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No princesses Left Behind, full uncut just like mama ordered



David Johnson

Catra's main problem is that too often her reaction to things is "I'll show them. I'll show them all!"

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I love and adore that magnificent image of Catra as she's scraping the Sword of Protection along the wall. Almost feels like foreshadowing for Season 3 when she learns to use the sword to become She-Ra herself. (And yes, there is some epic "Cat-Ra" fanart online, if you ever decide to look it up.)

Catradora fan

Glimmer punching Shadow Weaver is so satisfying That image of Catra dragging the sword against the wall is so iconic "This is not because I like you" sure Catra keep telling yourself that 😏

Jenny D

All the princesses’ names do end in A: She-ra, Spinnerella, Netossa, Perfuma, Mermista, Entrapta, Frosta, and *in Queen Angella’s voice* Glimma! But it’s not just princesses. Glimmer’s aunt Castaspella isn’t a princess, though she is the leader of Mystacor, so I guess if they did have a princess it would be her.

Jenny D

Hordak: Queen Angella has been given until the morning’s moonrise— Oh that reminds me! Etheria doesn’t have a sun! The night sky also doesn’t have stars. All they have is something like, 12 moons, and one of them is a day moon that acts as daylight. Not sure how that works since a moon doesn’t have its own light source, it just reflects from the sun, but it’s cartoon logic so we’re going with it!


All the names of the princesses and other characters are taken from the old 80’s cartoon. Almost every bodies roles were totally different. Their isn’t a ton in common with the modern show, beyond Hordac and the Horde vs. She-Ra and the rebellion. I loved watching the show as a kid back in the 80’s, but looking back objectively, it isn’t great. I do recommend tracking down and watching a few episodes however. It’s interesting to see.


I think it's just a result of in general adding an "ah" sound at the end being an easy way to make the "it's there in the name" nouns that make up the first part of each of their names sound feminine.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 20:40:47 Watching the reboot, it's really clear which names were made up by 1980s toymakers ("Cast-a-spell-a"? Really?) and which were by actual story writers (e.g. Lonnie, Kyle, & Rogelio)
2023-05-15 01:08:56 Watching the reboot, it's really clear which names were made up by 1980s toymakers ("Cast-a-spell-a"? Really?) and which were by actual story writers (e.g. Lonnie, Kyle, & Rogelio)

Watching the reboot, it's really clear which names were made up by 1980s toymakers ("Cast-a-spell-a"? Really?) and which were by actual story writers (e.g. Lonnie, Kyle, & Rogelio)


I'm all too familiar with the "unspoken plan guarantee" trope. Whenever the characters start explaining the plan, I immediately go "Yep, this can't end well." Also, as someone with severe ADHD I relate to Entrapta all too well. I love how she's instantly distracted and fascinated by everything. She will always be one of my favorites.


Entrapta was my favourite character! shes so great ,iTs So UnFaIr tHaT tHeY kiLleD hEr OfF /s. i mean really. the show acts like the audience is meant to think she is really dead, but her actual "death scene" is less than a few seconds long and has no weights behind it, its so quick that ive seen other reactors miss it entirely and have to go back just to catch it again. i wish they had put more emotion into it and not made it a cheep cliff-hanger.

Jenny D

I love how you were so sure that Scorpia knew who Sea Hawk was and she was just leading him into a trap! No, she’s just a himbo. I’d say there’s four himbos on this show, and I have them ranked from most to least himbo: Sea Hawk Scorpia Adora Bow (his himbo moments are less frequent and less obvious than the other three, but he definitely has them) Whenever a scene involves solely two or more of them, it’s almost guaranteed to be hilarious!

Jenny D

I know there’s TECHNICALLY 5 seasons, but I always think of it as 4 because Netflix did this stupid thing where they split season 2 in half (this was before Netflix realized they could release a season in “batches” and still label them under the same season), so what’s labeled as season 3 is really just season 2.5.


That's the way I've always seen it. Not only are season 2 and 3 half length, but the last episode of season 2 is more like a mid-season cliffhanger than a season finale.


And what about when she takes on all the princesses' powers to fight the 50 meter tall mutated Shadow Weaver? What an epic fight.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

It was definitely impressive from an animation standpoint; I could have done without the bit about going up SW's nose, though...


Everything about this show is just amazing and I love how in depth EVERY character is written

Mollymauk McGinn

28:50 Glimmer "do you know who I am" Adora "a cotton candy haired goddess?"


Say 'Glimmer' like Angella would. 'Glihma!'