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Northwest Mansion Noir full early and uncut!!




I have been waiting for you reaction to this for so long. This might be my favorite episode of the show.

David Johnson

Notice that now the Society of the Blind Eye is no longer erasing everyone's memories, the fact weird shit is happening is now in the news. Pacifica's parents are using the same parenting textbook as Odalia...there's a lot of parallels between her father's bell and Amity's necklace.


Interesting must be a regional thing because here in America this episode is called Mystery not Noir

David Johnson

Notice also that Dipper's position when he's turned to wood is the same one the shape shifter said would be "his final form."


I had forgotten how good this episode is.


I love episodes where kids break away from their parent's shitty morals and this one was no different. I love Pacifica's character growth, realizing that it doesn't matter if she's living up to her parents expectations, because her family were all a bunch of assholes, anyway. What matters is doing the right thing. Basically, she walked so Amity could run. Also, the end card code says: "Stanisnotwhatheseems Stanisnotwhatheseems Stanisnotwhatheseems". Freaky.

Night Raptor

Absolutely amazing episode. The horror aspects were delightfully creepy 🎃👻. Pacifica's character development is really sweet her parents are plain evil. Then the cliff hanger at the end. 🤌 CoughbonusMoscosinging🫠


Hey Mosco. Buckle the *fuck* up for episode 11.


one of my favourite episodes (if not the favourite one)