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Wonderstorm! OMFG IT'S SO CUTE!!!




Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Dragons must possess tremendous healing magic themselves, if Zym is able to restore full use to Rayla's hand just by nipping off her binding, without her having to worry about blood clots or other life-threatening complications...

Cosmo Shell

“You can’t trust raccoons” HOLD ON NOW…..ok maybe you can’t trust raccoons fully but cmon Ezran give us RACCs some credit.

Joey Quixote

Yay! Zym! Gotta love the puppy proportions on the little dude! The head, those eyes, those big clumsy paws! Cute! Watching the recaps can be handy. Not just because you spend a week between episodes, but they usually highlight what the current episode will focus on. Book 1 is, er, in the books? But the best is yet to come! Lemme tell ya, they make some interesting artistic choices from here on out. It's a wild ride! -For starters, making the entirety of Book 2 into a musical? Well, that was certainly a choice. But it's worth it for Bait's heavenly soprano. -Claudia and Soren catch up to the princes, culminating in a Scooby-Doo style chase scene where Soren slips on a banana peel and everyone stops to laugh for a solid minute. Unfortunately, the fall leaves Soren bedridden, and only able to communicate in Haiku. This show with the way it flip-flops between childish humor and maudlin drama. -And let's not forget Amaya! Quite the journey of self-discovery! She sees the light when, during a cultural exchange banquet, she's introduced to Spicy Xadian Tacos. She loves them so much that she abandons her post at The Breach and moves to Xadia full time, where she becomes a wrestler. I'm certainly looking forward to more reactions! I missed all the end chapter sketches my first time through the series, so I'm glad I'm seeing them now.


must we never forget the biggest tragedy in the show when zym ate bait


i have never seen such poetic and marvelous spoilers in my life