’s my favorite bit of dialogue from this episode! It’s so subtle, but it reminds us that Adora was brainwashed/raised on anti-princess propaganda her whole life. It’s also pretty realistic not just for someone essentially getting out of the cult they were raised in, but just for anyone going through a major life change. You’ll have these random moments when something from your past pops up and now you see it in an entirely different light.

Jenny D

I took Catra’s reaction to Entrapta and Hordak a bit differently. A few minutes before that in the episode she went to talk to Shadow Weaver, who did that slimy manipulative thing she does and got it in Catra’s head that Hordak doesn’t trust her. Catra didn’t have evidence of this at that point, and her lifelong goal was to be the person running the horde (with Adora). The closest she can get to that is to be Hordak’s second-in-command, ergo he’d have the most trust in her. But then he dismisses her in favor of Entrapta. Adora “left her” to be with the princesses, Shadow Weaver always favored Adora over her, and now Hordak is choosing someone else over her. Now she has an example of him potentially trusting someone more than her, which probably makes her feel like she’s no better than Shadow Weaver.

Ryan Porter

Wait, that was supposed to be a secret? That was one of the bullet points at Force Captain orientation. - Scorpia is a Princess - Kyle has a crush on Bo - The password is "lesbian"

Tabatha Cat

I especially enjoy the interaction between Entrapta and Hordak in this one.


Now I'm watching this ep again, I understand why people say this is a Glittradora suupporting episode, they hold each other SO many times, and Adora is being such the classic jock boyfriend in a horror movie in this

Zombles Allegoy

I love that even when everything is shaded and darkened, She-ra is still drawn in her bright colors.