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Hard Times reaction!!





Well that was a real azira-FAIL, the way he treated crowley ... I'm sorry


Mosco the young man Crowley meets in the 60s is sergent Shadwell, the current witch hunter obsessed with the number of nipples ! So when he asked Crowley about his father it's because he actually met Crowley in the 60s and since Crowley didn't age up, Crowley just told him he was the son of the Crowley Shadwell met then


Ah yes, the famous straight arrangement to "lend a hand when needed" between the fraternizing bros. I'm out.


To quote your girlfriend, particularily accurate on Aziraphale and Crowley this episode : "gays are so dramatic for the record. They have a breakup without ever actually being together."

largo778 .

Missed joke: in the dinner, in a blink and you miss it moment, Elvis is the cook also, you completely missed it first viewing (might get it in a rewatch): Crowley was talking to the Witchfinder Sargent in both the Soho 1960s and the Present, and his "father" was just him from the 60s.

largo778 .

in the book it was called the Arrangement. And only really got the capital A because of how old it is

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

"Crawley" is his original demon name, fitting to when he was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden ("They just said go up there and make some trouble.") The change to "Crowley" denotes a shift as he becomes more human over time — or "goes native", as some of the characters say. Aziraphale accidentally deadnames him because he's still thinking of him as a demon first and foremost. Notice how quickly that changes, though, as they get closer over time.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, the book goes into greater details about Chow: not only is it completely artificial, it is also full of fats and sugars — so if you eat enough of it, you will get very fat and die of malnutrition *at the same time*. If that's not a perfect commentary on the fast food industry I don't know what is.


I got a kick out of the Iowa part. Since that's where I'm from, lmfao.


For anyone wondering, the french revolutionnary was saying "Ah, the blade' singing and the people's joy. Magnificient, isn't it ? Now let's take a look at your neck."


It’s not a dress, it’s a thobe, very common men’s wear in the Arabian peninsula and North Africa


Tho he could be gender fluid non the less, it’s not like we haven’t seen him in a dress before 😂 “I heard you were looking for a nanny?”


Adam and his friends scenes do a great job of showing how impressionable kids are, “they wouldn’t put it in a magazine if it weren’t real” & my personal fav: “ur supposed to say no and we’ll torture u till u say yes 👍🏼”

Ryan Porter

Crowley: "What has he said that made everyone so upset?" Aziraphale: "Be kind to each other." Crowley: "Oh yeah. That'll do it." My personal view of the Old Testament is its God learning to be a parent. From Eden to Leviticus to the Ten Commands to Jesus on the mound saying, "love they neighbor" and someone asking "but what if they're gay?" and Jesus saying "did I fucking stutter?" ... it's a parent struggling to figure out how to wrangle her kids, and failing. And we all know how often our parents declared, "do what I say, not what I do!" and God is no different. For the record, I am not Christian but my parents were and did try to inflict it on me as a child but it didn't stick. So things that take the piss out of this monotheism - Good Omens, Hazbin Hotel, Warrior Nun, Hunchback of Note Dame - are my jam. ---- Yeah, solid platonic male friendships are so rare. I'm drawing a blank on any I've seen outside of Legends of Tomorrow. ---- Writers: "They are coworkers." Mosco: "They are in love." Writers: "But-" Mosco: "Six. Thousand. Year. Slow. Burn." We have replaced useless sapphics with useless achilleans. Let's see if Mosco notices... ---- "You can tell when a show doesn't have a massive budget because they go ham on the cinematography." ...now I want to rewatch Wynonna Earp with an eye towards the cinematography since that show had zero budget.


I love to see someone falling for this ship in real time. Also, Michael Sheen, the guy who plays Azira has said Crowley saving the books is the moment when Aziraphale realized he was in love with him, and you can tell.


I read somewhere that the "you go too fast" scene was actually the last one they filmed in the series, which is why it's so fraught with terrible love and sadness and why it breaks your heart in a way that you think it logically shouldn't. Because they were thinking about how it was all over after that. (Obviously not once Season 2 became a thing, but I don't think they knew about that yet.) And yes, welcome aboard the ship, my friend. We have cookies and wine and waistcoats and Queen and thousands and thousands of years.


"You go too fast for me crowley",is really about both, which is the fun of it, physically driving too fast, and relationship wise, going too fast.

Joey Quixote

This show is so layered and I love it! Some are here for the shipping. Some the religious satire. Others the historical references. And I think a lot of us are just here for the overall wit in the writing. Marvelous series. This is my favorite episode of the first season. Particularly the Shakespeare jokes.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Not these writers. They thought they'd made AziraCrow obvious in the book, and were astonished how few people picked up on it.

Jaakko Nurro

Also to quote the book, Aziraphael was seen by most people as "gayer than a tree full of monkies on nitrous oxide."


Apparently Michael Sheen has also played Hamlet, so it's even more amusing that they went with it.

Elizabeth Gates

Joined after seeing your first episode on Youtube. Love your reactions and love our Ineffable Husbands.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

As for the solid platonic male friendships thing, I recommend Ted Lasso, even to people who aren't sports fans. There's an excellent one in there. And while I don't like all the movies (or even most, really), Jay and Silent Bob in the Askewniverse definitely count. Jay even introduces them to people as "I'm Jay, and this is my hetero lifemate, Silent Bob."

Whiskey Jak

I think it's worth noting that Aziraphale and Crowley get to know each other over literally THOUSANDS of years. Even if that doesn't breed trust, it must breed a sort of understanding of what the other figure is about and values.

Whiskey Jak

I'm not sure Angels and Demons are capable of queer relationships, given that they are supposed to be (literally) sexless, but I still totally ship Aziraphale and Crowley.

Whiskey Jak

Also... not gonna leave any fake spoilers, because I don't think any fake spoilers could match the ridiculousness of the four bicyclers of the apocalypse, but I cannae wait for Mosco to react to some of the discworld studd: The Colour of Magic, Hogfather, Going Postal...


For platonic male friendships I'd also recommend Scrubs (JD and Turk) and Psych (Shawn and Gus).


Well, both ace and aro relationships also fall under the queer umbrella, and the fact that they're both nonbinary according to Neil Gaiman, means that their relationship is, by definition, queer in some variety even if "gay" isn't really an applicable term.

Jazmyn Rianne Heller

The comment about Crowley's father is about him keeping up human appearances and knowing people in the same circles for longer than he should be alive as a human, so he most likely tells people that he's known for a long time that he's his own son, or something to that affect, I'd gather.


Azi whips out the puppy eyes and Crowley is absolutely helpless. Does not have a chance in Hell.