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Early, full, raw and uncut, just like Swift Wind promised!



David Johnson

Yes, the Tree is *Perfuma's* rune stone. Since, as Lighthope says, all the runestones are linked, controlling one means you can control - or at least affect - all the others. And as far as all the answers you need...you don't even have all the *questions* you need yet, so you've got a bit.

Ryan Porter

Can you imagine the sound Mosco will make if Catra ever runs her fingers through She-ra's hair? "Headphone warning" won't begin to cover it.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Note how, when Light Hope is describing the Runestones to Adora, there are holographic silhouettes of the various Princesses who have one (you can easily pick out Glimmer & Angella, Spinerella, Scorpia, Frosta, etc.). Note too, how there are distinct silhouettes of Princesses we have *not* met yet, like the tall one with bull's horns, and...behind Light Hope, in orange... o_O


I love the scenes with Catra, Scorpia and Entrapta. They're so cool. I'd happily hang out with all three of them.

Valentina M

If you're feeling extremely exhausted, it's important to take a break and rest. Take the time you need to recharge your energy. Remember, you're a human being, not an entertainment machine. We love you 😘

Michelle Evelyn Myers

You are uniquely calm about Swiftwind being able to speak.


Catra's takedown of Shadow Weaver is so satisfying to watch. In particular because of what she says during their battle: "I've learned everything from you. How to predict where you'll strike. How to dodge, how to resist. You though you were punishing me all these years....wrong, you were training me for this day." You could probably infer from previous episodes that Shadow Weaver's abuse was a long-lasting affair, but this line makes it very clear how horrible and awful it really was for Catra.


As you can tell by my PFP I was eager to see you be properly introduced to everyone's favourite magical unicorn horse anarchist

Catradora fan

They do the information dump really well here learning about the planet Etheria and She Ra herself at the same time In the holograms of all the other princesses there's one that looks like Catra


Razz was able to understand him, so I always knew he could in some way/shape or form


Thank you Valentina, I just knew if I didnt get the recording done yesterday then the next time I'd be able to record would be the weekend which would mean 0 she ra episodes uploaded this week. :(


It's so great seeing Swift Wind coming back strong after an 8 episode long break, especiallywhen he has the perfect voice. Also, WhatvLight Hope said about Adora giving up her friends kind of pissed me off. Still better than the last hologram, seriously. If I hear "Query not recognized" one more time...


"This time talk like a normal person." (Proceeds to talk like a complete idiot) That sums up Entrapta so well.


I like how Catra just casually runs her fingers through Entrapta's hair reminds me of how what my cats would play with my mom's hair. I just love all the cat-like behaviors they give Catra.


Our old family cat Lucas used to sit on the back of the couch/sofa and LICK your head/hair hahahaha gosh I miss that little weirdo...


My current cat, Piglet, does that too. I call him that because he was born with the tip of his tail kinked all the way around into a full curl. He's a chaotic delight.


"but I can work with this" I don't know what it is about the way the VA did that line but goddamn!