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Dafydd Mac an Leigh

And there it is: the last, and greatest, use of the Promise theme

Blue Eons

I’m sad I don’t watch it but I do but I don’t…

Christopher Bouzas

Future Catra is wearing Adoras pin, wonder what that could possibly mean

Liam Gradders

On behalf of all’ve us She Ra fans (friends of Mara), I would to thank you for the reactions Mosco. It’s been both short and long, but it had still been a blast. For the Honour of Grayskull!🥲🎉🌈


And now you know you called it right episodes ago: The world is saved by gay

Jack Jack

I am so freaking excited for this. I took the day off work.

Christopher Bouzas

I like the theory that future Catra wears shoes because she finally feels safe and doesn’t need to sneak around anymore and that’s all Adora wanted

Tabatha Cat

Don't forget to watch the season 5 trailer, if you haven't already.

Ross Snyder

I'd suggest watching the following She-ra analysis videos after the series. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOgmqzfDHUFVSz2pHzG0ypLLR6jLCZ_P4&si=joDHME3mORg0iG-m Especially the videos about Adora and Catra specifically. It really dives into their respective psychologies.

Christopher Bouzas

Mosco: I don’t get emotional over cartoons! Well that was a fucking lie.

Christopher Bouzas

One thing that bothers me about this episode, besides Bow blowing his cover like an idiot. Why does Catra need to be reminded of what’s going to happen if Adora activates the failsafe without she-ra? She already knows what happens she’s the one who forced Shadow Weaver to confess the truth and it’s the entire reason she left 2 episodes ago

Profesor Pomelo

*WE MADE IT!* Mosco, I hope you enjoyed this journey, and I'm glad I witnessed it. The truth is I'm always looking for an excuse to rewatch this show. Last time for real, I hope you can find time to check the fan-fic *"Don't Go"* by Annacharlier. I think it is a good idea because some people complained that Catra got off easy, and this story explains her character development and how much she grew as a person, not to mention there's a "subtext" Catradora moment. This is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24280306 Here's an artwork of ND Stevenson (*cough* True writer *cough*): https://twitter.com/Gingerhazing/status/1264350073158156288 There's also a two part video called "Don't Go - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fan animatics" if you're interested. I'll stay tuned for new reactions of Good Omens and Ducktales. Thank for reading this.

Willow Arkan

that angela jumpscare


*Shadow weaver dies* "Oh no. Anyway"



Profesor Pomelo

Yeah, it's not really tragic or even a redeeming moment. It's more like "There, now you'll have to forgive me for being such a terrible caretaker". She was selfish to the very end.

Jenny D

I’m just gonna preemptively say that Shadow Weaver isn’t redeemed. I made a very pointed comment on the Save The Cat reaction about how, if Catra had died right after saving Glimmer and apologizing to Adora, she wouldn’t be redeemed, and in that comment I was secretly referring to Shadow Weaver. “Sacrificing your life to save someone after doing a bunch of horrible shit to them and others doesn’t make you redeemed, and could actually just do more damage to the people you’ve hurt, because now they’re left with unresolvable conflicted feelings about you for the rest of their lives.” On top of that, Shadow Weaver didn’t even really have any other choice here. Adora wasn’t going to leave Catra behind, and without Adora getting to the heart the whole universe would have died, including Shadow Weaver. Also note, when Catra believed she was sacrificing herself she apologized to Adora. When Shadow Weaver sacrificed herself, she just said, “You’re welcome.”

Willow Arkan

23:10 I am crying my eyes out here, so it's fine.


Fun fact: because of when she-ra s5 and harley quinn s2 ep7 released, both catra/adora and harley/ivy kissed on the same day

Jenny D

So the reason I was emphasizing the stuff about how marriage is shown on Etheria in previous comments is because, if you look at Catra’s outfit in Adora’s future vision/dream, Catra’s shirt has Adora’s golden wing pin on it. 💍

Jenny D

Future Ponytail Catra is tied with Season 4 Catra in terms of my favorite Catra look.


I'm sad it's the end of your She-Ra reactions. I've loved them all. This episode is phenomenal and your reaction was very special. Saving the world with gay? Heck yeah. We need some of that in the real world. Adora and Catra forever! ❤️


Also, Adora wearing a dress because she's finally allowed herself to relax (I know she wore a dress in Princess Prom, but that was against her objections and also a type of dress that allowed her to still fight).


the emotional support phone call makes it 100x better XD this show will always have a chokehold on us its okay <3


And there's really nothing worse for an abusive parent to do than to pretend to be proud of their victims like that. The thought that's left then, even if it's only in the back of the mind, is "well...okay, maybe she did the right thing?" Glad she died for a good reason or whatever, but it would've been better if the guardian had wrapped up her face so she couldn't talk.

Bree Weis

All the hugs mosco, I am in the same boat


Yep, still crying at this finale even though it's like the 7th time I've seen it, good to know Yet in this ocean of emotions you really made me laugh with calling Adora "Gay Jesus" and crushing on both of the wives

Ashley Sotelo

Not mosco going through the 5 stages of grief with the ending of "the stupid animated show"


Speaking of muscles, can we appreciate for a second exactly how strong Catra must be? It's one thing to be able to jump far...she was able to propel herself 40 or 50 feet at least, and with enough force to break pieces of the defense mechanism as she collided with it...and then keep going. That's why you never skip leg day...

Willow Arkan

That last mention of Mara is just that final gut punch for my heart. This episode had so many beautiful moments. From the determination in Catra's eyes as she caries her love to the heart. To the entire scene in the heart and kiss in particular.


SUPER happy you saw through Shadow Weaver's bullshit. I've heard people say her death redeemed her but no she was a manipulative arsehole to the bitter end even with her final two words. Her doing something good for ONCE and it costing her her life does not change the years of abuse and neglect she pushed onto Adora, Catra and the other Horde members

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

This is the episode that gave Morgan a nosebleed. I'm sure you can understand why. ;-) Now you have to find Reinaeiry's "After the War" song on YouTube, and bawl your eyes out until you've got nothing left.


I always read Mermista's "Are we okay with this?" comment as a lampshade comment by the writers, acknowledging that they were aware that the conclusion was rushed, but they had no time left for more. But considering how well they handled everything else in the finale I think we can give the writers a pass. The finale really has everything. Every character is important, every action is impactful, every line is emotional. There's so many great moments, so many satisfying or emotionally heartwrenching conclusions to character arcs and story arcs. And on top of that the voice acting is amazing, the music is so incredibly good (also, brilliant use of the Promise theme once again), and the cinematography/art is fantastic. I cannot count how many times I've rewatched this, and it still leaves me a wreck afterwards.


AJ and Aimee did a lovely reading of the scene in the Heart of Etheria: https://youtu.be/7akvZsHxYEk?si=BgXWFSrLAkuWnTdk


I really wish that Perfuma was there to actually interact with Scorpia while Bow was doing his thing. Nothing happened in those scenes except for him invisibly sneaking around; there could've been some great stuff between two characters who were developing such a strong connection.


There's always the Swift Wind Adventures, about 6 shorts released during a long break between seasons (2 and 3, I think). So you still have some cute moments to soothe the loss. (And Swifty gets his own transformation sequence)


Honestly, what the writers did with Shadow Weaver is brilliant. As you said, its not a redemption. The intentional parallel/contrast with Catra is so well done, and there is also a second intentional parallel/contrast between Shadow Weaver and Queen Angella. Queen Angella, the good mother, selflessly volunteers to sacrifice herself so that Adora may live, while Shadow Weaver, the bad mother, selfishly kept pushing Adora forward as a sacrificial lamb right up until the end when she decides to do 'one good thing'. And where Queen Angella used her final words to tell Adora to 'take care of each other' - a statement that is entirely about other people and not about herself, Shadow Weaver used her final words to pat herself on the back, making her sacrifice all about herself. Hell, Adora wasn't even Angella's child, Angella just knew it was the right thing to do, whereas Shadow Weaver raised Adora and Catra as her own children/tools/punching bags, and even then had to be pushed to the extreme before she decided to make the sacrifice.


Oh, we have some idea. We all went through the same thing, and we didn't even have a support-Hamish to help.

Willow Arkan

Now thinking on the timeline of sapphics in contemporary animated kids television, Korrasami are older than Catradora, who in turn are older than Lumity. They got younger as time went on as well as more openly queer. I wonder if it is just a coincidence, or the further back studios were more comfortable with older characters not being straight, not that each show didn't have to fight for every inch of what they got.

Catradora fan

THE CATRADORA KISS SAVED THE UNIVERSE! I'M SO HAPPY! 😭😍💙💛 Catra would become Glimmer's royal advisor after the series change my mind 😌 I cheered when Catra stood up to Shadow Weaver as well as Adora in episode 11 too. I want to make one thing perfectly clear; Shadow Weaver did not redeem herself by sacrificing herself she should have done the "one good thing" along time ago by protecting Catra and Adora but she abused them all their lives it is still understandable that Catra and Adora cry but when Catra saved Glimmer in Corridors that "one good thing" doesn't mean Catra redeemed herself fully it's a start I've seen some people misunderstand that when they have no understanding of this show whatsoever I hope people stop making that misinterpretation. My way of thinking is whether Catra had gone with Adora or Adora had stayed in the Horde they still would have needed to work on themselves.


Love that song so much. Such beautiful lyrics... "You're worth more than you give, you're worth more than you've done." "I wish I'd never doubted you, but we'll fix it together." "I wonder if this feeling is the feeling of coming home."


I have to say that the one true disappointment I have in this episode is the "resolution" between Catra and Scorpia. I can understand Glimmer just going for a hug with her dad even if it would have been nice to get a longer moment between them, but Scorpia just hugging Catra without having witnessed Catra's improvement and the entire lack of consideration for the "personal space" issue (even if at this point of the story, it was okay with Catra, Scorpia had no way of knowing) left me with really conflicting feelings. Nevertheless, even if flawed, this episode will just stuck forever with how emotional and breath-taking it was

Duncan Watson

Oh the confession at the heart makes me cry every time, there's no getting around it, the whole episode hits you with emotions from the start and just keeps building Also he is *awful* but I love Horde Prime as a villain, absolutely the perfect final antagonist for this show


About the future dream-- I believe it's been confirmed that exchanging articles of clothing/accessories is the Etherian equivalent of engagement and/or wedding rings.

Jenny D

Mosco all episode predicting Catra would have to put herself in danger so Adora could transform into She-ra was hilarious! The thing is, She-ra’s magic (really I think all of Etheria’s light magic) doesn’t come from protection. Rather, protective instincts come from the same source as Etheria’s light magic: love.

Willow Arkan

And the worst part is she might not even be fully aware that she is manipulating them, she may well have genuinely believed that in her own warped version of reality. It's hard to know just how self aware she was in the end there.

Jenny D

I feel like She-ra is basically the goddess of Etheria, so forming a religion around her isn’t all that crazy.


It must've been heartbreaking for the writers; having to prioritize between all the different threads, give the right time to what needed the most time while trying to at least find some way to gesture towards what just couldn't be given as much time as they wanted. There really needed to be at least another full episode; pacing and structure in a "final conflict" episode could never contain what was needed. And yeah, for all of it, it still messes me up real good :D


Since I can't see anyone posted it yet, I will post the obligatory "Shadowweaver died doing what she loved doing in life, emotionally scarring Catra and Adora"


IIRC, this finale came out at the same time another animated sapphic couple got their declaration of GAY. I remember the internet was screaming with joy. (Have to be vague as I haven't seen the other series.. hehe..) (Edit: nevermind, spotted a comment confirming you've seen the Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn moment. Yeah them and Catradora had so much excited, collective, gay, happy shrieking happening.) Nate Stevenson, the creator, worked the Dreamworks execs very hard throughout producing this show to make this gay kiss-to-save-the-world happen. I view it as a beautiful lesson of Dreamworks staffers being willing to take the risk with She-Ra, vs Disney pulling the plug on The Owl House. And it worked out for Dreamworks where Disney had to stew in regret.

Willow Arkan

She does look great. Although from this episode for me something about the way she looks, less outfit more just her overall vibe, when she carries Adora to the heart down that corridor (this show does love it's corridors), I think it's the determination in her eyes, she just looks amazing.

Jenny D

Seriously, petty_labelle and n7punk on ao3!

Willow Arkan

huh, speaking of creators to watch to cope with the end, i've already seen mention of 5by5 and now Reinaeiry. Love her song covers.

Kevin Morris

Now that you've finished the series, I highly recommend a series of videos on YouTube from "5X5 Takes". It was very therapeutic for me. I hope you can get some closure from them. In the meantime, you keep hanging in there! All the Love! ❤️

Willow Arkan

Veritable rollercoaster, a gay, gay rollercoaster, with bonus trees, love those.

Willow Arkan

At least back in the day we still had hope, there was always the petition. In fact it still exists: https://www.change.org/p/dreamworks-netflix-mattel-epilogue-more-seasons-of-she-ra

Willow Arkan

Look what I found, the petition from 2020 is still up: https://www.change.org/p/dreamworks-netflix-mattel-epilogue-more-seasons-of-she-ra

Jenny D

I’m still not sure what Adora’s wearing of Catra’s, since Catra didn’t have any small accessories of her own. I think I’ve read that the diadem Adora was wearing was supposed to be representative of Catra’s old mask, but I’m not sure if that’s ever been confirmed.

Willow Arkan

I like to think that She-ra is the guardian spirit of Etheria, incarnating into mortals in order to protect Etheria. She is the focal point of the magic of Etheria, which is why she is so important for the heart of Etheria project. I wonder if there used to be some sort of reverence to her prior to the first ones or at least prior to the distortion of Mara's legacy

Jenny D

I thought there was something in Perfuma’s kingdom that had drawings of previous She-ras, unless that was just a fanfic I read. Of course they definitely had legends about She-ra, at least.

Ashley Silver

You know how Raeda was theorized to be married because of a jewelry swap? Future Catradora and Glimmbow is where that idea comes from :3

Willow Arkan

I found it, the story i was looking for several episodes back. It's by dannomar, by the name of We are made of stardust. no wonder i couldn't find it, it barely has tags


I think I said it last episode, and I got the best confirmation in the world when Elijah said the same thing: fanfics can be Season 6. Read 'em, write 'em. How does that "bring magic back to the universe" trip go? What about the clones? Does Wrong Hordak lead them to discovering individuality? They're at peace in a freed universe that has plenty of people who know portal tech. Any chance they can figure out how to get Angella out of that in-between she's in? It's wide open.

Willow Arkan

What happens if the show ended back when the black garnet was syphoning the power from the rest of the runestones and causes the world to end, but the disaster lesbians find each other over and over in different worlds.


Ah yes, my favorite TV show plot: child soldiers save the universe by killing god with the power of gay. I really appreciate how the show doesn't nerf Micah for his fight with Glimmer. She wins that through her own skill, not just because the plot says so. Double Trouble was never actually chipped. They escaped the party with Perfuma and Sea Hawk, which is why they didn't show up during the un-chipping scene. Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio being a polyamorous triad together was confirmed by Nate Stevenson on Twitter. It doesn't really count as canon if it's confirmed that way, but since they're extremely minor side characters, it's understandable that they went that route. Shadow Weaver died doing what she loved: traumatizing Catra. And yes, even her one good thing was still twisted into manipulation because even in her last ten seconds alive she just couldn't leave well enough alone. Adora's future vision sequence was probably not supposed to be an actual vision of the future. Her whole arc is built around deconstructing the concept of destiny, so predestination showing an exact look at the actual future wouldn't really make sense. It doesn't mean we can't appreciate the characters future looks, though, even if they probably wouldn't wind up exactly like that. On that note, Nate Stevenson has said on Twitter that Etherians exchange accessories when they get married, as seen with Netossa and Spinnerella, and not only does future Bow have one of Glimmer's earrings, but future Catra, who at this point is a projection of Adora's desires before actually hearing Catra's declaration of love, has Adora's wing pin. She-Ra is a rare case of the main gay content being held off until the last episode actually working. The main story of the show is Adora and Catra's split and reconciliation, and them finally getting together is that story's conclusion. It had to wait until the last minute because if you end your main story before the last minute, what do you do with the remaining minutes? It still doesn't stop some people from complaining about She-Ra being another case of last-minute gays, but the actual story of the show depends on it working like that. Nate Stevenson has said that if there's ever a sixth season or spinoff or something, he'd prefer it to be low-stakes comedy of the Best Friend Squad's space road trip. That said, he also acknowledges that it's extraordinarily unlikely that such a thing would ever actually get made. The studio would be highly unlikely to spend money on it and no one on the show's staff is THAT attached to the idea that they'd really bother trying to convince them otherwise. She-Ra has some of the best music in any TV show out there, both for being good music in its own right and for how it works with the story. Sunna Wehrmeijer has all of Richard Wagner's skill as a narrative musician (and fortunately none of his other characteristics), and this show's soundtrack is both one of my favorites both when I want general cool music and when I feel like in-depth academic analysis. In this episode, there's Angella's leitmotif coming back for the first time in ages, the Fractures theme (played during the end of the eponymous episode as Bow and Adora depart for Beast Island while Glimmer goes to Light Hope, but also at various points earlier in season four leading up to that as Glimmer's relationship with Bow and Adora deteriorates) during Glimmer and Micah's fight, a motif associated with controlling magic that shows up with the Spell of Obtainment in Light Spinner and the first attempted activation of the Heart of Etheria in Hero appearing in the same variation used during Adora breaking free of the signal in Beast Island when Shadow Weaver decides to fight the guardian, what I'm pretty sure is the only use of Adora's theme and definitely the only use of She-Ra's theme in major keys when Adora emerges from the Heart, and, of course, Promise. The Promise theme first appears in the eponymous episode and symbolizes Adora and Catra's relationship, particularly through the promise to look out for each other they made as kids in the flashbacks in that episode. It's one of the more sparingly used bits of musical material in the show, mostly reserved for the biggest moments- Catra leaving Adora hanging from the ledge in Promise, their fight at the portal chasm in Remember, Catra's sacrifice in Corridors, and, of course, Catra's confession to Adora here (there's also a few other uses more tangentially related, but these are the big ones). The theme's first appearance and most of its subsequent uses leave the last chord unresolved, but this time, once the characters have resolved their story arc, the music actually resolves. I could go on about this show's music for hours. It's some of the best out there.

potato potato also another potato

it's so interesting seeing that progression with disney, a lot of the same people worked on ducktales, gravity falls, star vs the forces of evil, and owl house, and each one gets a little more bold with representation over the last decade or so. Gravity falls has implied respresentation but nothing on screen, ducktales has a similar bit of blink and you'll miss it representation in the background of one episode star had a gay kiss hidden in a background scene in an early episode and 2 sets of minor characters coming out as bi and lesbians respectively near the end of the final season, as well as a character quietly discovering they might be trans Then finally owl house (and another show mosco hasn't watched) managed to get an actual on screen kiss and an lgbt couple lasting for more than a finale episode, as well as recurring non binary representation. And now...well most of those people seem to have left disney entirely after Owl house so...who knows. Interested to see where they end up, but it's a shame that we might see disney backtrack a bit as a result. Even as they've said they regret cancelling owl house, they sure don't seem to be in a hurry to revive any of the beloved shows with lgbt representation either, nor create new ones. At least netflix seems pretty comfortable with it now, there are 3 or 4 recent shows I can think of that did pretty good with that, and I don't recall any being abruptly cancelled like disney kept doing.


So here's some post-show concepts Nate Stevenson has mentioned: - Hordak will go to clean up Beast Island as community service for his crimes, because Etheria's justice system isn't centered on punishment and instead on rehabilitation. Entrapta goes with him and they'll start dating. - Scorpia and Perfuma start dating. They're a very sweet domestic couple and will probably have lots of kids. - Micah retires and Glimmer continues to be the queen. - Wrong Hordak and Swift Wind radicalize the Horde Clones and form a cult of positivity. - Nate has an idea for how Angella could be saved from whatever in-between dimension she is in, since she is immortal and could still be alive. - As a quick fun concept for a Catradora child, he came up with Finn, a non-binary cat kid. They may have been created with various magical ways or they got them any of the ways gay couples can have kids IRL. Catra and Adora spoil them because they want them to have all the good things they never had as kids, but Finn gets tired of this and becomes kinda bratty and rebellious (Nate describes them as a spunky kid protagonist type–the name seems to be a reference to Adventure Time.) They really look up to DT, who declared themself their mentor and auncle figure and got them interested in theater.

potato potato also another potato

hey if it works for owl house (which has an insane amount of fanfics that people have more or less accepted as canon) then it works for she-ra. It's a shame the he-man show netflix recently did never really tied in with she-ra, granted it had a VERY different tone, but still, that's where "greyskull" comes from, you'd think they'd give it a nod. I think hordak is actually in that he-man show, it's just a different version of him.

potato potato also another potato

that's a good point, I took it as a joke about accepting Hordak after he'd been their enemy for so long, but given it's placement in the very fast wrap up scene it's definitely a nod to the audience as well.

Valentina M

Lesbian kiss saved the universe! I love it!😍

Stephen Ray

Now you should watch Morgan Terry's reaction to the finale.

potato potato also another potato

probably, given American conservatives still like to accuse any representation as being an attempt to "recruit" children. Easier to have adult characters and at least somewhat sidestep that absurd accusation. That said, I recall hearing the korra studio basically tricked nickelodien into allowing Korrasami, by making two versions of korra's ending, delivering one that didn't make their relationship explicit for final approval from the execs and nickelodien censors, and actually sending the other one that did out for broadcast. By the time it was discovered it had already aired and was too late to stop it. *note: I don't actually know if this is true, but I've always hoped it was after reading the rumors, and can't be bothered to check


This show is literally a classic

potato potato also another potato

And while it's not like...overtly the point, having the religious extremist nut get annihilated by the power of gay is just delightful. Especially given the juxtaposition of the cold desolation left in Prime's wake and the color and life erupting from She-Ra after she finds love at the heart.

Willow Arkan

At least Angela knew the significance of She-ra as a force. It's hard when fan content starts to bleed into memories of the show, there's some stuff from moringmark that i could have sworn was canon to the owl house.

Porpoise Power

I love Adora's Dream character designs... soooooo much

Willow Arkan

likely same reason, the licenses are different. i think in universe greyskull was a squad that Mara was associated with.

Willow Arkan

Someone contact Moringmark and see if he'd be up for joining another fandom and putting these ideas to comics. I am assuming he wasn't in the fandom already, which may well be wrong, i know he's in korra, svtfoe and toh.

Willow Arkan

it's the first i hear about it and i was watching the show when it aired, but who knows. I know they hardly had support from the network and that it was only around season 2 into the writing of 3 that the writers found that those two might be endgame.

Jasmine Larsson

As stated above: ”Shadow Weaver died doing what she loved: traumatizing Catra.” I remember someone writing this back when season 5 aired. And damnit if it isn’t still the funniest thing I’ve read.

K Cianci

I’m so sorry for your loss.


The squad used Greyskull as a code name, but there would have to be some other source for the name to be connected to the She-Ra transformations. Of course, MOTU has an explanation, but this show had to steer clear of being too specific.


The idea of Adam (and especially the He-Man persona) being, like, Adora's dorky older brother is something I'd love to see.


Nothing says "daughterly love" like an energy blast straight to the face!


What was it I read somewhere...Korasami walked so Catradora could fly? Something like that. :D


Oh, she's definitely the "I'm doing it for their own good" type. The ones that should never be allowed anywhere around children. She actually said that to Catra at one point, didn't she? Something about how she wasn't going to apologize for "pushing Catra to achieve her potential"?


Maybe she's going barefoot now that Catra's wearing boots? Exchanging style rather than a possession? :D

Willow Arkan

Yeah, many a twitter argument used that turn of phrase along the line. Ppl underplaying or even denigrating older shows for not going as far as newer ones have been, so other try and explain how the creators did what they could and thereby pushed the overton window of television content further, paving the way for the next creator to push even further. Though as jelloapocalypse pointed out, at least that is who i first heard it from, Marcie/Velma came out around the time of Korrassami and was a bit less subtle about it, both replacing Daphne holding a heart shaped picture of Fred with Marcie holding one of Velma, as she replaced Daphne in the intro and in the end being literally roommates and calling Velma "my girl". Since then Velma has been a lot more openly queer, not referring to the unmentionable show.

Tammy Ragsdale

Your reactions to this show have been some of my favorites. For a lot of us, it's the show we had trouble letting go of. I'll be honest, I have no idea how they hook people back into the Catradora ship after all that happens, but somehow it works. All things considered, I think they did okay getting all the major plot points buttoned up. Somethings were rushed, but they hit the notes they wanted to and brought home the major themes. It was just so good, it still leaves a whole in you when it's done.

Willow Arkan

Speaking of anime, just recently finally got around to watching Utena, at least all the animated stuff. So I am not sure if it is actually related but dream Catra's outfit, especially that coat on one shoulder, made me think of Utena, the show. Plus she was the og sword lesbian.

Attila Kos

You calling Elijah right after was the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen, this was perfect in every way. You tried to stay strong for us but that facade fell apart pretty quick haha.

Vex Valor

There was a lot of really interesting articles that came out after the finale aired. Be warned they are are old, so they misgender and deadname ND, but I think they are really interesting to read because they go into how the crew got the okay to make catradora canon and how this show is a breakdown of stories where the selfless hero sacrifice, the lesbian coded villain, and redemption. Catra was redeemed because she chose to change. You cannot force someone to change who doesn't want to. Shadow Weaver was not redeemed at the end (stated by ND himself) because doing one good deed and dying is not a redemption. Another thing that he did is he flipped the script on screen kissing. Usually in shows the mf couple will get kiss scenes while the queer couples will be censored however in She-Ra not a single mf couple had an onscreen kiss and all the kiss on the lips scenes were given to same sex couples. Even the married couple Angella and Micah do not have a scene where they kiss on the lips. I am trying to locate all the articles I remember reading at the time, so I hope I found them all. I can't find the one that talked about that part, but I do remember it being talked about. I think there was also ND streams to wrap up the show that I remember watching live and maybe that's where I heard it. I do remember it was a stream where ND confirms Glimmer, Bow, Mermista, and Sea Hawk are "not straight" so it could have been then. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/she-ra-reboot-netflix-queer-creator-interview-1013623/ https://www.cbr.com/noelle-stevenson-she-ra-finale-hordak-kiss/ https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/she-ra-netflix-noelle-stevenson-shadow-weaver-interview/ https://glaad.org/exclusive-she-ra-creator-noelle-stevenson-talks-glaad-about-final-season-queer-representation/ https://www.avclub.com/do-i-read-this-as-platonic-or-romantic-behind-the-s-1843403035

Catradora fan

Mosco is now cultured 😋

Ross Jennings

"When I picked this up a year ago, I did not expect to fall in love with the show as much as I have." Ah, but you see, *we* did. I've been looking forward to this since I joined your Patreon, suspiciously, about a year ago. (Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Yeah, the lyrics are amazing. "You'll be safe in a place you matter" "(Catra) Promise me you'll never leave (Adora) Promise me you'll try"

Tsu Aloe Vera

"Come of it... you... great big fucking... pringle shaped... moron... ahhhhhh argh! I'm gonna need a lot of therapy after this!' best line ever...

Paul Steele

Hamish came out about three minutes earlier then I thought he would. How could they leave us hanging with that ending lets bring magic back then not do it :(


I think that you should totally read "Don't go" on Archive of our own if you haven't already. It was written by ND himself (correct me if I am wrong about this but I am pretty sure it was confirmed)! Their account name is Annacharlier. The story takes place on the ship when Catra just got saved and it is a really nice insight into what was going on during the months between saving Glimmer/Catra and getting back to Etheria. You could also film a reaction to it but it is a written text so unless you are reading it out loud it would be hard to film haha.

James Parry

That Elijah makes a guest appearance for "emotional support" just made my whole damn week, and it's only Monday! Just wait until S2 of Arcane comes out in November. You get Cait/Vi back!!!


AJ Michalka's "Just this once...stay" was some of the best voice acting i've come across, say what you want about Catra, but that girl loved Adora more than anything

Steve Przybylski

The phone call was absolutely precious. ❤️ And this was really beautiful; thank you so much for sharing your journey and your heart with us. FWIW, this is probably the 17th time I’ve seen this episode and it still fucking destroys me.

Void Weaver

To make it easier to find https://archiveofourown.org/works/24280306


Yeah, I've always seen her death as more of a "I'm going out on my own terms" If they failed she would have died anyway, but if they succeed she knows it's only because of her

Brett B.

We all need therapy, but that's old news.


My headcanon is that Hordak is sent to Beast Island as punishment, and Entrapta joins him since she's familiar with it already and wouldn't want her friend to be alone

Joey Quixote

Congratulations! And I'm sorry for your loss. These reactions have been a ball! This show had been sitting in my queue for years. But when I'd seen you had just begun your reactions, I decided to dive in. Couldn't be happier! Absolutely took me by surprise! A few episodes back when you were seething at Shadow Weaver and said "Can't she just... die?" I tell ya... the laugh that got outta me! Just thinking to myself "About that..." A final note, you're not gonna believe this, but a lot of people miss it. Did you know that there is a moment in episode 2 that foreshadows the finalé? Real blink and you miss it stuff. But "The Sword: Part 2" opens with what is called a "theme song". First time we hear it, but it's important. Because this song contains a very telling line, and that is: "We're gonna win in the end!" They did. They did win in the end. Boom! Longterm storytelling!

Christopher Bouzas

I love that the first and last things Scorpia does is hug Catra


"I never understood the attraction to Catra, until now... I shouldn't be feeling the way that I am" Mosco I hate to break this to you, but you might be a tad bit gay.




Yeah, i watch She-ra because of Elijah and the multiples callback during Owl House and Amphibia. like you i start the show with the inpression of : meh, i gonna give a shot...but princess of power. yeah cute. And episode after episode the show catch us a little more, and a little more. The love story, or the loves stories each have her identity, the characters was the strong of the show. The balance between serious and funny part... It's especially after Moment of truth (season 3 episode 4, when Catra open the portal and the episode finish in a total silence) that time i'm just slap in the face and speed-run the rest of the show. Like you said we need a longest episode to take time to breath a the end or a little timejup like...another great show ;) but for the main story they finish with a boom and it's great :) Great reaction, great therapy ;)


https://youtu.be/oGqqSbmpXQU?si=dpyHyeg6_9IUu3vo Here is the link to the she-ra / catdora song After The War. You should SOOO check the song out if you haven't heard it yet. Especially after you watch this final episode.

Justin Stanford



Adora killing Horde Prime is the first time someone has actually died in a Master of the Universe setting. EDIT: What I SHOULD have said was this was the first case of a hero character actively killing a villain character in a MotU setting.


The vision we get of Adora's future is so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, because we see what Adora wants for the very first time. She doesn't want to be the hero, doesn't want power or to fight, she wants a quiet, peaceful life with her family and the love of her life. We see her wear a dress and let her hair down, her hair being particularly important because we've seen it in a ponytail since she was a child, but in the vision she felt comfortable enough to let it down. I also heard a great theory about the reason that Catra wears shoes in the future being that her entire life Catra was always barefoot because it gave her an advantage while fighting, but Adora's wish is for Catra to feel comfortable and safe enough that she doesn't even think about fighting anymore. Those are the reasons that scene is probably one of my favorites in the entire show.


The writers really said “let’s save the world with the power of gay.” Catra's last line "of course I'm going with you dummy" makes me emotional every single time, because in episode 2, when Adora asked her to come with her and Catra took that as a betrayal, but by the end it's a no-brainer that of course she would go with her.


I was not at all ready for this show to end either. It's a shame we didn't get a season of Catra and Adora officially being together, but at least we have plenty of great fanfics that no one can convince me aren't canon. In fact, at least one is pretty obviously written by ND Stevenson themselves. Here's the link if you haven't checked it out. https://www-wattpad-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.wattpad.com/amp/903020792?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17114474256012&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wattpad.com%2F903020792-don%2527t-go-catradora-don%2527t-go


Adora: Dying Catra: No, don't die, I love you! Adora: "Hey, Catra" I love that scene, and the vision of the future where Glimmer and Bow are sharing Angella's earrings, and Catra's wearing Adora's Badge is so good too. I'm really gonna miss your reactions to the "useless sapphics" that is Catradora. One of my favorite series you've done. But at least we have a lot more Harlivy coming up. And as a wise man once said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."


First, sorry for leaving so many comments, I just had to get all my thoughts out there. Second, Don't worry, we all cried when it ended. I still can't watch it without sheading a tear. Your conversation with Elijah over the phone is so adorable and heartbreaking. At least we have a ton of fanfics, especially the canon "Don't Go" to ease the pain. It's been a wild ride this past year, watching you fall in love with the show and it's characters. I hope you find another series you love just as much some day. Take care.🫂 PS are you planning any followup videos related to She-Ra?


Shadow Weaver: I don't care how big the room is. I said "I cast fireball!!"

Whiskey Jak

Methinks the Wee Lass doth protest too much...


you know what they say, if you love your job, you never work a day in your life.

Whiskey Jak

One of the more popular comments on reactions to ShadowWeaver's sacrifice is that her last act was to give Catra and Adora the need for a lifetime of therapy. I don't think she meant to-I think that's genuinely who she was as a person. That said, I agree with ND Stevenson's comment that neither Adora nor Catra actually forgave her. SW was emphatically NOT redeemed.

Whiskey Jak

Adding... "Why am I sweating so much?" Yeah, I always wonder the same thing about myself. And, more specifically, why do I sweat so effusively from my eyeballs? Do you think it's a medical condition?

Whiskey Jak

I would add Mathematic Pony's Just This Once to the must-see list of She Ra post S5 videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N15w51wgcmc

Whiskey Jak

I get your objection, but I think it's actually totally in character for Scorpia (the best girl EVAH)-she not only doesn't hold grudges, she is instantly on board with forgiveness and unconditional love. She would probably even have forgiven ShadowWeaver (which I could never do.)

Porpoise Power

It really depends on how you define killing... Hordak pretty much ended the life of Horde Prime's vessel before being taken over by HP's essence. And I'm not sure if the essence is 'alive' enough to be killed when she destroyed it.


I understand what you're saying, and I also think to some extent that the reason Perfuma was the one to confront Catra on her behaviour with Scorpia was because Scorpia would not have confronted Catra herself, given that she indeed doesn't hold grudges. However, what made Scorpia's character arc beautiful to me was that it was a journey about loyalty, and that's what made that part of the finale sour to me. From s1 to the beginning of s4, Scorpia's eager to prove to Catra that she'll stay by her side and that one day, Catra will eventually acknowledge that she stayed while Adora didn't, and basically accepts all of Catra's BS to the point of her being miserable. She does so because she views loyalty as a fundamental part of her idendity (I remember her saying in the Princess Scorpia episode "that's what scorpions do, loyal, great hugs", she even said "I'm loyal, that's my WHOLE thing"). However it is made clear throughout the show that the reason she is willing to let everything slide is not only because she's good at heart : it's also because she is convinced that she doesn't deserve better, that she cannot ask for better. You see it when she tells the fake story of her grandpa giving willingly the black garnet to the horde and presents it as the best thing he could have done, or when she repeatedly says that she won't fit amongst the other princesses : she finds value in accepting situations, eventually hoping they will improve if she's compliant enough, rather than actively changing them. Until Entrapta, who is a turning point in her understanding of loyalty. Entrapta, as she puts it, is the first real friend she's ever had, because she's the first one (ahah) who treated her nicely, and that's when she discovers that loyalty is valuable not as a personality trait, but because it is given and earned through actions : understanding why one person behaves the way they do and having compassion for them cannot justify loyalty by itself. It takes her time to fully come to that conclusion and stick to it, but that's what she does when she says to Catra "you're a bad friend" and then leaves. I agree with you that Scorpia doesn't hold grudges, and even when she delivers that line, you can tell that she's not even mad, she is both sad and certain. She has understood that staying loyal to someone constantly mistreating her and taking her for granted is not a noble thing to do, it's a flaw. Her leaving didn't take anything from Scorpia's huge heart, neither did it make her suddenly hold grudges : she still loved Catra when she did it, she still understood Catra when she did it, and I don't even think that she pictured the situation in terms of forgiveness. She just understood the situation and came to the conclusion that sometimes, leaving is the best thing you can do. So, in conclusion, I would have absolutely agreed that Scorpia hugging Catra after everything that happened was in character if it were s1/ s2/s3 Scorpia, but not s5 Scorpia; who had understood this valuable lesson, who had finally developped a sense of confidence and self-worth thanks to her new bonds in the princess Alliance, who stopped hugging people out of the blue and started to communicate better (one scene I really like in season 5 is the one she has with sad Swiftwind looking at the stars for Adora : she waits for SwiftWind to talk and lean in before hugging him, instead of immediately doing so like she would have in past seasons), and especially, who did not even know that Catra had joined the rebellion. As an audience, we forget that because we've followed Catra the entire season, but there was absolutely no way that Scorpia could have known Catra's change of allegeance, nor Catra working on being worthy of Scorpia's friendship and loyalty. Now, I'd like to think that Perfuma had time to sum it up to her off-screen, but it is abundantly clear that she didn't : the only interaction we see between Scorpia and Perfuma after Scorpia was unchipped was "Wa, Perfuma, you look great", so also clearly the first. So how could she deduce only from Catra walking towards her and "Hey Scorpia, look I..." that Catra wasn't "a bad friend" anymore ? She logically couldn't, and that's why her hugging Catra felt like a huge step back to me, of Scorpia just falling back into her old understanding of loyalty, being "I'm gonna stay by that person's side even if she made no sign of changing her attitude towards me, because I'm always there, that's what I am". Now, I ofc don't think that being cold to Catra would have been s5 Scorpia either,but I would have been really content if she, first, just let Catra say what she had to say, instead of hugging her when the only thing Catra managed to say was "Hey Scorpia, look I ...", smiled to her and said somehow that she was happy they could give their friendship another shot. It would have left a beautiful open ending and could have absolutely worked with the little time Nate was given to wrap this all up.

James Parry

"WHY AM I SWEATING SO MUCH?!?!" I die laughing every time at that moment. I know I shouldn't because it's a very emotional moment, but the delivery was just choice!

Luis Albores

So... Hordak attacking Prime... Shadow Weaver destroys the monster... Entrapta creates the antidote code for the chips... Scorpia breaks the conection at the Best moment... Catra's strenght and love saves Adora and, of course, Adora sabes the universe. In the end it was the Horde who got the job done. Give the Horde training a Little credit, please... Seriously. I LOVE THIS SHOW. it's My favourite animates show ever. And i loved your reactions (enough For joining in a Patreon account For the first time in My life). So thanks for this ride.


I know the ending is kinda bittersweet because we just want MORE. But honestly we were lucky to get this much gay and actually have the show make it to the last season before getting canceled. I think a lot of critics don't understand that this is a starting point in the healing process. Now that Prime is gone they aren't in survival mode anymore. And Catra and Adora in particular are going to need YEARS of therapy to deal with their issues. But their in a place where they can do it together. Also S6 slice of life yes pleaaaaseeee 🥺🥺🥺


And thank you so much to reacting this this show. It's my favorite thing ever and it has been such an amazing ride getting to see you enjoy it and go through all the emotions. And you even picked up on things that I wasn't even aware of! And you're right, there's something about She-Ra that just hits different. Dynamic characters, complex themes, emotionally devastating and beautiful all at the same time. Just brilliant. I have a couple of fan made recommendations ill leave. But this animatic is my favorite piece of She-Ra fan art in existence https://youtu.be/6iiZeoOERZY?si=xmqqLzmoCeSJAeTs Oh. And as far as fan fictions go on Ao3. "Don't Go" by Annacharlier was written by Nate and are missing scenes on Darla from S5 ep 5&6. If you're going to read any She-Ra fic. It's that one. Personal recommendation from me. "Claws In Your Back" by Revolutionofyellow. It follows Catra's POV in scenes before, during, and after the show and It's a fucking BRILLIANT portrayal of Catra and her mindset and inner turmoil. Also the YouTube channel Five by Five Takes has AMAZING analysis and break down videos of She-Ra,


Every day that goes by I miss She-Ra a little bit more. This series taught me how to love myself (I struggled with accepting my sexuality for decades) and that I deserve love too. This series also made me realize how toxic my mom was through Shadow Weaver and how I don't want to pass on the cycle of abuse that she inherited from her mother, Nate Stevenson crafted an epic reboot that made me see the world in a different, more hopeful light. Thank you Nate, your work saved my life.


I'm very proud of you Mosco, I would have embarassed myself endlessly if I'd tried to watch this on camera,

Gracee Lewis

Therapy is always needed after finishing she ra therapy in fan fiction The look on your face when Elijah said you're still recording it was priceless


I must say one of the biggest things I learned from watching every reaction Mosco did for She-Ra is that she has a lot more in common with Catra than she'd probably like to admit.

Rían Laudano

i love that they never actually redeem shadow weaver. it showed that catra and her are different bc one worked to process her trama and undo her wrongs while the other never changed and sacrificed her self out of selfishness bc she knew that adora would never allow her to have any of the magic but she also cared enough about magic and the world to know that there was no other option than to make them go to the heart without her


Thank you so much fir these reactions. You're the first ever account I've joined a patreon for. Seeing you go from loving to hating to loving catra again, it was like I was watching it for the first time again. And I agree with you. We want more. But atleast we got 5 seasons right? Sending love and hugs so we can bothe get through this.


In the artists' headcanon (and basically actual canon by the final season), when two Etherians wish to declare a serious relationship, they exchange pieces of jewelry or other significant items. Notice that Adora and future Catra are wearing clothing modeled after each other's designs...


Agreed. Her "You're welcome" was one last stab at creating a sense of bonding gratitude. A never-ending sense of debt to her.


It started with Hordak and Adora. Then it became Shadow Weaver, Adora, and Catra. Then it became Adora, Bow, and Glimmer. Then it reversed itself in the climax, bring the story full circle in its participants. Like others before me, I do not believe Shadow Weaver's sacrifice was also a redemption. She was, as you said, manipulative to the end. Even her "you're welcome" was more about creating a sense of everlasting debt. Her legacy. But I also felt Catra's and Adora's grief. For all the abuse, Shadow Weaver was still their mother-figure. I'm in my forties... and I bawled shamelessly through these last two episodes. I've been in Catra's place... came from a place of abuse, became an abuser, realized my fuck-up, and have done my best to break that fucking chain. There's no Adora in my life... so maybe it was just the wishful thinking that hit so hard... but even so, that is a testament to the writers, animators, and voice actors that made this cartoon series resonate so hard with so many of us. And this from someone who also resisted watching a show that was obviously slathered in pretty "girly" pastels and sparkles because I'm a t-shirt, mens jeans, strong dark earth colors-wearing lesbian. But then I had to watch because the internet was leaking excitement over the building tension between Catra and Adora... and have rewatched the series several times over since. I also wish there was another season, or at least a movie... but at the same time, I am happy. This story did so much, telling a story that wasn't so much about a hero in the making... but in the healing of two very abused young women who took very different paths to find that healing... who lost their faiths and rebuilt new, healthier ones... who, in the end, realized what they each wanted. And found it.


Other notes... the attention to good/bad physical contacts. The attention to light/dark and music. The various forms of sacrifice. Catra confessing her love as an explanation, without hope of reciprocation. The fact that there's not a clear definition between "friendship love" and "romantic love"... rather than basing on sexual attraction, it's more about a level of personal and emotional dedication and intimacy. And also... all the implications of the repeated phrase, "Please, stay."


The many parallels between the beginning and ending of the show continue to impress me. That's one that I missed!


I second the recommendation of this particular "fanfiction". (Is it fanfiction if the original author wrote it...?)


Every time I rewatch this show I sob at the end. You did better than me for sure haha.