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The Doomsday Option

It's nearly upon us!!! I must say I enjoyed seeing Azy wear that woman's meat suit.... that sounded wrong.... oh well



largo778 .

it's sad that they had to cut the Other Four Horseman from the show.

Stephen Ray

How did Crowley hit the looks lottery for demons? I'm assuming it's related to how non-evil he actually is. Some people would take issue with your comments about Jack Whitehall's attractiveness. Obviously individual tastes differ.


Dog following the kids is linked to both being named "dog" and to the fact he got into Anathema's house which was protected against evil, it made him even less evil


My strategy when I feel mad about one particular case of forced straight agenda is actually to think of worse cases of straight agenda. For instance, when I see Newt and Anathema, I just think about, let's say ... SasuSaku, or Tauriel and Kili, or Enid and Ajax, or Anakin and Padme, or Jon and Daenerys, the choice is infinite really. And then suddenly, I'm not so mad about Newt and Anathema anymore lmao


"I'm People Covered in Fish" is one of the best lines of all time

Willow Arkan

The ending cut was great, ending on that line from death.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I always figured it's because most of the other demons spend the majority of time in Hell, whereas Crowley's been on Earth for the last 6,000 years

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Funny, Shadwell and Mme. Tracy are the hetero pairing in this I *could* get behind...

Ryan Porter

"The author tells characters to do something and they do it." Clearly you've never watched or read "Just Stab Me Now"...Rosamund has _no_ respect for the tropes the author keeps trying to maneuver her into.


Your assertion that you’ll stop watching if they get together is really weird. I get that you’re wanting to enjoy your homo show but the presence of a hetero relationship ruining your entire enjoyment of a show is kind of a yikes

Killian Atkinson

I’m hoping Mosco was just having a bad day or something cause the energy was too mean for me at points of this video. And I don’t even like either of the straight pairings personally

Killian Atkinson

Maybe I’m being overly sensitive but “you had sex with ‘it’” to me felt mean to the point of cruel. I get not liking the ship, I very much don’t like that pair either, but ‘it’ can be quite dehumanising


Agreed. The insult at pulcifer was super uncalled for too. I find him super charming and funny personally and even if I didn’t everyone is attracted to different things yk

Ana (Lariaenl)

Great reaction. And I tell your girlfriend, i see and undertand her strugle. You british people and you tea. There is some many types and flavours of tea and you always choose the most boring one, just tea... Why do all the demon look terrible but Crowley, to answer this you need to remember what God said the last episode, shape and aparenace are a question of preference for the deamons, that why they could go to the answer machine. So they look, as they want to look, personal preference.


I believe she said "you slept with this" . However she did make a big deal over something that could have been disliked , laughed at then forgotten about lol


She has a strong aversion to abusive pairings (she explicitly stopped shipping Catra and Adora after one of their fights and it took awhile for their interactions to convince her otherwise) and Pulsifer's interactions are laden with verbal abuse with very little demonstrated affection early on.


I personally don’t see at all how he’s verbally abusive. I just watched all of season 1 again and the most that he did was be a little sassy and ask questions about the prophecies. Being sassy is fine a lot of people like that and asking questions about uncharted territory such as prophecies is totally normal