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Saturday Morning Funtime




Levi Kenway

Good Omens is so good

Aiden Templet

The Book of Revelations in the New Testament lists the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as conquest, war, famine and death, while in the Old Testament’s Book of Ezekiel they are sword, famine, wild beasts and pestilence or plague.


Ah yes.. the season 2 plot line is all about the “harlot” Jesemine joining the dark forces of hell and climbing up its ranks

KJ Benson

10000% agree with your rant about the straight agenda being shoved down our throats in so many shows lol. Like you can have a queer couple that has incredible buildup and obvious foreshadowing, but when they're finally confirmed to actually be romantically involved the straights will say it "came out of nowhere". Meanwhile we have hetero relationships where they have no chemistry or buildup but nobody says anything about it when *they* get together...


I like the little callback that Shadwell, who was hired as the lockpick for the church heist, pulls out those skills here to crack into the bookshop.

K Cianci

It is also thought that the shift in interpretations of replacing the horsemen of conquest, with pestilence occurred during 14th century in Europe, which makes a lot of historical sense for what was going on around that time…


It's probably been a while since you recorded this, however I wish you and your friend a lot of courage in that situation. Knowing personnaly how shitty it is to go through this, I find it very impressive that you actually found the strength and time to record that reaction (and I think I won't be the only one), which was as always great to watch. Take care Mosco


In season 2, Adam, who by then has witnessed the poorly developed romance between Newt and Anathema, uses his Antichrist powers to erase heterosexuality from England (the Atlantis, as we'll learn, was gay the moment it appeared)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

OMFG I just recognized the music in the "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" section: it's the gavotte from act 2 of The Gondoliers. As a Gilbert & Sullivan nerd, I'm somewhat embarrassed I never recognized it sooner.

Jacob Bess

In season 2 it’s revealed the Nazi’s from episode 3 are in heaven and Gabriel puts them in charge of restarting Armageddon.

Sav Miller

Don't worry—Season 2 is a gays-only event. No spoilers but they really amp up the queerness.

William Timmins

All the love and best wishes to your friend, Mosco.


The four horsemen aren't actually specified in the book of Revelation; they have multiple interpretations (also pestilence definitely didn't retire given... the state of the world for the last while)


Don't worry, season 2 will make you hate the queers too

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

No wonder Crowley is relieved to be getting further and further away from the 14th century with each passing minute

Ryan Porter

Wolves would be able to take care of your deer problems AND your politician problems. The best moment in any series is when the straight laced, prim and proper character finally drops and f-bomb.


I think conquest being replaced by pollution is just a stylistic choice in this show. Either way I’m glad because pollution is so cool

cleve reinhard

Wait till season 2 then you’ll get what you want


I mean from the original four horsemen. In the original four conquest is the only one missing

Joey Quixote

Fully get the hetero ship hating. For me it kinda fouled a series I was watching recently. "She's smart! A genius even! Independent! A very capable and ambitious woman who has everything going for her! But her life... it is lacking... it's those 4 little letters that will make her life truly worth living:  DICK!" I mean, yeah, sometimes that's the character arc, but here it feels... obligatory. I grew up with War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death as my Horsemen. I've lost track of how many times I've fought them in how many games. Currently going through Cult of the Lamb where I have to beat 4 bishops who are analogous to the Horsemen.

Paul Steele

Have to love Mosco's request dead politicians, wolves, and a sandwich shop. Don't ever change. Also I grew up with War, Famine, Pestilence and Death

Vex Valor

I also called the witch and Pulsifer falling in love because we can almost never have two people of the opposite gender interact without it in shows. Even more painful when a character of the same gender is right there and has better chemistry with them. *looks at Wednesday* I also skip over that scene. Once was enough. Thank you. XD

Vex Valor

More importantly I can't even name a personality trait about him or a reason Enid would even like him. He literally just exists to not make this gay.


tbh, I do really enjoy Newt and Anathema as a couple, it would have been nice to give them more of a build-up to that. But Season 2 is def better for bringing the queer, full-force


And for reference when it matters (because I think they've only been shown once or twice thus far)... Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, uses They/Them pronouns :)


Wednesday is the perfect example on how to make your show less impactful just by adding useless heterosexuality ... Also can we point out that Enid is a walking lesbian flag with that sweather ? Still praying for Wenclair to happen in S2 even if it's unlikely (and if it doesn't, fanfics and compilations will feed my little heart)


Well I think what we can give the show credit for is that it is aware that making Anathema and Newt a thing was a huge big trope super cliché and the writers played on that by adding some comedy to it. Anathema was like "yeah it was written on the prophecy book so let's just get on with it" in sort of a "meh" attitude, which is also tragic when you look at it (but it fits Anathema's character being centered around that book), and then there's the whole thing with Shadwell thinking he sent Newt to his damnation when he's having the time of his life, but I still think it would have been nice if that trope didn't happen, or at least differently


I can agree with that. I definitely wish it happened a bit differently. They definitely deserved better build-up than they got 😅

Vex Valor

I completely agree with you and that is so true about the lesbian sweater. I am hoping wenclair will happen in season 2 still. Being that it's changing directors and direction, it could happen. It's unlikely, but I have hope. XD


Isn't Jenna Ortega going to be officially part of the directors crew this season ? If so, there's definitely a chance that they could walk down that path, since she was opposed to the biggest straight bs in s1 (to think it could have been worse lmao). Let's not lose our hope !! And even if Wenclair doesn't happen, as long as there's no unecessary heterosexuality harming the plot, I'll be satisfied for now


Pulsifer and the witch falling in love as fast as they did was just so out of nowhere and honestly pretty forced. I totally get your straight agenda rant. There are some hetero ships I really like, but not when they're handled as abruptly as this. It's really frustrating when a gay relationship is subtly (and not so subtly) built up over a long time, and then when it becomes official, several people complain about it being "unnecessary" or "coming out of nowhere." But then you have a straight relationship actually happen out of nowhere and the majority loves it. IT MAKES NO SENSE and I'm so tired of it.

Vex Valor

She is and I know she supports wenclaire, but I do know she wants a more horror route for the show which might make there be no love interest at all which I will take over the straight bullshit it made us sit through. Wednesday did not need a love triangle.


Fr, my best friend is a big fan of the Adam family lore and she was so baffled that the show gave romance so much importance when it does so little justice to Wednesday's character ... I'm not as much of a connaisseur as her when it comes to the Adam family lore, and I still found it infuriating. She's all for a romance-less season 2, then a Wenclair season 3 if it is renewed, and I think that'd be awesome. Anything but the love triangle lmao. If I had to rank, no doubt Enid and her bf + the Wednesday/ Tayler/ Xavier shit would be in the top 5 of the worst cases of forced straight agenda on tv (it'd be funny to actually make the rank)

Stephen Ray

I can see why Pulsifer and Anathema got together - I've known people to get together quicker than that. But... It's the most boring part of the story, and unnecessary. What I do love is Crowley calling Aziraphale "Angel" all the time. So sweet!


I’m willing to compromise. I will forgive the forced het relationship trope under the circumstance that we get a sex scene with Azzy & Crowley with as much umm vigor. Or did we?

Anais Winter

fuck the straight crap......season 2 is better......its filler and has less plot but more gay ....and more of our lovely ineffable husbands